Chapter 77

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Luna's P.O.V
I was having fun with my crew as we were celebrating from winning the fight and owning this island...well more like for winning this island back for the people. I noticed that Robin hadn't been seen and I took out my snail and called her. I waited for the third ring as it got picked up on the other end and I smiled softly.

"Hello Luna is something up?"

"Yeah wondering where you are; you should be here enjoying yourself with the rest of us Robin."

"I promise I'll come join once I'm done exploring and reading the poneglyph; are you enjoying yourself Luna?"

I went to speak when I stopped and watched Luffy and Kaido's daughter running down the strength with food in their mouths as I giggled. "Yeah I'm having fun Robin; their planning on having fire works tonight you should come join us and have fun as well. Heck we can find Nami for some girl time."

Robin chuckled. "I do my best to come join everyone; and Lucci you know you need to talk to him. I'm sure I'm not the only person who noticed that there are times your looking miserable, we understand and I know he'll want to hear your voice as well."

"Last I checked their signals are jammed and he's not responding to me mentally at the moment. It feels weird not being able to hear or feel him, it's like I'm in a dark place without my other half there to keep me safe and warm." I spoke and was mentally trying again to get Lucci to talk but once again my plea's didn't get through and it made me uneasy.

"Keep trying Luna; just don't exhaust yourself too much. Maybe go join the others and let yourself relax; he'll find a way to get to you somehow." Robin replied and I smiled as we hung up and I heard the news seagull and I smiled catching a new book along with a package and was curious as I walked to the ship and stayed off of it as I opened the package and smiled softly seeing that Lucci had sent me new clothes that he no doubt had ordered.

He knew what I liked and he knew my clothes sizes as well; but he had bought clothes for me and I stopped as I saw a little note and smiled softly opening it. 'Luna, I'm hoping these find you quickly kitten. I'm proud that you and your nakama have won. I figured you might want something a little different and to hide your wounds till their healed enough to be shown; I'm alright I have been checking on you and listening to your thoughts. I'm alright as well along with the group they were all worried for you and supported you and your nakama as well; don't worry we will soon see one another as well and woman I fricken love you to the ends of the world. The book sent with has a little something inside as well from Shanks; he'll no doubt had a few words with you two but I know he's proud as well. Luffy is now a Yonko; your crew is highly respected by many and have shown the world that your no longer weak rookies from two years ago your crew is a threat to those that fear you. I hope you know the first chance we get I'm marrying you Luna; I'm not going to live another minute without making you mine forever.' I blushed darkly as I read the last part but giggled softly. 'Forever? I can live with that Lucci.'

Lucci had opened the bond and I felt how happy and excited he was. 'Good; cause I love you Luna. Any special plans tonight?'

'Watching fireworks once it's dark out, maybe have something to drink, I wish you could see how happy everyone is. Their smiling...truly smiling for the first time since who knows when.' I spoke to Lucci as I held Hell Dancer on my lap and jumped when a hand with a drink appeared in front of me and I looked up and smiled taking the drink. "Thank you Sanji."

"Your welcome Luna; how are the wounds doing?" Sanji asked while he sat besides me.

"Their still sore but slowly healing; I'll have some scarring but Chopper has been putting an ointment on them hoping that maybe they won't scar wicked bad. The one from my right shoulder to near my spine might give me some pain later on Chopper's not sure; I'm sure they'll all give me pain but it's worth it." I smiled happily as we watched our friends enjoying themselves.

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