Chapter 58

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Lucci's P.O.V
As Lucci was trying to get Luna to tell him what was happening he had decided to call the CP0 agents that were watching the fight and suppose to arresting Nico Robin.

"Have you arrested Nico Robin yet?" He spoke with a serious and stern voice.

"No and we will need to leave soon." The lead agent spoke as he looked around they defeated Drake and one of Apoo's lackey's.

"Why is that?" Lucci had spoke he was getting irritated since Luna had gone quiet giving him the cold shoulder but he could feel her excitement and he knew that she was still alright at least.

"All of Kaido's major players have been defeated." The agent spoke as he looked around at the damage. "We defeated X-Drake and one of Apoo's companions; but Apoo took that chance and got away from us."

Lucci was shocked when he heard that even King was defeated and he knew the person fighting him had been Zoro. He had learnt it from Luna before she decided to go quiet on him; he figured that the reason she felt happy was new's of Zoro's win had reached her. He frowned...the attacking pirate crews had gone past what was humanly possible and it to a point scared Lucci.

All of the crews were becoming truly fearsome and if or when Kaido and Big Mama lost then; it would come down to Shanks and Teach being the only two Yonko's left for the pirates to get rid of. "Are you certain that the major players have all fallen?"

"Yes; the attacking crews have wounded that are back and fighting. We also lost an agent here as well...killed by Luna D. Evermore; I assume her bounty will go up."

Lucci frowned he couldn't let her carry the guilt of one of her fallen brother in arms. "No from what we had gathered watching that fight; that agent had used his seal trying to self heal and in the end cause his own death. Beware...Luna D. Evermore is no longer a B rank assassin of her island; she is now classed at A rank. Keep your guards up at this rank even she is on par if not past those of us; he was still her brother in arms she'll be set on making sure that none of you's make it out of there without a doubt she's got her sights set on the world government falling."

"Understood; how long till you all arrive here? The buildings are burning even if they defeat Kaido the pirates chances of leaving are slim to nothing."

Lucci smirked darkly. "We're close start leaving if you get a chance to capture Nico Robin then do it; other then that just leave the mission is complete we don't need any other casualties."

Luna's P.O.V
I had blocked out Lucci when I got word that Drake was defeated by the CP agents and I was ticked at more then just them but at Lucci. He could have told them to back down but didn't...I didn't have the time now to deal with him as I blocked our bond from here on out I would keep quiet but make sure he would know that I was alive and that's it.

As I was helping to get wounded tended too and pushing our people forward I used my visual haki when I heard an explosion from where Zoro had been fighting. When I looked I was shocked to see King had been defeated and grinned, I knew Zoro would be able to defeat King.

I motioned to Nami I was going to check on Zoro and she nodded her head as I took off and didn't give anyone a chance to attack me I swung my blade and brought down a few more pirates no one that was a problem to deal with. I landed near the sight Zoro had been fighting to double make sure that King was down and it made me wonder what had drove King to come this far and be this strong.

"You going to stay up there all day and looking around Luna?" Zoro spoke as he looked to me while holding two of his blades.

I jumped down using Geppo and landed besides Zoro looking at his wounds and saw no one else near us as I took out a small package with medical gear. "Sorry I was just making double sure that your fight was done. Sanji won his fight and is still himself; although he passed out afterwards."

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