Chapter 21

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Lucci's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
Lucci had watched Luna give her warning to Katakuri and he was ready to step in if it was required but he could see neither pirate was backing down until Katakuri left behind his men and got on their ship.

He could see that Luna was still alert till the ship was a safe distance from the island and Lucci moved catching Luna and cursed softly sensing how drained she was. "You pushed yourself too long Luna."

"It was more then time; Katakuri had tried to use his conqueror's on Luna alone and she pushed back with her own. It's why Katakuri left; no one in her generation has that kind of control like him; but if what Luna told me then Luffy will out do her as well. The D's are all gifted and the odd time you get a bad egg like Teach; it's hard to believe just how much the government fears the D's why do you think they want them dead and gone. They have a way to sway people to follow them; Luffy and Luna are two great examples, Ace was another he was the one that came up with the idea of making all four of them siblings and when he died his will didn' went to Luffy, Luna and Sabo, they will continue what he started. I met Ace not long after he left Dawn Island; he seemed me out wanting to meet the man that saved both of his younger siblings...when I found out who he was to Luffy and Luna you can bet I was happy."

Lucci had laid Luna down in the shade as he listened to Shanks and smiled softly. "The amount of friends they have...when I found out who Ace was to Luna; and when he died I knew he was deeply close to her. I felt her shatter that day...I never want her to be that way again for the first time in a long time I was truly afraid. What happened?"

Shanks sighed as he sat down in his spot and Lucci sat across from him leaning against a tree and was wearing what he did when he worked at Water 7.

"Luna was with us that day on the ship; it was her that had Ace's vivre card and when it burnt and vanished in her hands it was a part of herself that went with Ace. I had to use my conqueror's haki to make her sleep; I didn't want her to see Ace's body. It was bad enough Luffy saw his brother get killed and die in his arms. Garp went back to their island and the woman who raised all four of them I heard she gave Garp hell for not protecting his family. You see he promised Ace's father that he would protect Ace; the day that he was to be executed he told Garp about his son. Gold D Roger was my captain and myself, Buggy and the rest of our crew watched our captain get executed."

Lucci was shocked as he looked to Shanks. "He trusted Garp; I remember Luna had been talking with Garp one time and he told her that he had no mercy for pirates..."

"But he had mercy for family; it's why for the longest time Luna wouldn't even talk or look at Garp. She felt betrayed. Garp said that Luffy finally landed a hit on him but still Luffy's efforts were in vain." Shanks watched his crew and Luna he got up and adjusted the leaves on some of the tree's so that Luna was shaded. "Every night after Ace's death Luna as you could tell would wake up crying and hear those cries; it sounded like someone was ripping her heart out and I would wake and hold her as she cried. I never saw myself as a father figure too much but for her I became that father figure she needed."

Lucci smiled softly as he used his coat for a pillow for Luna. "She loves talking about you; she said the day you left from their island you gave her that blade. May I ask where you got it?"

Shanks chuckled. "I was actually stole it from an opponent when I was on Roger's ship; I took care of it and learnt about it. When I saw Luna go near it the seal broke and I knew that blade had chosen who would wield it; I remember learning that the blade picks those with pure hearts filled with a desire to protect the innocent in a way. Those who bare the blade have a rough life ahead of them; I found it amusing that her blade would pick her...someone who was determined to become a pirate and I knew she would be alright."

"It probably knew that she was meant for something different; all the D's are stronger then we ever knew. Tell me do you know what the D stands for?" Lucci asked while he checked on a sleeping Luna.

"Yes I do; only a select few people actually know what it stands for. But to learn more about their name the ponyglyphs that the government wants destroyed have to be saved and read. According to what Luna told me; Nico Robin can read those." Shanks spoke seriously looking towards his crew who were talking and having fun.

Lucci watched and tensed when he heard Luna whimper and he rested a hand on her face frowning when he felt how warm she was. "She's got a fever."

"Grab her; we'll bring her to my room it's cooler in there. She's never been good for long periods of time in the sun." Shanks got up as Lucci grabbed his mate.

Luna had cuddled into Lucci's chest getting a purr from him as he gently carried her to Shanks ship and was surprised when he felt the difference in the captains cabin. "How did you manage to keep it this cool?"

"A trick I picked up when I was with Roger; it's a bunch of ice that is used and a rigged fan that uses the power of the wind outside and it turns the fan in here."

Lucci laid Luna down and saw Shanks grab a cool clothe laying it on Luna's forehead. "Smart; I've never seen her get a fever before but it sounds like you have."

"Yeah; when she was first found by me she had been so stressed that she was sick with a really bad fever. And then again after Ace's death and one time during her training; I thought she had gotten over it but I found out she's never been good in the heat. I can imagine she suffered at Galley-La."

Lucci thought back to that time and how Luna had looked exhausted but had never complained. "I never thought of it; she was drained and pale but I put it off to the events that happened like their sniper challenging Luffy to a duel over their old ship."

Shanks chuckled. "That sniper of theirs is actually the son of our sniper Yasopp; who knew that they would end up finding Usopp. Luna said that they recognized him from the pictures that Yasopp used to show them of his son; they tried him on a cannon by Luffy missing on purpose and Usopp took over and since then he's been their sniper. Those two are resourceful."

Lucci smiled as they walked out of the room to let Luna sleep. "They gave all their members a push they needed."

Shanks smiled softly. "That's Luna and Luffy for you; they see people that need help and reach their hands out and bring them in."

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