Chapter 76

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Luna's P.O.V
Flashback con't
*Age 9*
Today was my ninth birthday and even though there was a party being thrown for me I know that it wouldn't lessen the pain that it hadn't been long since we lost Chandler. I smiled softly as I knew he would have been here trying to wake up or find some way to make me laugh about a joke or something; I smiled softly as I got dressed in a tank top, jeans and boots after my shower and I left my hair down before I walked down stairs hearing my parents happily talking and I stopped on the stairs listening to them talking and I smiled softly hearing my mother giggling and I walked down into the kitchen. "Morning mother, father."

"Happy Birthday Luna; how did you sleep sweetie?" Aria asked as she gave me a hug. "Oh here sweetie I made something for you." Sliding a locket on my neck and I gasped opening it and this had pictures of my family and my friends when Chandler was alive and I had tears in my eyes hugging my mother.

"I love it thank you mother." I smiled happily and looked to my father who tossed something in the air and I moved and caught gasping as I saw it was a battle staff and I could see the sea stone worked into it. "Th-this is the one I was looking at that day isn't it? It feels perfect in my hands."

Alistar chuckled and saw me looking the staff over. "Yes it is; I'm glad you like it sweetie." Seeing me set it down and give him a hug. He had been worried as I had been sick for a couple days after being in the cold water, I had ended up in the infirmary fighting off pneumonia which took a while to go away but with the medicine on the island he knew I would be alright. "Happy Birthday sweetie; I can't believe your already nine."

I giggled pulling back. "I'm not that old dad."

My father chuckled. "Your friends and everyone else is waiting outside for you sweetie."

I smiled and put my weapon on me and walked outside and gasped giggling when my friends and family started cheering Happy Birthday. I giggled as it was beautiful out and I gasped as a rare blue butterfly landed on the flowers near me; I smiled sadly but felt reassurance as I knew that it was Chandler's sign to me saying he was alright as it took off and it looked to glitter in the sunlight. "Let's get this party started."

I giggled as cheering sounded and soon food and drinks were out and music being played. I was laughing happily as myself and a few others were chasing each other around playing tag and even involving our families hearing the shocked gasps and laughter before those that could play did.

I was currently trying to escape my father and gasped laughing as I just slid past him trying not to be tagged and giggled when he caught me. "I'm it!" I shouted happily and even those younger then us were even playing but was made sure to not go to fast for the little ones.

Everyone was having fun with the party, the adults were talking and I was getting many Happy Birthday wishes, my mother made chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Luna on it in blue coloured frosting and white flowers. I giggled as where myself and my family lived there was a natural spring near by so some of us children would watch the birds come and get drinks before they took to the air again. This was a great day but my instinct told me that something was wrong and I didn't know when the danger would come.

I'm not sure when the first explosion came but I gasped as it sent many of us flying and I was out of it for awhile before I noticed that my parents had been in the house yet and our home and my parents were gone. I screamed in fear and despair as I looked not seeing my parents and I knew...I knew that they were gone.

I gasped as I felt someone grab me and get me moving even though I was hurting I family was gone. "Wh-what's going on?" I whispered as we were moving through hidden trails towards a shore line and I saw it was Chandler's father.

He looked to me quickly but spoke. "I need you to get into your emotionless self right now Luna; the government is using Buster Call to destroy us and our home. I'm sorry your family is gone but your a future I will do whatever I can to keep safe like you did for Chandler. We have to get you to the shore there is a tunnel coming up." We both stopped hiding in the shadows as a group of men wearing black were in the town square and I calmed myself and concentrated I knew my parents would want me to live for them.

Chandler's father frowned and he slipped me a blade and spoke softly. "I'm going to draw them away and when I Rin as fast as you can and if you have to get into a tunnel then do so; but make sure you get off this island and stay alive by whatever means necessary."

I looked to him seriously and nodded my head. "I promise I'll make sure I live for our people." I watched as he left and drew the CP Agents away; once I thought it was clear I took off across the open road and ran for all that I was worth.

I knew it was a slant on the island as I got closer to a trap door; just as I opened it I heard a growl coming and I crawled into the tunnel and closed the door locking it and got moving. The boats were meant to be stalked but I had a feeling that I would need to fend for myself so long as I escaped.

There was times when I had to try and move blocks past me as I kept crawling through the tunnels; I coughed as quietly as I could as I got to the end and I felt my heart skip a beat as I pushed on the door and silently cursed as it felt like it was blocked and I could only believe it. As I pushed I finally felt it give way and breathed a sigh of relief and froze when I thought I heard movement but I could still hear the explosions going on but the screams had fallen quiet. I couldn't let myself fall apart yet, not before I escaped...I would find a way to avenge my island and my people for the disgrace done to us.

Once I thought it was safe I pushed on the door opening it a crack and listened to the sounds; I didn't hear anything and slid out of the tunnel I had started looking around and froze when I heard a growl. As I went to move a heavy weight pinned me and a pain shot through my neck as I screamed and blacked out with all that had happened. The next time that I would wake up would be a new start for me.

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