Chapter 15

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Lucci's P.O.V
*Flashback continued*
Lucci had stayed besides Luna he could tell that she was in pain from pushing herself hard with her training. He looked up when Jabra and Kaku came over with food for all of them; it hadn't been a secret that both Jabra and Kaku along with CP9 took Luna under their wings as a sister they would do anything to protect.

Kaku went and grabbed a fresh cook clothe and came back laying it on her forehead frowning softly. "So she got a fever from pushing herself with her haki?"

"Yeah; with power there will always be costs to pay. Wether it's a person's devil fruit or using haki; we all take a risk with what we can do. Luna's pushed herself so hard the doctor thinks she might be out for a couple days; he doesn't want to move Luna which is fine with Shanks no one ever sails near this island." Lucci spoke as he started to eat.

Jabra set his own food down as he thought; it had been a year since the Straw Hat crew had been split up and he looked to Lucci. "Do you ever wonder where all their crew members are? We know their all alive but I wonder where they are; why the heck did the former Warlord Kuma send them away instead of killing them?"

Lucci looked up to the duo. "He had one last wish before he was completely gone; he wanted to save the StrawHats and guard their ship for the next two years. He went to Sabaody Archipelago that day and when he found them he sent them to where they would get the training they required; Kuma always had a sense about him and he used to be apart of the Rebel's. This generation and this crew are getting stronger and stronger; their pulling miracles where no one else might not be able too. I truly do believe this crew will be the ones with the king; Luffy is a strong leader and I don't know if he see's it or not but one by one he's turning people into allies on their side. Luna is the same way; she's been there through hard times and yet hasn't let it bring her down. She found a new reason to keep fighting and now look at her and Luffy they have friends and family that would give the world to protect them both."

Jabra chuckled softly. "That crew...they defeated us that day were no one ever has and on top of that they also challenged the World Government to war. Their not going to be suppressed you would have to kill them to stop anything from happening but it seems it's more then Luna and Luffy that has the devil's luck; the entire damn crew has the devil's luck."

Kaku nodded his head and looked over with the duo when Luna moved and he took the rag from Lucci and handed over a bottle of water before he went to deal with freshening the clothe for Luna.

Luna had finally woke up after a few hours and she winced when she had tried to sit up before she felt Lucci move to let her rest back against him. Just the moving and pain was enough to keep her tired but she didn't want to sit around. "How long was I out?"

"Only a couple hours my love; no more training for today mine and Shanks orders. Your haki is getting stronger every day; for now just rest." Lucci spoke and he smiled when Luna agreed and when he saw Jabra and Kaku talking and joking with Luna it gave him hope that they would have a better future together one where it didn't matter if they were pirate and Cipher Pole that they could have a life together.

*Flashback End*

Luna's P.O.V
I was fighting when I heard the young samurai lord come over the speaker and I felt hope swell within me.

"STRAWHATS LUFFY ISN'T DEAD! HE SAID HE WOULD BEAT KAIDO! HE SAID TO KEEP FIGHTING WITH EVERY BREATH IN YOUR BODY!!" The young samurai yelled into the speaker system of frogs with spells on them.

I smirked seeing Sanji save Chopper and hand over Zoro to be tended too. I could see Chopper was scared till Sanji calmed him saying that our crew always pulled off miracles.

I knew it was true and looked back when Big Mama said that it wasn't true and that Luffy was dead but I had a feeling that my captain would be back. If Luffy said he was going to win then our crew had to believe that. "Luffy will be back Chopper! We've pulled off nothing but miracles all along! Believe in Luffy just like he believes in us; and let's show these scum bags just who we are!"

Marco smiled hearing the positivity returning to the StrawHats stronger then ever. "This is why I like you guys." Marco fought off more enemies and noticed the crew was giving off a whole new aura that said they were ready for anything.

Nami and Usopp joined Luna and Nami's baton started talking like the cloud and weapons that Big Maka used. "How is this possible?" Nami was surprised.

Usopp and Luna smiled as they all had one another's back as Luna spoke while she fought. "You earned it Nami; I think when you went to try and save the cloud that use to be with Big Mama your weapon earned it's own spirit. I'm proud of you; I'm proud of our entire have all gotten so much stronger it's a pleasure to call you's my nakama."

Nami listened and she smiled happily with Usopp and they nodded their heads agreeing as they continued fighting. They knew the crew had to push forward towards our destination.

The enemy was shocked that the StrawHats, Kidd Pirates and Heart Pirates were fighting harder then earlier along with those that turned on Kaido were all working to win this war.

I panted as I cleared a way for my little group to push forward and us three didn't allow anyone to touch us. We worked our way to our group where Chopper was tending to Zoro and some of those that turned to work with us had made a protective barrier around us.

"How bad are his wounds Chopper?" I spoke taking on the role of temporary captain for the moment.

"All his bones are broken and his energy is greatly drained; this could days to months for him to fully heal. Luna do think that..." Chopper couldn't form the words as tears fell down his face.

I understood what Chopper was trying to say and put my blade in it's sheathe and made Chopper look at me as I was confident. "Luffy is alive; we have to believe that. After all...he wants to be pirate king and help all of us with our dreams. Luffy will be back to this battle field and I truly believe that today Kaido will truly perish. Look around Chopper; look at where we are and how many people with and for us. Remember Luffy believes in us like he always has and I believe in this crew; we're not the same people we were two years ago or heck not even the same as yesterday. A lot of people that joined us today were saved by you Chopper; now I need you to be brave and help us win this fight together till Luffy is here and when this is over we'll be reunited together and keep sailing alright?"

Chopper sniffed and nodded his head. Himself and the crew were right; on this crew Luna was more then just their mercenary she was also the mother/sister figure they needed. She helped them to pick up the pieces when things fell asleep; she had helped him out lots before now Chopper wanted to show he got stronger as well. "Yes ma'am!"

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