Chapter 44

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci sighed sitting in his seat as he had his eyes closed after he finished dealing with Stussy he knew that he needed to check on Luna. She was and will always remain his first priority; as he concentrated on Luna he could feel her fighting to heal and wake up which he found both worrying and amusing.

Lucci sighed and concentrated feeling his leopard coming to the front of his mind as they started helping Luna to heal. He could only guess by the burning sensation on his side that the wound was fairly deep.

Kaku jumped when the snail rang and he answered it frowning when he heard Nami was calling for Lucci. "Lucci it's their navigator it sounds urgent."

Lucci got up and grabbed the receiver from Kaku nodding his head in thanks before he spoke. "What's the damage?"

Nami was scared but her nakama's health took priority. "Luna's got a really deep wound on her left side above her old scar; Chopper thinks she's lost at least four to five pints of blood."

Lucci silently cursed. "Alright I'll keep working with her; I'll use the bond and try to increase her healing. Is Chopper near you?"

Nami smiled. "Yeah he's besides me."

Chopper was curious and looked to Luna as he kept an eye on her pulse and her condition as she was currently the only StrawHat that was down. He didn't like seeing all his friends fighting till they dropped. "I'm here."

"I believe Luna had brought a bag with her; inside that bag has some of my blood in I.V's...your going to need to put one on her and only one as her healing will pick up pace. It will be a while before she wakes I'll make sure she wakes only when it's safe for her."

Chopper was in doctor mode. "I got it." He was grateful they could have a safe place to work on patients; a chance to save whoever needs it or deserved to be saved.

Chopper wondered when Lucci would have given them blood for Luna and smiled thinking back before they came to Wano. He would have had Jabra drop the blood on their ship. "Are you sure this will work?"

"It has before and never bothered her; I had to give her blood when Killer hurt her while she was on Red Haired pirates ship. It's a bonus with being mates; thank you for helping my woman." Lucci was grateful that Chopper was a skilled doctor and would help Luna out.

Lucci looked to his snail that connected to the team on Wano and answered it being in control. "What is it?"

"Thought you would like to know; Luna D.Evermore has collapsed in battle...she had been protecting her team and allies when she took a deep cut on her left side that looks to be above an old scar. We can see them trying to do a blood transfusion in hopes of saving her."

Lucci didn't react. "How long ago did she go down? She would have been one of the major problems for your group to grab Nico Robin."

"Around ten minutes ago and from we see she's receiving a blood transfusion and being stitched up. If there is any indicator we might have the open window we need soon enough so long as she stays down just long enough...we might be able to take her back as well to your group."

Lucci smirked a little and saw Kaku was smirking they both knew that Luna wouldn't stay down that long if she could help it.

"If it's possible go ahead and try; but from what I understand most of that team including their first mate were badly hurt and their doctor had them on their feet in only a matter of time. Whatever he's doing or using will no doubt have her up in no time at all; along with her haki she'll probably need this time as a cool down period."

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