Chapter 28

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Luna's P.O.V
As I moved forward with Usopp and Nami I could see my friends fighting before I felt my blade pulse and looked to it and was amazed as I could feel my haki had given life to this blade but it felt Hell Dancer felt more powerful.

As I thought to all the times that I had meditated with this blade, the hours I spent lost in my thought it was Hell Dancer at those lonely times that knew what I wanted. Hell Dancer was more then just a weapon; it was a part of me...this blade was bonded to me in a way.

I noticed movement and I moved attacking and sneered when I saw a group of men coming to attack my small group and as I opened my blade a roar could be heard and I shivered in excitement as it reminded me of a big cat. I chuckled softly as I understood now; Hell Dancer had been held by Lucci before and it had felt his power.

It had taken some of his power into itself and during my training all I could think was it allowed itself to change; to get stronger. No longer would it howl it was like myself and Lucci allowing ourselves to be heard in our ways. This blade was the blade of a big cat and when I swung attacking the winds that shredded I could see a perfect manifestation of my blade and saw a leopard.

Lucci I could tell was amused; he could see in my mind what I saw and he was also watching the snail as I fought...both myself and Hell Dancer were like tanks on the battle field. I didn't feel like I was being held back and maybe that's true, maybe I wasn't letting my past hold me back anymore.

I had a future I was fighting for; one where my captain would be the king of pirates, my crew would achieve their dreams, a world where the government didn't rule and people didn't have to live in fear. Where everyone who wanted to be free...they could have that freedom and do as they desire.

I watched as the Kidd pirates were fighting hard, Kidd and Law were dealing with Big Mama which I found amusing seeing as those two captains collided more then anything. "Law! Kidd! More working together less arguing! Save it for after we're done here yeah?!"

"Who gives you the right to tell us what to do?!" Kidd shouted back and Killer chuckled as he landed away from his opponent near me.

"Luna's not wrong Kidd! There will be time to argue afterwards! But if we don't win here then what good will it be for us to be here?! The StrawHats have taken down more opponents then anyone else here!" Killer shouted to his captain who huffed and returned to fighting.

I smiled softly shaking my head. "Need a hand with this one Killer?" I looked to the blonde male.

Killer chuckled softly. "If it doesn't bother you Luna; it would be an honour to fight along side you."

"It would be an honour to fight besides you Killer." I moved with Killer as we tag teamed and just like when I would fight along side my crew both myself and Killer found a rhythm right away.

We would either attack together at the same time or take turns constantly changing our attacks and together we were starting to defeat this enemy.

At one point I got caught by Killer when I got sent flying and winced holding my side that I had been cut on earlier and Killer had landed an equally bad wound on our opponent.

Killer landed checking on the wound and cursed softly. "The wound has re-opened; but I can tell your mate is trying to heal you." Chopper had come over and got my wound tended too again.

"Yeah I'm sure I'll be hearing about that later on; Lucci's been watching the whole fight. Are you alright thought Killer? I saw you get slammed hard into the floor." I checked him for wounds.

Killer nodded his head. "I'm alright Luna."

He helped me up and I touched my blade again and as I teased the blade out of my sheathe I could heard the air coming from my blade and a snarl could be heard as I smirked.

"Is that your blade I'm hearing? It's changed? I knew before it could howl but now it's different." Killer stood as his blades were out of their gauntlets watching our enemy standing.

"Yep; it's taken some of my mates energy before and with my energy from my haki in it mommy blade has changed. It's got a life of it's own; I've heard stories of this happening to blades before but I never thought it was true until now." I looked to my blade seeing the blade was black but looked like it was multicoloured like a Raven's feathers.

"What do you say we finish this fight? Law and Kidd were making a small little agreement earlier." Killer spun his blades as we both took up our positions.

"Agreement my ass; their making an alliance I'm not that stupid. But I'm not stupid enough to fight against Law either; but if we can make it so all three crews can work together when we have too then fine I'll behave after all I'm loyal and respect my captain and his wishes." Spinning my blade as we fought our opponent again and I ducked kicking his feet out as Killer sent him flying and I stood swinging my blade hearing the wind growling. "Hell Razor!"

Killer was shocked seeing the damage I could deal and our opponent went down passed out. "Remind me why women have to be feared; I knew you were strong but that's on a whole other level."

"Well the women in my crew aren't weak; who do you think keeps everyone in line when their causing trouble. We're not just a bunch of pretty faces; I'll gladly lay my life down for those strong women." I watched Nami and smirked seeing that she was being cool headed and used her new companion to shock many people with her lightening.

Killer chuckled watching and we both moved when my friends were in danger and I locked blades with another low rank pirate and I sent him flying through a couple walls as Killer did the same to his friend and we collapse a part of the upper floor.

Usopp was shocked but he used his slingshot and the plant trap got rid of another fifty or so opponents. "How was that Luna?!" He asked with the big smile that reminded me of his father all over again.

I smiled happily. "That was perfect you two well done. How are the wounded doing Chopper?"

"Their doing good Luna I'll make sure their back to full fighting form." He saluted me happily and went back to work.

I noticed that the Kidd pirates managed to catch up and I looked to them and to Killer. The only people missing were those that were still hanging back and fighting.

"What do we do? How much longer till Luffy is back in action Luna?" Killer asked.

I smiled. "Not long he just needs to get back onto this island; I'm sure that this time Kaido is going to go down. Luffy is and has always been our ace in the hole. For now we need to keep fighting here and win; but be aware of the CP0 their waiting to catch whoever looses."

"We'll be alright; go and see if Kidd and Law need a helping hand. I'll keep your crew here safe Luna." Killer stood guard as I left to find the two other captains.

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