Chapter 3

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Luna's P.O.V
Fighting between Kaido and Big Mama was hell; for every attack we made on Kaido we had to deal with his scales that are resilient to many of our attacks...and Big Mama was a natural disaster literally using lightening all around us and we had no cover.

I saw Luffy looked to be in his bounce man form and I smirked seeing he was able to land hits that the rest of us were struggling to do. I panted landing by Law and cursed under my breath when Zoro yelled to Law to move him into the air.

"Damn not him too." Law grumbled and I chuckled a little but what made my heart stop was seeing Killer getting a direct hit on lightening.

I stood and looked to my blade as I then looked to Kaido. "Law; what about my haki? Do you think it might make his scales vulnerable if even for a second?"

"It's a chance to take; I'll teleport you close." Law looked serious I could see he didn't want to do this but our best attacks so far aside from Luffy were failing.

"I can do this Law I promise; just be careful please." I saw him nod his head but his eyes were hidden by his hat as he teleported me and I smirked using the haki on my blade and I swung and dig it into Kaido cursing when it left but a scratch and I got sent flying by him coughing up blood when I hit the ground making a dent from the impact.

Luffy got pissed when Big Mama hit all of us on the ground with her lightening and I ended up coughing on blood heavily hearing Lucci feel the pain that I just got dealt.

Luffy smirked when neither the lightening nor Kaido's breath attacks worked on him as he moved and hit Kaido again. "I'm a Rubber man!"

"We underestimated him!!" Big Mama yelled pissed off that her and Kaido weren't getting any closer to defeating Luffy.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had just finished telling his team what the mission would be consisting of when he felt a sharp pain and stopped leaning again a hallway wall gripping his chest.

Lucci knew that Luna was fighting but the pain he was feeling was worse then he could have ever imagined. He knew Luna was alive but was in a great deal of pain as he growled softly.

Kaku was talking with Jabra when they found Lucci and both cursed as they moved Lucci into his room and got him to sit.

Jabra went and grabbed Lucci a drink watching and worried knowing what it meant. "How bad is it?"

"It's bad she's been dealt severe pain within the past ten minutes; she's in agony I can guarantee that. I felt her back and ribs get harmed first and now it's her entire body in pain I don't know what's going on but Kaido and Big Mama have something to do with it." Lucci cursed leaning back in his chair as he had to fight to not shift as he gripped the arms of the chair panting slightly.

Jabra frowned looking to Kaku both having a bad feeling when they heard what Lucci said and Jabra gave Lucci his drink. "Drink up your going to need it; you can see what's happening through her mind Lucci. Concentrate on her she needs you now more then ever."

Lucci took the drink and tossed it back quickly. "Thanks." Lucci closed his eyes and concentrated on Luna he needed to know why he was feeling pain coming from her and just to see how badly wounded she was.

Lucci froze and cursed softly when he saw what happened and seeing how badly wounded everyone aside from Luffy was. 'Luna can you hear me?'

'Y-yeah I-I can hear y-you.' Luna struggled in pain as she got back to her feet slowly and in pain as she was watching her captain and saw the look he gave her as she moved without detection and got to Law first. 'I know you feel my pain Lucci I'm sorry; but Big Mama And Kaido dealt me that pain. Kaido sent me flying when I wounded him and Big Mama had all of us on the ground electrocuted only Luffy is resilient to both attacks so far.'

Lucci listened and he worried hearing the pain in Luna's voice and could tell that she was moving around. 'Stay moving don't become a target; if you have too then use that attack on them.'

Luna's P.O.V
I froze at Lucci's words and bit my lip nodding my head as I looked at my blade quickly as I got to Law praying he was alive. "Law?" I saw him panting heavily but could easily tell that he was in immense pain from the attack. "Damn it."

I kneeled checking on him and sighed looking around seeing Luffy was still fighting and I got up seeing Luffy notice that I was still moving. "That hurt asshole." I glared at Kaido and Big Mama who looked shocked.

Big Mama looked shocked. "B-but how?!"

"Easy...a yonko trained me but I got a different haki from anyone has ever seen. LUFFY!" I drew my blade and as I did a wind picked up and I took off as myself and Luffy attacked together I launched my attack first smirking as the haki weakened theirs but it was enough time for Luffy to send both Yonko flying as I landed panting softly.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci kept an eye on Luna's energy and smirked seeing that she had kept a good amount of it in control but the amount she used was still enough for her to feel some exhaustion.

Lucci has no idea how many times that Luna could use this specific haki attack but he figured she might be good for two or three used before she would need a cool down period.

Lucci closed his eyes as he watched the battle through Luna's mind and he was surprised to see how much stronger Luffy had gotten and the damage that the crews were inflicting on the area and the two Yonko. 'You's have truly gotten more fierce some then you's were two years ago.'

Luna smirked hearing Lucci as both herself and Luffy were fighting both landing hits and Luna had dropped back to guard their comrades and deflected it and hit Big Mama again so Luffy could concentrate on Kaido. 'I told you back then that we were going to get stronger then we were back then; and we're keeping to our word.'

Lucci chuckled softly as he knew that Luna was right that was what the StrawHats swore they would do and after being gone two years they united and came back swinging harder then ever. 'Then show this world that it's time for a change my love; don't hesitate...your stronger then you have ever been you have been trained by myself, Shanks, all the Red Haired pirates and once in awhile Mihawk when he visited. You have a crew that has your back all the way and you have many friends and followers that would do anything to help out in a heart beat. Take all that strength and attack with everything you got; it's time for a new generation to shake this world to it's core.'

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