Chapter 43

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Luna's P.O.V
I didn't mind helping out whoever I could but even I could feel my energy getting lower by the minute. If I had to take a guess I would say I took down close to a hundred men in this fight and by using my conqueror's haki mostly; I knew I was taking a risk I still had wounds healing and not all were tended too properly.

I was back with Chopper who was currently making me take a break as he was helping anyone wounded and I could see the fighting all around me. I winced having my blade back in it's sheathe as I felt a jolt of pain go through my body and I kneeled wincing in pain and coughed up some blood from pushing my body too hard.

I could tell Lucci was on edge the minute I went down it wasn't hard to tell from the worried and nervous feeling that I was currently getting from him. My left side had gotten another deep cut on it from when I had been fighting and had gotten careless in the middle of a battle; thankfully one of our allies had gotten me to Chopper to be taken care of.

I watched the fighting of Law and Kidd against Big Mama; after Killer had won against Hawkins I could see that something had changed with Kidd. It wasn't a secret that anyone who had haki...their haki would only get stronger in battles the more we had to use our haki's the more stronger and defined they would become.

I winced when Chopper had to clean my wound again but I stayed still and quiet as I could while he worked; I noticed that allies were covering our area keeping other pirates from getting close to any of our wounded.

I looked over when I heard an explosion and worried seeing that Law and Kidd had been sent flying. Kidd had been was getting up just as Law managed to land a hit on Big Mama and got attacked by one of Big Mama's friends that was always with her.

I looked to Chopper and he nodded his head as I moved and got in the way with my blade making sure Big Mama couldn't kill either captains; I knew I was wounded badly and the wounds were taking their toll as I had to keep fighting no matter what...until Big Mama and Kaido were deafeated by the captains.

Law was the first to get up and he cursed seeing my bandages showing blood as he got up. "Luna!"

Kidd cursed holding his head. "What's the yelling..." He paled when he saw the bandages and cursed moving with Law and got Big Mama away from Luna. "Get her back to medics we can't loose her or StrawHats will never let us hear the end of it."

Random P.O.V's
Law caught Luna and got her blade back in it's sheathe as he saw how pale the female was which only meant that she had drained herself and had lost a significant amount of blood.

Law moved himself away with Kidd when he saw Big Mama taking a bit to get up as Law checked on Luna's wounds hearing Kid cursed. "What is it?"

"That's the area that Killer left a scar on her around a year or over a year ago; the wound was deep back then and I heard that they had to do a blood transfusion. The only person allowed to give her blood is..."

Law silently cursed. "Her mate; we have none of his blood though." Stopping when he noticed the wound was healing and her smirked. "We don't have to worry; the bond between her and her mate is in effect and is healing Luna we just need to get her away from this fighting for a bit."

Kidd have a shout and noticed Killer come over putting his blades away. "Get Luna back to her medic and make sure that she stays there till she's back to full strength; her mate is healing the wound but she's taking some serious damage."

Killer frowned and moved gently taking Luna making sure to not irritate her wounded side. "I got her captain...we'll be lucky if her mate doesn't get here to find her hurt. We already have to be on the look out for some CP0 agents as it is; we don't need her mate coming here and taking it out on us."

Kidd and Law nodded their heads and motioned for Killer to take Luna to Chopper. Killer held the wounded woman in his arms he could tell that she was fighting to wake up again which at this point wasn't a good thing since she needed to let her body heal and give herself a chance to cool down from using her haki too much.

Killer got Luna to Chopper who took her and started tending to her wounds. Killer looked to his crew mates as they were all fighting and many of them were wounded and getting exhausted but they couldn't give up...not after coming this far.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci had been talking with higher powers then himself since the orders came in and currently he was sitting in the same room as Kaka and Stussy when he felt a burning sensation on his left side causing him too tense. He knew that Luna took another major hit but when he tried to check on her...he became worried as he mind was quiet.

Kaku noticed the tense and worried look on Lucci and frowned. "What's wrong with Luna?"

"I'm not sure; I know she's wounded and her energy is really low...but her mind is quiet which usually means she's passed out. It's hard to say how long she'll be down for I can only hope that it isn't too long." Lucci was tense as he wanted to be with Luna and now to keep her safe.

He had left some bags of blood with Luna who in return had given them to Chopper for incase of emergencies. He knew that his blood type was that of the devil fruit but it would help Luna to heal and to keep his scent on her.

Kaku frowned and gave Stussy a glare when she scoffed. "Hold your tongue Stussy; you don't want to see what Lucci will be like if Luna doesn't wake up any time soon. I've seen it happen once when we were training Luna she had been attacked by Killer when the Kidd pirates had attacked Shanks; she was down for a few days and Lucci...he was very irritable until she woke up. Lucci had to fight to keep his beast in check; Luna is the only one who can calm Lucci and his beast."

Stussy frowned and heard a growl at her from across the room and tensed when she saw the look that Lucci was giving her before she backed down wondering how the hell a pirate like Luna ever got with Lucci. "What makes that woman so special to you? You say she is your mate but are you sure that she's not..."

"No she's not using me; it was me who marked her first and she didn't meet me in person till a couple years back when we had gone to Arlong's island to deal with him. That's where we met the StrawHat pirates or well what was there for the crew; that's where I met Luna officially. It was where we got to see her and her friends fight for everything they were worth, I met her at Alabaster where I fully marked her and didn't see her again till she got to Water 7 where we fought each other. Luna isn't just another woman or another pirate...she's my woman and a badass one at that; and I'm proud to be her mate."

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