Chapter 30

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Luna's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
I could see the hurt and anger in Marco's eyes but at the same time I already knew both him and all those in Whitebeard's fleet had already made up their minds to avenge their brothers and father.

I sighed softly and stepped back to Shanks side and felt his hand on my shoulder as I looked to him seeing the hardened look it was easy to tell that Shanks wasn't happen with their decision either.

Marco looked to me and stepped forward with a piece of paper in his hand and I stepped forward having one as well. We have each other our vivre cards and I spoke up.

"Don't die and don't be reckless Marco; Whitebeard was a brave and well respected pirate...I can't say I know how he was but; I know as your father figure he wouldn't want you and your nakama's to throw away your lives for nothing. His story and the memories you all made with him will only live as long as you's do and those that knew him. I knew Ace better though than anyone here; I grew up with that hot headed man and I got damn well know he would be upset with anyone sacrificing themselves cause of him; my brother was a good man he saw himself as a monster but I know you didn't and neither did those of us who loved him. You's and WhiteBeard gave my brother a chance to live and be happy and I loved seeing his eyes light up when he told us all about you's...and to see those that came to save him that day; to hear what happened...I have regretted not being able to help either of my brothers. But you's did...we all have codes as pirates don't we?"

Marco smiled a little and nodded his head. "Yeah we do; and one of those rules is protecting not just our nakama but their siblings and families as well. Ace was excited and proud as all hell when your bounty came out a year after he became a pirate; then a couple years later when Luffy's bounty came out all I remember Ace saying...that's my little sister and brother; their pirates and already have amazing bounties."

I smiled softly and looked to Shanks and Marco then those on both ships. "I'm sure I heard that before; if it wasn't for Ace myself and Luffy wouldn't be here today. So please...don't get yourselves killed please."

Marco moved and I was shocked when he gave me a hug and I smiled softly hugging back. "Your my brothers nakama, that makes you my nakama as well." I spoke so only Marco heard me.

"Your nakama as well Luna, you and Luffy. Take your brother all the way; that was one thing that he truly wanted to see."

"I know; that was his dream as well and now that is my will. But you must understand some day all those in my generation will aim for the yonko...we know that it will be a step we have to take. And if you come back alive I promise then we will finish that bastard and we will bring him off of his high horse."

"If we do fail and if any of us including myself are around; we'll come help or at least I will. Your crew is showing more promise then many of the newer crews; just make sure that none of you's get killed." Marco spoke and agreements are being muttered.

I smiled and looked to Shanks and then those from the WhiteBeard Pirates. "Don't worry; kick us once and we'll come back twice as strong...Ace's death is mine and Luffy's reason for getting stronger. It's so we don't have to loose another nakama or anyone close to us like we did with Ace."

Shanks chuckled. "Zoro is currently training with Mihawk who comes to see us once in awhile and trains with Luna...and Luna's mate and his team train her along with myself and the crew."

"Right Ace had called after he split up from your crew and he said that you have a mate. He never got to find out who your mate is; all he wanted was someone that would treat you like a queen." Marco looked to me seriously.

I smiled softly. "Yeah he never met got to meet my mate; I hadn't met my mate yet at that time. That will be one of my regrets in life; but if you truly want to know...then Enies Lobby the male myself and Luffy fought and is a devil fruit user we fought him at the top of a tower."

Marco thought and was shocked. "Rob Lucci of former CP9? He's your mate?"

Shanks chuckled. "Yes he is; and that man is working hard to prove himself that he is worthy of her I'm making sure of that. Lucci makes all the time he can and has been training with Luna and showing her ways to make herself stronger. He's been teaching her how to use the six paths and just like Lucci she's a quick study and has been outwitting him and his colleagues when their playing the hunting game on an island."

One of the other commanders from another ship walked over. "If you don't mind I would like to see her sword work."

I looked to the tall male and recalled that Mihawk said this guy had fought against Mihawk and they were even if the entire fight. I placed my hand on my sword and nodded my head. "Fine with me."

Shanks chuckled watching as myself and this swordsman took our positions and he could hear the men on his ship laughing and placing bets. "Luna restrain yourself in this fight please; do not release to full power keep it at about half of your normal strength and power."

I chuckled. "Yes captain." I took a calming breath as we both slid our blades out before we started fighting I met his blade and deflected it as we started a dangerous fight.

I wasn't giving him a chance to land a hit on me along with using my haki so I could block and counter back. As we fought neither of us managed to land a hit or even disarm each other; I moved blocking and remembered what Mihawk taught me as I shoved back and smirked when one hand came off his handle of his blade giving me a chance to spin and disarm him. I cursed when he had another blade but smirked as it made the fight all that more interesting.

I ducked and swept his legs out before I disarmed him again as I was panting heavily from the fighting and the tip of my blade was just under his chin. "Do you give?"

He chuckled. "I give; you win young lady."

I was alert and moved away and gave us space before I put my blade away and helped him up. "Thank you for the duel."

"No thank you; your teachers should be proud of have learnt well from them."

I smiled nodding my head and walked back to Shanks as him and Marco had been talking as they watched the fight. "What can I say? I'm the mercenary of my group; I learn so I can protect them and any future nakama."

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