Chapter 69

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Luna's P.O.V
At one point Nami had to let me rest as I was coughing the smoke was bothering me badly. I looked up when I heard rumbling and gasped seeing water and we were all being swept up and some of us were letting it while others were clinging anywhere they could. I grabbed Nami and Chopper wincing in pain from my wounds and held them close as I saw the two that were helping Chopper also near by hanging on.

It also didn't reassure us when the building shook and quivered as the fight between Luffy and Kaido was threading to bring not just the building down but the entire island. At one point water had found us all again and thankfully much of the fire was out as I walked with Nami and heard shouting and frowned. "What's that about?"

"I'm not sure; we need to make sure it's not trouble. Are you alright to keep moving?" Nami spoke worried looking at me.

"Yeah let's going." I followed Nami on alert as we kept pushing forward and winced when the entire island shook. "What the hell is Luffy doing?"

"Hopefully giving Kaido a good hard beating." Nami spoke worried but was smiling trying to not to worry herself or myself.

I chuckled softly and nodded my head. "I'm sure he is; I mean he's going to be the king of pirates." I sighed looking around at the damage and frowned softly as I had flash backs to when my island was destroyed but sighed softly. "Alright we need to find our crew and our allies; let's keep moving anyone that we can find will be a good thing but it will be hard, from what I'm seeing the damage is really bad and I'm even surprised that this building and island are still floating."

"It won't be floating for long Ms. Evermore; not if the young master doesn't learn to control his clouds and keep this island flying. Your captain and Kaido are fighting but by the sounds of it Luffy wants to punch a hole into this island." A samurai spoke as they found us but was worried.

Nami gulped and looked to me as I closed my eyes and let my senses take in all my surroundings like I was taught by my people. Once I knocked out the unwanted sounds I could clearly hear the fight between Kaido and Luffy but I was able to start sending our allies and our comrades.

"Ms.Ever..." The samurai mumbled when Nami stopped him as she remained silent and alert. "What is she doing?" The samurai whispered to Nami.

"She's checking her surroundings; when Luna is like this she literally can find targets over a mile or more away depending on the environment and her haki. She's better then even Cipher Pole...her entire island was trained assassin's and was destroyed years ago by the World Government and Cipher Pole. Luna has been going more and more into that side of her for awhile." Nami whispered and her staff at the ready incase anyone tried to attack.

"Coming up on your six Nami." I spoke up with my eyes closed and smirked when Nami's new buddy Zeus used lightening on the enemy sneaking up. "Alright let's get going; keep your guards up. Luffy is crazy if he believes that he should bring down this island's what we have to do." As I started moving them again I took my blade out and let loose cutting through a beam that landed on a couple more enemies and had them pinned and smirked softly as they were out for the count.

'Luna that was a dirty trick...I like it kitten.' Lucci spoke up but with amusement as he was now catching bits and pieces of the fighting.

I chuckled softly as I was keeping my group safe and cursed pushing Nami out of the way of a falling beam and sneered moving and jumped swinging Hell Dancer. "SHREDDING WINDS!!" Knocking out more of the enemy and winced as I landed and felt the pain of my wounds as I hurried to catch up.

"Luna are you alright?!" Nami yelled worried and we all stopped as our way got blocked.

"Yeah just the pain from my wounds when I landed. Damn it." Cursing when I saw our path blocked and I had to kneel as the pain was getting to me finally and I had to slide Hell Dancer back into it's sheathe.

I knew that whatever Luffy had planned he would soon act on it; I gasped as myself and Nami barely dodged some falling debris and I coughed from the dust that came from inside the wood along with anything that was burnt. "Nami are you alright?!" I spoke worried as I got up and climbed over the debris to her.

Nami was coughing some as I helped her up and I worried about her health as well. "Y-yeah I'm alright..." She gasped and touched my left temple and I only just noticed that I had blood running down my face from a cut. "Oh Luna; you got hurt." Tears in her eyes hating that I got hurt more then needed.

I smiled softly to her. "Hey it's alright; it's just a little cut this won't bring me down I promise Nami." I frowned when she ripped off some clothe from the bottom of my shirt and used it to try and stop the bleeding. "Guess we'll need to a girls day to go shopping." I smiled softly and heard her giggle.

"Have we ever really had a girl day with just us three?" Nami spoke as she kept an eye on the scratch and had Zeus make some rain to wet down the torn clothe so she could clean my wound making me wince.

"No I don't think so; it's funny really in all the time we have all travelled together, and us girls having time to ourselves...we have never really had a girls day to relax and spoil ourselves." I spoke as I wanted to keep her motivated and heard a familiar voice yelling at a distance till my snail rang and I grabbed it. "What's up?"

"The exits are blocked! I have Zoro and he needs major help immediately please tell me you know where Chopper is." Franky spoke worried as he was running and trying to get to our location.

I felt my heart miss and beat but closed my eyes so I wouldn't show how worried and scared I was. "Yeah I'm actually not that far from him; I'm with Nami and we're all fairly close to one another. Franky please tell me that man is breathing."

"I can't tell Luna; all I can say is he pushed himself farther then he has ever done in the past. Any news about the rest of the crew or allies?"

I smiled softly listening to Franky and it helped me to relax some. "Last I heard Luffy was fighting Kaido again after his devil fruit fully woke up, allies are trying to get out or get to their wounded and dead but I don't think any of our crews lost anyone. Usopp was saving the samurai so if they need medical assistance he may bring them back to Chopper to be extra safe, I haven't heard from Brook, Robin or Sanji...I'm assuming the water had some help from Jimbei it was putting the fire out from whatever that beast was earlier that started the fires." I spoke and felt Nami nudge me as I got up once the bleeding stopped and we got to moving again.

"Any idea's on how the heck we are going to get off this island or even stop it from crashing into the ground? What about the Cipher Pole agents I haven't seen any of them yet." Franky spoke but I could tell that he was tired and frustrated which was to be expected.

"No need to worry about them anymore Franky; they've been dealt with. Just try and get to Chopper with Zoro as quick as you can and be safe please."

"Understood Luna; see ya soon." Franky hung up and I looked to Nami before we got moving again and I saw Law's crew but no Law.

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