Chapter 85

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Lucci's P.O.V
It had been awhile since he was able to relax, he noticed that the longer he had gone without talking or even checking in on Luna the more he would snap at everything and everyone around him. Talking to Luna and feeling her through the bond relaxed him and reminded him that she was his calm and he needed to trust her to help him as much as she trusted him.

Lucci closed his eyes when it had been a few days both himself and Luna had been talking on and off, he knew that she had been feeling uneasy and her thoughts had gone towards Sabo...he heard what had happened and it only worried him more that if they lost Sabo; Luna and Luffy would become people with their crew...people that not even the world would or is even ready for.

As Lucci was relaxing he felt the shock coming from Luna and was curious trying to tap into her mind to see what was happening only to growl under his breath being denied. 'Luna what's going on?'

'Nothing for you to worry about kitty cat; we're dealing with it.' Luna spoke with urgency and he could feel that she was worried but curious about something, whatever was going on had him on edge.

He sighed softly if it wasn't for the fact that he had to help deliver the Seraphim he would have after Luna, something was going on and he didn't like it.

Luna's P.O.V
As if things weren't bad enough after Chopper flew to the water, Luffy got sucked in trying to save Chopper but thankfully Jimbei went to save them as well. I hurried down and froze when Bonney asked where it was and I gasped as my visual haki kicked in and I ran to the sides of the ship and was shocked. "I-is that a shark?!" This shark was so huge it looked like it would be able to swallow our ship.

What happened next though it hit the ship and sent it flying it the air and Chopper, Luffy went flying but Jimbei went to retrieve them and even Bonney once again ended up in the water.

At this point I didn't see Luffy, Jimbei, Chopper or even Bonney. Just as they got back to the surface I froze seeing it was a robotic shark and a cannon came out of its mouth as it shot at the ship and it the water making us capsize.

'Luna?!' I heard Lucci mentally yelling when he saw that we were taken by surprise and had ended up in the ice cold water. Jimbei had both captains and Chopper with him, I winced as we didn't have much oxygen and felt a hand grab mine as I swam seeing it was Sanji with a worried look and I nodded my head showing I was good.

I moved helping my crew mates but we had been separated from our three nakama and the unexpected captain. I winced as we were trying to escape when a big humanoid looking robot appeared and hit away the shark but I was fighting to stay awake like I was taught when I was younger.

Navy HQ
Tashigi smiled as she saw the children progressing from when they had been saved on Punk Hazard but sadly they were still very big she would stop in to check on them especially in these hard and troublesome times.

She looked to Vice Admiral Doll who was complaining about Helmeppo who was worried and missing his friend Kolby who had been taken by BlackBeard and no one knew anything about Kolby's safety at this point.

Helmeppo was in a meeting trying to ask to get more recruits to go look for Kolby and to stop the BlackBeard Pirates but was being turned down at this point.

Team Luffy
Jimbei had gotten all four of them onto land and currently the three devil fruit users were wringing out their clothes and getting dried off the best they could.

"Do you seriously not know who I am?! We're both apart of the worst generation!! Our names have both been associated this whole time!! I was there in Sabaody two years ago!!" Bonney yelled at Luffy with her back turned to the guys as she wrung out her tops in hope that they would dry faster.

"Ohhh! So your the worst too, huh?!" Luffy grinned as he was drying his clothes.

"I'm Bonney!! And just to be clear, we're enemies!! But...thanks for saving me." Bonney looked over her right shoulder and saw Luffy wringing out his clothes and Chopper shaking off and Jimbei's torso was bare as well.

"No prob, Boggy!!"

Bonney slightly dead panned as Luffy incorrectly said her name. "This guy's suppose to be an emperor?" She went back to working on drying her clothes before she spoke again. "What's up with your bounty poster? With all your hair all white...the papers were making a big deal over you."

"Oh that's what I look like when I'm free!!"

"What does that mean...and what happened to your crew?"

"Eh, They're fine, I bet!!" Luffy laughed happily as he was moving around stretching as his clothes dried.

"I can't believe you have Jimbei, First son of the sea..."

Jimbei took that moment to speak up. "And what about your crew?"

"I came here alone. That metal monster ate my ship. Speaking of eating, I'm hungry." Bonney spoke as she was getting her tops back on.

"Let's look for a restaurant!! I'm starving too." Luffy spoke with a famished look on his face.

Choppers voice rang out as he stood in front of Luffy questioning him. "Do you have any money Luffy?!"

Bonney took that time to tell them that they were on a government island called Egg-Head a place that was supposedly five hundred years into the future, and the island that houses Dr.VegaPunk's Laboratory.

At that moment one of the guys stated that he knew that name and another voice replied that they were going to give Dr.Vegapunk a piece of their mind.

Luna's P.O.V
I silently cursed as once again our crew was missing a few members but I wasn't worried as I knew Jimbei and Chopper would keep Luffy and each other safe.

Our current problem was the humanoid robot that hit away the metal shark had our ship in its hands looking down at us. I was tense and my hand was on Hell Dancer, we were ready for whatever trouble may come.

Before any of us moved a door opened on the robot and a person walked complaining that the science project apparently was another failure to control the urges of living creatures.

Sanji brought it to the rest of the crews attention and I jumped down between Sanji, Robin and Franky my eyes narrowed when the person called us filthy pirates and asked what Franky said about saving us.

I had to speak up. "Then who are you?!"

"I'm just a humble genius scientist hired by the government. You can call me Dr.Vegapunk!!!" The person smiled but they didn't look that much older then Robin or even Sanji. It shocked us all at the name and I looked to the crew curious before looking back to the new comer.

(I'm sorry for hardly posting usually I write when I have an anxiety attack so as you can guess I have it pretty much under control but I'm working on the chapters so thank you all for you patience

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(I'm sorry for hardly posting usually I write when I have an anxiety attack so as you can guess I have it pretty much under control but I'm working on the chapters so thank you all for you patience.)

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