Chapter 46

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Luna's P.O.V
During my time on Shanks ship I had been learning to use all my haki's including my visual haki. Hawkeyes would come by once in awhile to see how it was progressing and when he wasn't there and the crew would end up on an island Lucci or any of the former CP9 would take me out for training with any of my haki's.

We had just gotten to an island this morning and there was civilization on it; this was a perfect time for me to work on my visual haki along with learning to hunt people. My target would be Kaku today which I had to admit was funny when he was voted to be the prey. Lucci would be with me to see how I was progressing; it would be much different then being on an uninhabited island.

I waited back on the ship with Lucci to give Kaku a five minute head start which would be more then enough time for him to find a place to hide. But at the same time I was also learning to track him; this was basically like when I was a kid on Dawn Island and myself and my brothers would go out to hunt and had to track animals for our meals.

Lucci had kept an eye on the time as I was stretching and had a canteen with me since we didn't plan on resting to often. I needed to learn tracking/stalking skills incase they would be needed in the future and I was more then sure they would be needed.

"Time to go Luna." Lucci spoke up as today we both wore clothes that would help us blend into our environment and the people around us.

"Alright; we know which way he was headed in so let's head that way first and go from there." I followed Lucci off of the ship as I concentrated not sending Kaku anywhere close by and looked to Lucci.

He smiled softly as we both walked around and Kaku was also wearing ordinary clothes to blend in easier as well. We didn't want to alarm the village people...I listened to people talking and smirked a little when I heard kids talking about a man with a long nose heading quickly to the centre of town and I looked to Lucci who nodded his head and we picked up our pace listening and looking for clues that would allow us to track Kaku easier.

I used my visual haki when we got near the centre but we never entered it as we had ducked into a near by alley. I lightly nudged Lucci and pointed to the ladder on the side of the building before we both moved to it and climbed it before getting to the roof top and stayed low. I smirked when I spotted Kaku walking around and looking for make this day more interesting Yasopp had made a paint gun that I could use to hit Kaku whenever I got close enough.

I waited till I had a clear shot and took it ducking quickly as I watched I saw that I had hit him in the dead centre of his back. Kaku looked around before myself and Lucci moved to the shadows and I changed position again and shot at Kaku who this time dodged and took off with us giving chase.

I smirked having fun as myself and Lucci were trying to corner Kaku and I was doing my best to keep track of him and would barely dodge Kaku when he tried to land hits. At one point I had ducked and laughed when Kaku got pinned by Lucci.

"So are you two going to kiss or what?" I playfully grinned before I gasped laughing as Lucci and Kaku started chasing me and whenever I had a chance I would shoot them with a paint ball as I was giggling seeing both men were trying to catch me.

I frowned when I sensed a familiar presence and kneeled on a roof top to keep myself hidden as I looked over and frowned seeing Garp and...X Drake? Kaku and Lucci landed besides me as Lucci looked and Kaku did as well before I waited till they turned a corner and I gave Lucci the paint gun as I slipped around and jumped across the street landing easily and quietly on the next roof top following Garp and Drake.

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