Chapter 2

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Luna's P.O.V
I watched as we all fought and I kept working off of Killer as we kept both ourselves, our crews and our captains safe. At one point I used my haki at one point and knocked down thirty opponents at once.

Killer was impressed and he saw that I was panting heavily. "How many times can you use your haki like that in a day?"

"I'm not sure; I think this was the fourth time but the more opponents that I use my haki on the quicker I drain myself." Hurrying and gasped when it felt like the island was moving and I stopped as many of us lost balance. "What the hell?"

Killer and I looked confused and saw our crew mates hurrying with all of us following and I cursed and saw Nami with the girl and I caught Nami as she started falling. "Gotcha."

"Thanks Luna; this is Kaido's daughter she's gone against him she's helping to stop her father." Nami spoke and I looked to her.

"Well so long as she doesn't attack us and is helping then I'll gladly let her help us." I got them moving and I spun bringing my fingers to my lips and gave a sharp whistle to my crew. "Finish your fights and let's push forward! Let's show them you don't mess with us!"

"RIGHT!!" They all yelled and started going all out in their fights not holding back with their opponents and soon they were catching up.

"Strawhat!" I heard a male voice yelling to Luffy and I looked to Zoro as he caught up and we both took off and I stopped seeing X-Drake protecting Luffy from Apoo and Zoro joined in.

I cursed dodging an attack that Apoo aimed at me and I swung my blade using my haki and smirked as I sent him flying back towards Zoro and Drake as they finished dealing with him.

I followed Luffy and saw that we were outside along with Killer, Kidd, Law and eventually Zoro joined us. I stopped and felt pissed seeing the samurai were all badly wounded. "What did he do to them?"

"Stay here Luna." Luffy walked over ignoring Kaido and Big Mama shocking them as Luffy kneeled checking on them. "Law bring them underground." Knowing the rest of our people were underground dealing with matters there.

Big Mama and Kaido were talking smack as we watched Law transport the samurai so that they could get aid and I stood besides Zoro tapping my blade ticked.

"Talking smack about all of us and our captain; that's how the weak speak." I spoke with a lazy tone and smirked when they got pissed off.

Kaido growled and myself, Luffy and Zoro were all ready for whatever came next both myself and Zoro had our hands on our blades as we watched Luffy bring his haki to his arm.

"Luffy's going to put him flat in his ass." I spoke and Zoro smirked.

"Would you except any less from our captain Luna?" Zoro looked to me as he stood on my right with his hand resting on his blade handles.

"No I wouldn't; put captain is capable of bringing Kaido and Big Mama to their knee's. But...he doesn't have to fight them alone." I spoke loud enough for Luffy to hear and saw a playful smirk as he punched Kaido sending him flying.

Kidd was shocked watching. "There's a way to beat Kaido?!"

I chuckled and looked back to Kidd nodding my head. "Yeah Luffy got a new haki back on the other island; thankfully it can help with a situation like this."

I smirked as I took off with Zoro and Killer as we drew our blades Zoro attacked from the left, Killer the middle and I took the right as my blade had a gleam live raven feathers. "Reaper slash!" I smirked when us three landed our hits and noticed Zoro and Killer were talking. "Move it you two! Luffy keep your eyes on the prize!"

"Damn it Luna I know! She's right though Luffy their both emperors of the sea!" Zoro dodged along with myself and Killer and saw all our captains using their haki.

I landed hearing Kidd was using Punk Rotten, Luffy was Kong Gun and Law was using his room but the amount of damage they would do even had my hair standing on end and I smirked letting Lucci see as all three captains attacked Kaido together.

I was amazed watching how the captains could pull together after they had been arguing between each other only moments before. "Brings back memories from Sabaody when they all fought the marines together."

"Heh your not wrong; Kidd back then wanted to see the crazy StrawHat that so many people were talking about but we thought you weren't there until you's made it to shore and then arrived at the auction house. Your crew may have been divided and wanting to help but the minute Luffy came you all went from this tense group that didn't know what they were going to do and became this crew that all of a sudden could take on the world and anyone or anything that got in your way you would bring to the ground burning. Our generation have all worked hard to prove ourselves and yet your crew has never once killed anyone you just defeat them and what shatter their dreams? Why?" Killer spoke standing back with Zoro and myself watching the trio fighting against Kaido and waiting for an opening for us.

I hummed softly as I looked to Zoro and both of us remembered the first time we met and I could help but chuckle as Zoro smiled before I spoke. "Because if you let someone die that's too easy; they don't get the chance to live to see all their hopes, dreams and ambitions broken. We keep them alive and do just that; they can change their ways or they can come after us again which is fine by us."

"Luffy has brought us all into his crew wether by choice or pushing us to want to join. There's something about Luffy and that something is what has got us wanting to put it all on the line for Luffy cause like Robin said once before Luffy is our Ace in the hole. We all have dreams and future ambitions and here we are cause of Luffy; and when things get hard among the crew like with fighting or we're hurting we also have Luna who will listen and stay with us for as long as she needs too. Our crew wouldn't be complete if one of us was missing hence why Luna, Luffy, Brook, Nami all went to get Sanji back." Zoro spoke seriously as he kept his eye on the fighting but I knew that spoke with honesty.

I listened and smiled softly closing my eyes and heard Lucci purring knowing he was happy with how this fight was going and with what Zoro just said.

"What about you Luna? What do you think of the crew and nakama that your surrounded by?" Moving along with myself and Zoro as an attack came at us thankfully we were all quick to move and land in a new spot.

I thought of everything that has happened since this crew formed and I smiled softly. "What is there to say? Well I know that if I were to go back and do this all again I wouldn't hesitate to have them all on this crew we are a family. We don't always look like we have a fighting plan but we don't need it so long as we got a silent rhythm together; this was it you said it to Brook the day he joined Zoro? One hell of a crew?" I smiled and heard Zoro chuckle and nod his head when Killer chuckled softly as well.

"Well then if we want to continue being able to fight besides and against one another in the future we should then make sure that we defeat Kaido and Big Mom here and now. We have a chance of winning thanks to your captain you two." Killer moved and he took his blade out of their gauntlets again as we dodged attacks and debris.

I thought about what I said and I knew that it was the right words to say; there was no one else that I would lay my life down aside from my crew and mate and his team. All our gates were bound together but at the same time we made our own fate and so long as we were together and alive then we were going to do whatever it took to make Luffy the King of Pirates.

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