Chapter 17

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Luna's P.O.V
The place was crazy with the amount of fighting going on; I heard that many of those that left from Kaido's crew were actually under the command of Queen. The one that was currently fighting against Sanji; I knew my friends were alright I could tell that the enemy couldn't figure out why we weren't was alright for them to think that Luffy was dead since they would get a surprise that they wouldn't be ready for.

I looked to Law at one point and smirked seeing that his crew had found Luffy in the water and slightly nodded my head understanding that they would help out Luffy. I connected blades with one of their swordsman and I smirked.

"What's the smirk about little girl?" The man spoke mockingly. "Glad your captain is gone?"

"Not at all; I'm loyal to death for my captain...I just wonder how Kaido got so many weak people in his command to not see that you will loose today." Hell Dancer's blade was black against my opponent and when I moved I could see a faint glimmer of red as I fought my opponent.

I cursed when myself and Jinbei ended up back to back against our opponents and we moved as I saw the attack and was shocked. "That attack..."

"It's from the six powers Luna; be on alert." Jimbei spoke as he fought his former CP opponent. "Any idea on how to defeat this man Luna?"

I deflected my opponent and concentrated. "Even if I used my haki and sea prism we would still have one hell of a fight; six powers is strong abilities but the downside is...those of CP with devil fruit were taught how to fight against the weaknesses of their devil fruit. The stronger the user the longer they can usually last." I disarmed my opponent and knocked him out as I sent him flying before standing besides Jimbei.

The man was in his hybrid form against us which reminded me of a lion almost.

I didn't like it that this man was as strong as Lucci and I soon heard a snarl in my mind

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I didn't like it that this man was as strong as Lucci and I soon heard a snarl in my mind. 'Is it true? Was he once apart of you? What happened?'

'Yes Luna he was once apart of us and twelve years ago on a marine ship he was guarding a devil fruit you and your crew along with many of your followers and friends all know as well. The marine ship had been attacked by pirates and the devil fruit was stolen by them...this man was sent to Impel down for failing as he was blamed; the devil fruit was the Gum Gum fruit.' Lucci spoke darkly but seriously as I felt myself pale.

Jimbei and I were both shocked as the man confirmed by telling Jimbei that he was indeed the CP member that Jimbei remembered and I knew exactly who stole the fruit that day.

I felt my quiver in it's sheathe and knew that Hell Dancer was feeling what I felt and as I touched it I concentrated my haki. "You know nothing of our captain; you lot underestimate us... it looks like the gifted have turned their backs on you's cause of that sweet little girl. If your going to blame anyone for being weak and failing then blame yourself trash and those against us today will fall and burn I'll make sure of that."

I dodged again with Jimbei and swung my blade and connected with the man that just insulted my captain and moved as Jimbei used an attack and sent him flying.

"Shall we finish this fight together Jimbei?" I looked to the former warlord with a soft smile on my lips as I saw him nod his head frowning.

"That would be a good plan in order to win this fight; we'll do this together Luna." Jimbei said as he got ready as well.

'Remember what myself and CP9 taught you Luna; he's going to be a tough opponent but you have the training from your island, my group, Mihawk and Red Haired Pirates. Show him what he will never have my love; show him my kitten.' Lucci spoke.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci was en route on a marine ship along with CP members from his new and old crew. He wasn't going to let anyone not even a former agent lay a hand on Luna.

Lucci had his eyes closed as he was relaxing in his seat waiting to hear when a call came and he smirked when the CP on Wano confirmed the Gifts were turning and attacking along with those that they commanded. They were helping the Straw Hats but Lucci had yet to hear if Luffy was truly alive or not.

He looked up when Jabra walked in with Kaku they were both just as alert but Lucci knew that Jabra was like a brother to Luna since they both got along and Jabra would listen easily to her.

'Anything on Luffy yet my love?' He had grabbed his drink that sat on the table in front of him and felt the waves around the ship getting stronger by the minute.

'Nothing yet; I can only pray that everything is alright and that Law's crew can save him. Law trained his entire crew to be able to help with anything medical along with their jobs he was genius on that I promise.' Luna and Jimbei split up fighting their opponent and when Jimbei distracted him Luna attacked and sent him flying hard across the room hearing growling. 'What the hell is his devil fruit?'

'Reminds me of a lion with the way he looks.' Lucci spoke and he smirked when he got to see a video  from one of their snails as he watched alert.

'Or is this from MADS? Or that damned Smiley plantation that Doflamingo had been running for Kaido. This man is dirty; it doesn't matter who they force the fruit into and if something happens to them then they could care less.' Luna used her armour haki to reduce the damage that she would have received if she didn't have her haki. 'Any idea on how my friends are doing?'

'Looks like the little girl with Nami and Usopp managed to get through to everyone which thankfully you all needed. How many enemy numbers were against your numbers?'

Cora thought quickly as she was fighting and cursed when she saw Jimbei get hurt. "Jimbei!!"

"I'm alright Luna concentrate your standing against him easier then I am." Jimbei got up but was already badly beaten up from earlier from fighting.

I nodded my head and cursed softly as I barely dodged another attack. 'He's quick babe.'

'Your faster Luna; we both know you can be quicker and you have one more card up your sleeve. Use that haki.' Lucci spoke as he had been watching the snail and quietly cursed seeing the damaged that all those in the allies had sustained and he finally saw Luna and saw how badly harmed she was and he growled under his breath.

Lucci remembered that during the two years she had been training she had been jumped but a low life crew of pirates thinking they could win. He had been on scene quickly and helped Luna to win but she had been stabbed that had scared Lucci considering she lost a good amount of her blood and had been unconscious for a few days.

He had stayed near her bed while she had been healing and when she was awake he had been greatly relieved. Lucci hadn't been lying when he said he would walk away from CP just to spend his life with Luna; her dreams were also his as well and her happiness was his...when she had been cleared to train again then he had those from CP9 help to train her.

When he would leave for missions with Kaku and his new group those from the old CP9 would travel with Luna and Shanks as Shanks had agreed that with Luna's position she needed all the training she could get for future battles. She was a quick study and would always find a way to make moves work for her even against bigger and stronger opponents.

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