Chapter 26

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had been keeping an eye on Luna and when she pushed forward through the battle he was proud of his woman. She was fighting off enemy numbers like nothing; she knew when she could and couldn't use certain moves or she wouldn't use those moves. She was picking her fights wisely and was also keeping an eye on her crew and those fighting with them.

'Anything on Luffy yet?' Lucci spoke he had been curious when he didn't hear about Luffy or even seen him fighting.

'Nothing yet; I have faith in Law's crew to keep him alive. Last I checked Kaido was fighting his own daughter; she's coming under our colours.' Luna spoke happily.

Lucci was surprised but then he thought of when they found out about Sanji and that he is a Vinsmoke there was no hatred; their crew went and fought to bring him back. They didn't resent him for who is was; all that mattered was that he was where he belonged on their crew going for his dreams.

'There is no hatred among your crew; that's why no one cares about your pasta or who your families are or...'

'Or who we are in love with; your the man I love Lucci and my crew, friends, and family have accepted that. Don't you see? We just don't care about one another's pasts; we only worry about the present and future that we want. But to have that future we need to emperors like Kaido and Big Mom to fall, we need to defeat the government so that not just pirates can have freedom but those that are enslaved to those damned so called Celestial Dragons...I'm done with those pieces of trash.' Luna spoke seriously as she fought and her conquerors haki made those within a ten foot radius and her enemy all pass out.

Lucci frowned as he remembered what Luna said happened on Dawn Island. 'Then take away their protection; they rely on the government to protect them from anything but they will pay those low scum pirates to do their dirty work for them. If a time ever comes that you and your crew have to fight the government or Celestial Dragon's then my love you already know where I will be.'

'I know; if you ever wanted to walk away from that life style then your more then welcome to join us. I don't know if I ever told you or not; but there are some current members of the marines that support my crew. It's not just Garp, but there are two young guns...Koby and Axe Morgan's son...Helmoppo I believe is his name.'

Lucci was surprised; he had met Koby and the blonde that was always wearing the visors. The pink haired boy had made rank to captain in only two years showing how much he was devoted but who would know that Luna had a connection to Koby.

'Alright you have me kitten; how the hell do you know Koby and his first mate?' Lucci spoke amused.

'Myself and Luffy met Koby when Lady Alvira were raiding a cruising ship and well myself and Luffy were in a barrel when the pirates dragged us out and Koby was there. Long story short we saved him and he helped us to find Zoro; the day we left after the fight with Morgan and Helmoppo...I called Garp and asked him to take Koby under his wing. That boy is devoted and I want him to be able to come after us and show us just how strong he has become.'

Lucci chuckled softly. 'Your heroes in his eyes; you are all inspirations.'

Luna's P.O.V
I playfully rolled my eyes at Lucci's words. 'I'm going to agree with Luffy; we're not heroes that means we share with everyone. No we still take what we want but...our nakama and fleet come first.'

As I was fighting my snail rang and I answered. "Luna speaking; what's the news on Luffy?"

"He's awake; we left him with those that escaped earlier he was saying meat so we're assuming he was hungry...but he's alive."Penguin spoke.

I smiled and dealt with another opponent seeing Robin and Brook dealing with the woman that had made Sanji call for Robin's help.

"Well done Penguin and thank you to you and your crew I knew You's could save my captain; what does it look like from down there? What's going on?" I spoke.

Penguin spoke with the crew before answering. "The skull that your all fighting in is still in the air; from what we can see there looks like there's a massive battle on top of the skull. How's our captain have you seen him?"

"Last I checked he was talking to Kidd and I haven't seen either one for a bit; it's hell in here we're all basically fighting on top of each other." I used Hell Dancer and sent an attack which brought down another couple dozen members from the enemy numbers.

"How badly is everyone? From what Luffy said it sounded like Big Mama gave those who fought her and Kaido together a good few jolts and hits."

"Yeah they both harmed us good; and I believe Kidd and Law were the closest to Big Mama they were going to try and deal with her. Listen be alert for any marine ships of any kind; we found out from my mate that there are members of Cipher Pole Zero here somewhere in the lowest levels. We know their waiting for the numbers to wane and whoever is alive their going to go for the kill; make sure we don't have any ships that can do Buster Call." I was only being cautious since this was something that the marines and government would want to get under control as soon as they could.

I took off fighting again and spun barely missing getting a blade into my back and heard a very serious snarl in my mind and knew that it was Lucci. Is was very rare that was ever this pissed off and I knew it was because the man in front of me was a former member years ago of the marines and had killed many innocent people...the worse part...he came from my island but had been banished a year before our home was destroyed.

My eyes narrowed and I held my blade to his throat. "So the monster runs to the cover of another monster; what did you tell those bastards to get out home destroyed?!"

The man smirked darkly and soon he drew his sword and both of us were haki users and I blocked his swing as he sent me sliding back.

"Easy I told the government that our so called island and people were going to attack the government; that it was there doing that night the marine ship with all those weapons was stolen from, men all killed and their ship sunk." Ryker the assassin from my home spoke and he was smirking and it let me know he was the one who brought that ship down.

I clutched my blade as I took a calm breath and felt Lucci reach out to help me keep calm. "You lied cause the elders kicked you out; because you killed those who never deserved to die! It was your mistake to come here; I'm going to enjoy this."

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