Chapter 14

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Luna's P.O.V
I could feel that my energy barely dropped down and thought to when I was training with Shanks and the last time I had used that attack without using any energy I had to fight back against both Shanks and Mihawk they had been teaching me at the time to deal with more enemies at one time.

I sighed concentrating as I remembered what I did just a couple minutes ago I could choose how much energy I used just like I had done with Mihawk and Shanks my haki had collided with theirs back then and now I was putting my haki to work again.

I sighed as it was times like these that I had to stop holding back. I moved dodging an attack that had been a sound attack and glared seeing Apoo was back on his feet. "That was a fatal mistake."

"No it wasn't little lady; you won't be leaving here." Apoo attacked using his devil fruit powers and I moved attacking my blade in it's sheathe and I used my battle staff using my haki on it and sent Apoo flying hard.

I spun my blade as we fought I knew he was apart of the worse generation but felt disgust at him. He let himself work under Kaido and lied to Kidd in hopes to become stronger he helped in capturing Kidd along with Hawkins and X-Drake; they thought they were too weak to fight emperors and that no one would dare go after Kaido till us and Heart Pirates also came after him.

I moved and kicked Apoo sending him flying hard and managed to pin him my staff flat across and pinning Apoo against his neck as I glared at him. "Your weak Apoo; allowing yourself to work for an emperor, not even pushing your boundaries. Believing that no one would come after that monster; open your eyes weakling those wheels to not move forward we're set in motion on Punk Hazard by us and Law. Nothing was accomplished at MarineFord but today Kaido and Big Mama will fall and you will join them." I spoke no fear in my eyes.

Apoo gulped his strength weakening with every second the sea stone touched him. "I-I d-didn't want t-to die!"

"We're pirates! If we die then do be it! The day you chose to become a pirate you knew that the risk of death was high; wether or not it's another pirate that kills you or Mother Earth herself. To think they put you in league with the Worse Generation you don't deserve that title...your done." I moved my staff knocking him out with a hit and saw his members come running as he collapsed and I went to join my crew.

I sighed panting softly as I moved quickly and I had put my staff away taking my blade out again as I fought off opponents and joined my crew again panting.

As I started moving again I heard an announcement and froze when I heard that Luffy had lost and sinking into the dark depths of the water. I bit my lip before sneering when they thought that we StrawHats would surrender.

I smirked hearing my crew as we yelled together. "SCREW THAT!!" We wouldn't give up it's not what Luffy would have wanted. I couldn't let Luffy loosing get to me; my crew needed me now just as much as I needed them.

'Luna? I'm sorry my love. But your right don't stop fighting; show them what being a StrawHat is all about.' Lucci spoke and felt him backing me up.

I was plowing through my enemies like they were nothing. I had all three haki's plus one that was uniquely mine alone; as those with a devil fruit tried to use traps on me I flared that haki out and smirked when their attacks failed.

"You don't know us; we won't quit...we're not weak like the rest of you bastards." I had an air of confidence around me as I fought and I swore I could feel those that weren't there physically were there in spirit with us.

I swung my blade and sent a big number of our enemy flying and made a path for my crew. "Let's finish this! For Luffy!"

"Yes ma'am!" I could hear my friends shout and I heard wings looking up seeing blue. "Thank you Marco."

"I promise Ace I would protect his brother...allow me to finish helping by keeping their sister safe as well." He spoke with tension and worry in his voice.

I nodded my head. "I have no control over you or your actions; your free to do as you please."

Marco flew down besides me and when I looked at him I saw the worry in his eyes. "Don't go loosing your head Luna; I know you want to clean house but you have a bigger priority. If what I gather is correct in rankings at the moment your their acting captain correct?"

I thought and sighed. "Yes; Luffy is captain, Zoro is first mate only because I gave that position up and currently Zoro is badly hurt. In a way it was a silent rule that if I didn't want too I'm still next in line for command then it's Nami." I moved and brought down more of my opponents with ease sighing softly.

I wasn't messing around as I fought and noticed that Chopper was fighting against Queen and was worried seeing it wasn't looking easy for him and prayed he didn't use his strongest pill; the last pill Chopper would have to use is the one that would release his monster form.

I remembered that Chopper had been trying to make it so that he could last longer in that form but not loose control.

Marco took to the air and knocked out more of our opponents. We were all giving it our all and pushing forward.

Kidd and Killer were dealing with their opponents and Kidd didn't care about anything that could happen to Luffy which to many of us was true.

I looked around and hoped that Law was alright with his crew. I practiced and trained for years on Dawn Island after I lost my island, learnt what I could on the sea's two years before I joined Luffy, trained two years between Shanks and Mihawk...I was frustrated and now with a chance of never seeing Luffy again or a chance of many of us dying here today.

When one of the high ranks of Kaido's team came at me I placed my sword in my sheathe and using my conquerors haki I also sent out a strong blast of my unique haki seeing much of the enemies devil fruits weaken greatly.

"How dare you think we are weak; how dare you mock my captain and those that fight here today...there is no room for forgiveness in my eyes. You will loose." I moved quickly and took down my opponent seeing the shocked looks of the enemy and many took off running as I smirked.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci laughed as he got to watch along with his team what Luna just did. "Kitten's temper is through the roof. They mocked more then her, they mocked her crew, allies and her family. Those of Kaido and Big Mama's family underestimated the new generation; the thing is what Luna just did was a good portion of her power; her haki can weaken another's haki or a devil fruit. It feels like your energy drains from you when she does it almost like sea prism."

Kaku listened with Jabra both snickering as they had been with Lucci one day when he got a chance to help train Luna.


All three made it a game to hunt Luna in their beasts form when she was trying to master it. Jabra had her pinned when she sent out a blast of her unique haki and knocked him out before she fought with Kaku and drained him enough to escape.

Lucci had been a little tougher since he could find Luna anywhere at anytime cause of the bond that they had. Luna had to try and trick Lucci which wasn't easy but she had blocked him he only managed to nearly catch her after her fight with Kaku and she was greatly drained at that point.

Luna had her blade drawn when Lucci arrived and he had moved fighting with Luna till he had pinned her to the ground and could see she was greatly exhausted but not giving in; what he hadn't expected was for her to use her ability one last time and he had shifted back to his human form feeling tired but he had picked up a passed out Luna.

When he got her back to Shanks crew they had checked on Luna both Lucci and Shanks knew that she needed more stricter training. Lucci had froze when he could feel Luna waking up and went to the bed on which she was resting and placed his hand on her cheek smiling softly when she cuddled into him and falling asleep again.

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