Chapter 11

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Luna's P.O.V
I remembered everything about why I became a pirate and thought of how much since I lost my island, my family...I thought of what had all changed and happened in my life. I lost so much when I was young but I also gained just as much of not more.

I met Shanks and his crew, I got blessed with three incredible strong brothers of whom one is my captain, one is a revolutionary and the third may be gone but I do believe he was with us three in spirit no matter where we went or what happens to us.

My life had been hard at the start but it wasn't the end of my story; I had a second chance and I took it...all the friends I made, the enemies I fought and the man that I love. That is my life; I was born with a chip on my shoulder but I didn't take any burdens on alone not so long as I had those I cared and loved to my back I could fight any storm that came my way.

I remembered everyone that I have befriended and fought, of the trials and errors through the years and I smiled remembering that so long as I had those people I cared for and respected in my life then I was a storm that couldn't be moved or defeated.

Kid and Killer had gone to deal with Big Mama Who was saved by her cloud of fire and I hoped that Kid and Killer would be alright fighting against Big Mama.

I saw that Zoro used his strongest attack on Kaido called Dead Man's Game and he left a giant slash on Kaido that would remain with Kaido.

I panted dodging another attack and managed to find a spot to rest for a few seconds and closed my eyes. 'Babe I'm going to use that haki; Luffy's can destroy an opponent from the inside and with my haki it would bring Kaido's down and allow Luffy a chance to deal more damage. Law and Zoro can't go on anymore their badly hurt. Luffy will no doubt tell Law to take himself and Zoro down below.'

Lucci looked to his group and frowned nodding his head. 'Use whatever of my energy you need my group is near by; they'll keep guard.'

'Thank you babe.' I took a calming breath putting my blade away and looked to Luffy nodding my head as we attacked toward Kaido together.

I smirked when Kaido tried to touch me and I barely dodged but landed my hit. "Your done." I moved away as Luffy used his newest Haki to attack Kaido and smirked as we both landed away hoping to have done damage.

I thought back to when I got to train with Lucci it was Shanks who didn't mind that Lucci was there as it was a different opponent for me to fight.

This time I was learning how to use my new haki and visual haki together and winced when Lucci sent me flying hearing some chuckles.

Lucci walked over not wearing a shirt as a way to help when he shifted to his humanoid form. "Don't get distracted Luna; concentrate." Helping me up.

I winced a little and sighed. "I'm trying but it's hard. I'm wicked drained."

Lucci smirked. "Come on babe; I know your tired but you were also tired when you kicked my ass at Enies Lobby. Show me that girl that was taking back her nakama."

Shanks had been watching and chuckled. "Luna didn't you want to help Luffy become king? Show your crew why you deserve your title; then show me the warrior that wants to bring the government to their knee's."

I nodded my head and took a calming breath and pushed all thought out of my head and activated my visual haki and attacked Lucci using my new haki as we fought and I started to land hits as well as block Lucci's attacks.

At one point I managed to kick Lucci and sent him flying hard into a few tree's and I was shocked with myself I had blanked out everything and everyone around me and had managed to land a hurtful hit to Lucci.

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