Chapter 93

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Team Luffy & Lucci's P.O.V's
Luffy, Jimbei and Chopper were shocked as people ran past them screaming, Luffy had Bonney on his right shoulder passed out. Luffy could hear the people screaming that they were under attack, others wondering why Cipher Pole was fighting here on the island.

"AAH!!! ROB LUCCI!!!" Chopper screamed

Jimbei couldn't believe it and was shocked. "They're serious about getting rid of Vegapunk?!"

"Pigeon Guy!! What are you doing here?!" Luffy yelled mad.

Lucci had shifted back to his human form and even he was glaring back at Luffy.

'Lucci don't you dare think of it; starting a fight with my captain now can lead to an incident. You know that could get you in major trouble.' Luna spoke mentally to Lucci, she didn't want to see anything happen to him no matter how much of enemies they were.

Lucci ignored Luna and felt her irritated at him as he spoke to Luffy. "This is a government island."

"Good point!! We're the ones who shouldn't be here!! C'mon, Luffy, Let's get out of here and go on up!!" Chopper exclaimed trying to get Luffy moving.

Kaku had to speak up of course seeing the few Straw Hats but he was aware from Lucci that Luna was on the island and was ready for a fight. "It's the Straw Hat crew! Those dastardly villains. And Jewelry Bonney too. But don't attack them Lucci!! Now that Straw Hat is one of the four emperors...we cannot fight without approval from above!!"

"Take Bonney, Jimbei." Luffy carefully handed Bonney over to Jimbei.

"Careful." Jimbei spoke as he took over carrying Bonney.

"Yes, each emperor has an entire operation beneath them. A little skirmish here could lead to a war. Inform the navy at once." Stussy commented and commanded a soldier.

Luffy headed their way and was shocked to see Atlas destroyed and it made him mad for what Lucci had done, it made him mad that Atlas was like that after making sure Luffy and the other three had gotten food. Luffy couldn't get over how Lucci had hurt a child and when he asked Chopper to help Atlas all Chopper figured that it was more up Franky's alley.

"I understand that would be bad to fight. However...don't interfere with this. It's an internal matter." Lucci commented and then spoke mentally to Luna. 'That includes you as well kitten, I will get to you.'

'You think you and your wannabe assassins can get to me? I'd like to see you try.' Luna's voice came in was calm, cold, confident. 'You call yourselves assassin's, but your really not, your just weapons for the government and Celestial Dragons to command as they see fit. Real assassins have morals, you do not, Real assassin's get paid. Real assassin's don't keep all the money they make on a job they give back to the world, Real assassin's don't show their faces or show boat like you's...your not assassin's your just wannabe's. You want to see what an assassin is? Then I'll be glad to show you Rob Lucci of Cipher Pole 0.' Luna blocked the bond and Lucci mentally cursed not knowing what he just started with Luna. "Kaku, Stussy be alert, she's watching and something tells me this time we might have a problem with Luna."

Kaku frowned as himself and Stussy stayed back as Lucci started fighting Luffy. "What did he do now?"

"Maybe she's done playing around, Lucci might have just made us an enemy we don't or won't be able to handle. One who'll be out for payback." Stussy commented and watched the fight start as she sighed shaking her head slightly.

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