Chapter 70

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Luffy's P.O.V
Luffy cursed as he was fighting Kaido; he had to keep the emperor away from Momo and Kaido's daughter as they were trying to keep the island up in the air. Luffy worried for his friends but knew that they would be alright as well; they were used to fighting and when they worked together they were a force to be dealt with.

Luffy knew he had to bring this island down and the only way to do that was to defeat Kaido. Speaking of which the power and strength he currently had at the moment would no doubt soon go away and he needed to defeat Kaido now. "MOMO YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN SAVE EVERYONE ON THIS ISLAND!!"

Luffy dodged another attack from Kaido before punching the dragon away from the duo that was doing everything in their power to keep the island from falling without killing everyone. 'Luna I'll win sis and we'll take our friends all the way; prove to Ace that I can become the pirate king. I don't want anymore tears shed from anyone on our crew, I only want everyone as happy as they make me. I'll win here! I promise!' Luffy mentally thought to himself as he stopped one of Kaido's attacks and became enraged as he hit Kaido down and saw that the island was falling.

Luffy only hoped that everyone would be alright; he had a feeling though when he saw water and could hear Momo and Kaido's daughter trying to work together. It wasn't long after that his suspicion was confirmed that the island was falling and everyone including Luffy and Kaido were heading straight down.

"And what kind of world can you create Straw Hat?!" Kaido growled or yelled in his dragon form.

"I'll make...!! A world...Where my friends...can much food...As they Want!!" Luffy yelled as he gave another hard punch to Kaido before both himself and Kaido passed out and at the same time as the island hit the rough earth so did Luffy near Momo.

All Kaido could think of before he passed out during the fight was long ago when King and himself talked and he had told King that JoyBoy would be the one who could defeat him in a fight. All King said was that day would come that they would never meet JoyBoy and now Kaido knew that he was wrong back then.

Luna's P.O.V
I gasped when we all felt the island falling and the water was catching everyone it didn't matter if they were friend or foe; it was saving everyone and not letting anything happen to us. I had been caught and I tried to see any of my crew mates...I didn't have the strength now to really fight back from how drained I really was.

I didn't know what was happening but I saw that Nami was shocked seeing all the water as it caught us. I could hear Lucci trying to get me to talk to him but even I barely had the strength to reply unless I wanted to pass out right away I had to ignore Lucci.

I spotted a few of my crew mates and when I could I saw Jimbei and the samurai trying to save us and then I understood they were using the water of Zou to save everyone. My crew could fight but even we drew the line to how far blood shed would go; we didn't kill for the fun of fact we never killed for we all believed that people should have a chance of going for their dreams again.

I was a month away from returning to my crew and currently I was working on my blade was Lucci was stretched out besides me in the sun sound asleep just like a cat. I gave a soft smile as I tried not to giggle as I knew he was a devil fruit user that was a leopard and his personality reminded me of a cat many times ever since we met.

I had just sheathed my blade when I heard light footsteps and set Hell Dancer back into it's spot on my side and smiled softly looking up to Shanks. "Afternoon Shanks; something on your mind?"

"We need to talk; it's concerning with something that may or may not happen to Luffy." Shanks spoke and helped me up as Lucci grumbled and went to go back to our bed where he could rest but give us privacy.

"Of course; anything that concerns Luffy I would like to know. So what exactly is the problem?"

"Have you ever heard of JoyBoy?" Shanks asked while we walked to his cabin and shook my head.

I looked to the older pirate and thought back frowning softly. "I don't think I have; is this something that also concerns the government dogs Shanks. That's where you go alone once in awhile isn't it? You talk to the elders which at this point has me confused on how the hell your able to talk to them and not be arrested."

Shanks chuckled softly as he sat on the bed as I leaned against the door. "You have always been alert for things like this but one day you will know why I do what I have too. Yes I do talk to the elders once in awhile and I know they were apart of the people that gave those orders all those years ago, but there are other pirates that will have to be dealt with like the Rock pirates had been dealt with years ago."

That caught my attention in the time that I could get on the islands with a vast amount of pirates once in awhile someone would mention that old pirate crew and stated that three certain emperors had been apart of the Rock pirates. Kaido, Big Mama and WhiteBeard had all been apart of the same crew at one point in time.

"I've heard somethings from pirates that a dead emperor and two living emperors were once apart of the Rock pirates crew. I heard some things from Garp that he was there that day on that island when something happened but he never clarified and I haven't been able to get a hold of the information...cause it was either hidden or destroyed. As for the name JoyBoy I could never understand what anyone meant or it was just a code name." I spoke seriously as I leaned against the door my arms crossed over my chest and Hell Dancer gave off a small aura in reaction to my irritation.

"It's said that the last JoyBoy was here on this planet eight hundred years ago; they called him that because he brought freedom and real smiled to people without asking for anything in return plus...he might have had a certain devil fruit you and I are all to familiar with. It was said he might have had the Gum-Gum fruit and could unlock it's full power; Luffy shows those exact same traits it's why..."

"Why nothing can happen to my little brother; there is more to that devil fruit then what meets the eye isn't it? I need to know everything I can about his devil fruit in order to help out in any way I can." I stood straight the same time Shanks stood and I wasn't feeling threatened. "Please Shanks it's bad enough I couldn't save Ace...I'm not loosing Luffy or anyone else that I care for. Their lives are so much more precious then my own; I want to know more about all the devil fruits in my crew so maybe I can find ways to help them whenever I need too."

Shanks smiled and chuckled placing his hand on my shoulder as he was smiling proudly like a father would. "I knew you would say it; I just needed to hear it from you. Your crew has how many users?"

"Robin, Luffy, Chopper, Brook are all of our devils fruit users. That's four different fruits and people with each his other her's own personality and difference. If I recall though they can use the same abilities of the previous owner but then they might also be able to use different abilities or attacks correct?" I watched Shanks and saw him take out a book and I gasped as it was filled with info on all the devil fruits and I looked to Shanks. "I-I can read this?"

"Yes you can; you have the drive you have shown that these past two years. I know you want to be helpful in any way you can; there isn't anything else I can teach you along with the rest but now we can finish giving you some more information on the devil fruits. This book has been in my possession in years; if a day ever comes that I can no longer guard it can I pass that job onto you?" Shanks spoke smiling softly as this was a secret even the government didn't know about and neither would those around me.

I weighed my options but I couldn't let information like this vanish forever and I smiled to Shanks nodding my head. "It would be an honour; one day I will guard this book with my life Captain."

*Flashback Ends*

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