Chapter 32

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Luna's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
I managed to slip away from Lucci who was now quietly resting in the infirmary and got myself something to eat and drink. I smiled softly listening to the crew talking and laughing happily when I felt like something wasn't right and I got up having finished my meal and walked out onto the deck.

I looked back seeing Shanks and a few others joined me even those from Lucci's group were out none of us could tell where the danger was. I closed my eyes and let out a deep slow breath and looked towards the infirmary where I sensed another presence near Lucci.

I moved and slid out my battle staff I knew that all the crew were on deck. I lightly stepped and moved attacking when I saw the person go to try and kill Lucci I knocked the blade out of his hand as I worked to knock him out. I sneered when I managed to pin the man and Kaku along with Jabra came to get the man out of the room as I was panting and they went to question the would be assassin.

The doctor worked and checked on Lucci as I put my staff away and opened my bond to Lucci. 'Babe can you hear me?'

'Yes; what's going on kitten?' Lucci woke enough as I smiled softly.

"Nothing I couldn't handle; you hungry? I can go get you something to eat."

"Food does sound good; please and thank you Luna." Lucci gave a small smirk and I blushed softly hearing him chuckle as I got up.

"I'll be back and behave for the doctor please." I started walking out and as I stepped out I quickly closed the door as I looked to the cook to get Lucci food.

I saw the man being questioned as I took out my battle staff and gave it a spin hitting him hard in his solar plexus and only knocked his air out as I heard his gasping for breath. I kneeled and made him look at me. "Who sent you?"

"I-I'm not telling you a damn thing you..." The man groaned in pain as Jabra punched him.

I saw a flash and moved grabbing it and smirked flashing the cards and chuckled. "He's a gun for hire; see these cards? It's used on the black market when people hear or want to hire a gun these cards are basically those assassins calling cards, they have hidden marks on them." Going and took the lighter for Ben giving a playful smile and held it under a card letting the heat reveal the real face of the card. "These are tricky to make; even harder then a vivre card...someone wanted to kill Lucci while he was down. I'm betting this man has a bounty on his head that's around $100,000 beri give or take a few thousand."

Kaku frowned and called back to a contact as they ran a background check and he walked over when the information was sent to him showing that the man had a $90,500 beri bounty on his head. "How did you know that?"

"It's normal for the newer assassins; they always think these cards will work but sadly over time what these newbies failed to know was that the World Government caught on and I'm betting they didn't say who Lucci was exactly. So who wants Lucci dead? I mean aside from the normal and the only people brave enough to fight against Lucci and come out alive is myself and Luffy." I looked to the man tapping my foot before I heard a growl and sighed shaking my head.

Lucci walked over he was still bandaged but I knew he was healing quickly. "Nothing serious? Really kitten I could tell something wasn't right another scent had been in the room and I heard the scuffle."

"Nothing serious I promise; would Spandam try this style or would he be to scared?" I looked to my mate and I moved so he had support against me.

"Only if he thought that there was a chance it would succeed...a chance to take over leadership from me. This man is just another scum from the black market well done for identifying him kitten." Lucci glared at the male.

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