Chapter 54

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Luna's P.O.V
I drew Kade away from Sanji's fight and I smirked opening my bond to Lucci and I felt my wounds heal and noticed my blade was snarling and I smirked knowing it was the leopard spirit.

'Forgive me Lucci; I let this loser get into my head and mess with me. I need you to keep healing my wounds and watching my energy levels; I'm going to wipe the floor with this piece of trash.' I spoke to Lucci.

Lucci relaxed and smirked to himself. 'Not your fault Luna; we'll make sure he never wins...I love you Luna you have the leopard spirit in Hell Dancer; let it help you...your family had special bonds to the earth didn't they?'

'Yes they did; and we always had wild animals in our lives...I suppose in a way, that' it. That's why Hell Dancer chose me; it had the spirit's of wild animals in it and it tested me all these I understand. It was waiting for me to realize that it was meant to be my companion since I calmed all the spirits in it." I smiled when I felt my sword go from a heavy feeling to very light and the winds that whipped around me carried the voices of the animals in it.

When I attacked Kade this time I harnessed the power of Hell Dance and broke Kade's blade sending him flying and I moved quicker and my vision was sharper I knew his moves a couple minutes before he ever made them.

Kade cursed when he got sent flying and coughed up blood. "Not possible; how?!"

I glared at Kade. "I forgot who I was; who my family was...and so did you Kade. You forgot that animals were always a big part of my life both the wild and the tame; you thought Lucci and myself weren't compatible then your wrong...he's wild and will do as he wants, when he wants but the only person who can calm him or any of those animals fruit users in his crew is me. I'm the only one who can face Lucci and walk away unscathed! When I fight I'm never alone; my blade is showing you that; I bet you can't hear it...the wind's are carrying the voices of those beast souls in my blade." I swung my blade. "SHREDDING WINDS!!"

I smirked when an explosion sounded and I not only took out the side of the building but another part of the skull. I noticed people had frozen shocked as I had Hell Dancer in my left hand and my right arm was healed and I put it in my pocket as I was smirking seeing the damage I caused.

"GO LUNA!!" I heard my nakama yell from more then one direction and I could feel that Lucci was shocked but proud before he chuckled.

'Remind me to never tick you off love; by the way Shanks is watching as well...he says you've really come a long ways and I agree kitten. You have come a long ways in this fight; your sight changed during the fight, it reminds me of how I see when I'm in my animal form. I think when your fighting yourself and the souls of your sword bond as one and it's helping you in the fight as much as your helping your blade.'

'I wouldn't doubt it; my father said before our home was lost that blades choose their wielders as much as we choose them. Shanks told me that the first time I saw Hell Dancer on his ship that the seal that was on it broke; it chose me to rest and I passed that test...this isn't a cursed blade, those that called it cursed weren't meant to ever use it like I can.' I spoke and shook my head when I saw Kade get up and shunpoed as my visual haki woke I spun and landed a punch on him with my armour haki active and brought Kade down again.

"I told you back then Kade; you will never win against me. You have to much pride in don't deserve the name of your family, you forgot your family also healed those around them as well. You forgot who you are and where you come from." I looked to the beaten male as he forced himself to heal and I knew he was reaching his limit. "Don't do it Kade; don't release that seal! Do you think your family would have wanted this!"

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