Chapter 52

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Lucci's P.O.V
As Lucci kept an eye on the situation the video snails caught a fight that moved outside on the right side of the skull dome and he frowned as he saw another snail closer could see who was fighting and he smirked.

Kaku had walked over to watch as well and he coughed shocked seeing that Enma was acting up for Zoro. "That swords telling him how to be it possible that it was meant for Zoro to use? I thought Luna said that Zoro had mastered all his swords."

"She said she had mastered his skills and was getting stronger; I think that Enma has a connection to Zoro somewhere and it was fated for Zoro to use that blade." Lucci spoke calmly and was surprised when a bunch of pirates that were going to attack Zoro from behind all of a sudden collapsed and he saw the wave of power.

'Babe did someone just use their conquerors haki near me?' Luna spoke as she fought against the agents with Brook and Robin again.

'Better then that Luna...Zoro's sword Enma had just started acting up and helped Zoro to unlock his conquerors haki; he just knocked out easily thirty or more pirates without even noticing he did it.'

Luna felt happy and prideful when Lucci told her about Zoro and she chuckled. 'Once our minds and bodies align then we'll only get stronger; I told you back then love that we were going to kick ass here and we're sticking to our word.' Luna dodged an attack from a fake devil fruit user and she was surprised as she sent out her own special haki she nullified their fruit at the moment they got in her conquerors haki reach but she noticed it was only the enemies and not her comrades. 'Lucci do you see this?'

Lucci was surprised when he mentally could see what happened. 'Yes Luna I see it; your definitely getting more dangerous to your opponents...your haki matches to your skill set as a merc. Your not using your haki on your comrades only your enemies and when your haki surrounds your opponents it's like their devil fruit becomes nullified.'

'Yeah it does; I wonder if I can nullify my enemies could I possibly...this is so confusing but thinking over all my life; I was trained to be strong and barely shown any love from my parents, then I met my father figure Shanks, my brothers, my grandfather figure, my nakama...I have lost and gained people; I know I'll loose more people but for now I'll protect those that I have with me so long as I'm alive then that's all I really truly to be with those I have here now.' Luna's voice spoke with conviction and finally her mind and body were aligned and her haki flared and like Zoro she had advanced haki.

As Lucci kept an eye on the fights his snail rung and he chased Stussy to go deliver some paper work before he answered knowing who it was as it was a private snail.

"You want to know how their crew is doing don't you Shanks?" Lucci answered.

"Yeah I do; I heard where those three knucklehead crews are and have done...I'm ticked but...I'm more curious of how their doing; how is Luna and Luffy?"

Lucci chuckled. "Just like a father Shanks; you have nothing to worry about. Their on the island fighting but their seconds away from the main land with a creature made of fire burning down everything around them. Kidd, Law, Luffy, Luna, Zoro, Sanji have all awakened their true strength and powers their more lethal then ever. The navigator in Luffy's crew has a buddy like Big Mama...actually more like she took that soul into their crew, Sanji has awakened his true powers that his father put into him, Zoro and Luna just woke their advanced conquerors haki, Kidd and Law's devil fruits have awakened and Luffy's has as well plus he has advanced haki all around."

Shanks let out a small sigh of relief and looked as his video snail woke up to show the fighting and he was amazed. "Their not the same as when they left to re-unite months ago; their no longer children they truly have become fearsome in their own rights. Had you gotten to see Luna any after she rejoined her crew?"

"Sadly I haven't; Jabra did though when they originally got to Wano, X-Drake is also now fighting in Luffy's name. But I'm sure you heard by now that the CP0 group there is after Robin and Luna they are not to be hurt and to be handed to my group."

"Now Lucci you and I both know that Luna exceeded the master; she learnt all your skills quicker then any of us could imagine...these may be the three top crews that will have to battle for the spot of pirates king." Shanks spokesman as his crew also watched the fight from their current hideout.

Lucci was watching with Kaku who made sure Stussy stayed out of the room and had locked the door when she left. "Law and Kidd have a truce, StrawHats and Heart Pirates have a truce as well and hang around one another lots. Luna has also taken to fighting all over but as you can see she's been heavily wounded and had needed a blood transfusion as well...I'm on a ship near by that if I have to step in then I will till then I'm staying out of it."

"As you should; I notice that Luna and Killer are also fighting near one another as well that's a dangerous duo. It makes me wonder if it will be one crew or will it be three crews...Mihawk was right, Luffy turns those around one by one into his comrades there is something about Luffy that makes them want to help and to work for their own dreams."

"He's a young man with one hell of a big dream; and every member of his crew at some point had cried out for him to save them from their hell's and from's like every time one of them reached out their hands to be saved he was there and he saved them. When they went to bring Sanji back Luffy literally starved himself and it was Sanji who brought him food and got him back to himself, Luffy defeated Cracker, Katakuri and Big Mom like it was nothing. During his fight with Katakuri...Luffy'a visual haki became advanced like Katakuri's and now Luna's is the same way as well. Hell Dancer has also finally awakened the leopard spirit it finally roared in this fight for her."

Shanks was surprised but he relaxed giving a soft smile with his eyes closed. He remembered when they were just a couple kids needing saving themselves and he taught them and he became their role model...they were more then just orphans they were his children and maybe the ones that would take up his mantle in this world and everything he stands for.

"It won't be too long now and I'll be able to see Luffy for myself; and I would love to see my daughter and you better be there as well. Your not just important to one crew but now to my crew as well; your the man that loves my daughter and you can't leave her alone so you better propose to her soon have a rare gem that also shines like the sun."

"She doesn't just shine like the sun...she is my sun; that light brings in those that are good to her. People who are hurting or doubt themselves she scolds...she scolded Sanji when he asked Zoro or her to be one of the one's to kill him if Sanji ever becomes like his brothers. She refused and told him that his burdens are her burdens...that it's all of their burden and they would deal with it together."

"That's the Luna I know...even here on the ship those that thought they failed in fights she gave many people will do everything to put that sunshine out."

"They try and they have to get through the army that would die for Luna, wether or not she see's it...she's got a great amount of friends and comrades that will fight to keep her safe and with them. Anyone in this government tries to touch or kill her then that bastard will answer to me before they get silenced." Lucci spoke with a slight growl and it was then that both Lucci and Shanks didn't talk as they would both give their lives as well for the sake of Luna and her crew.

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