Chapter 95

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Red Port, At the base of the Grand Line
The real Kuma had appeared and even though he was technically a cyborg he flew into the World Government symbol above the town scaring people from down below who didn't know what was happening. Once people saw who it was they became fearful as he fell to the ground flat on his back.

People knew Kuma as they Celestial Dragons invincible slave and they knew he had recently escaped from the Land of the Gods.

It didn't take long before Kuma was sitting up and people screamed running away not know what Kuma was doing all they knew was they needed to run away for their lives.

Marines were being dispatched as Kuma looked to the World Government mark on the cliff face his face covered in cracks and he was struggling some to move.

Future Island Egghead, New World

Random P.O.V's

"Capture every location Vegapunk might use to escape the island!!"

"Yes sir!!" The soldiers with Kaka, Lucci and Stussy all armed spread out to cut off any and all escape routes. "Destroy the ships of you must!" Lucci commanded as he watched with Stussy and Kaku.

"Yes sir!!" The men replied as they were going to destroy any and all ways to escape the island.

"We have control over the seraphim now...but how will we drag him out of there? That frontier dome is a big problem." Lucci frowned as he looked to the area where Vegapunk and his people were hidden along with the StrawHats.

Kaku spoke up. "It packs a stiff punch, not only that even if we do manage to get it down we'll be met with people that won't hold back...and one will be out for payback on mostly you Lucci."

"So you don't intend to listen to the Navy, Lucci?" Studs spoke looking towards the dark haired male.

"I do not view StrawHat Hat as an emperor." Lucci replied to Stussy keeping his back to her.

"Good grief..." Kaku saw Lucci had the ring he wanted to give to Luna in his pocket and sighed softly...he looked back up above wondering what exactly they would be greeted by when they managed to get in if they could.

Last time Kaku had fought against Luna before she had departed to reunite with her nakama, Kaku had ended up with Luna's blade to the back of his neck, she had pinned him face first into the ground, her left knee in his spine digging in enough to cause him some pain and to not move, her right hand had disarmed him and Hell Dancer in her left hand pressed against the right side of his throat and she had drawn blood.

That day still shook Kaku...that day he had been out matched and out witted by Luna, when she had defeated him she showed him the space in their strength and power. It didn't help Kaku had been teasing her nakama making rude comments; when he saw the look on her face it was speak bad about her nakama, to attack them or harm them in any way was a death sentence and she wouldn't feel the least bit mercy.

Inside the building
Lilith was in the mood for a fight only to be stopped by much of the group telling her that there was no way for CP0 to get up to them, plus they had to make sure that Vegapunk could escape and even Vegapunk admitted that with CP trying to block all exits...a fight could be unavoidable.

Shaka and Lilith were in a slightly heated discussion about not worrying for themselves, for if they were to die to keep Vegapunk safe then it would be well worth it.

Vegapunk felt sorry for the loss of Sentomaru and he called a mystery person to request help of escaping, he didn't hesitate to beg for his life to be saved. The little scientist of the group admitted as as CP0 was outta the picture then escape would be easy and Vegapunk would have a ride with the Straw Hats.

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