Chapter 47

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Luna's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
Once in awhile we would hear word about another group of pirates being caught and I shook my head before I ducked when Yasopp tried to get back his drink from me.

Benn smirked as he was watching since at the moment I had a blindfold on to increase more then my visual haki but to be able to use my other senses. It wasn't my idea but Lucci had told me that with the position that I held I needed to be able to use all my senses at any time.

I could hear the footsteps, feel when Yasopp was too close and I would dodge and send him stumbling into a group of guys who all snickered. As we played I heard the sound of a blade being with drawn but it wasn't on the ship and I moved making Yasopp land on his back before a blade barely missed hitting us.

I sneered removing my blindfold as I got up and went to the side of the ship and saw that Garp had come with Drake and I sighed shaking my head. "We got unwanted company captain." Smirking as I moved away hearing grumbling.

I stayed back away from our visitors today Lucci was gone with Kaku leaving me with Jabra who had no missions. I looked to the older male when he came and sat on a crate besides me and I frowned seeing Drake wounded and had a bad feeling.

Shanks frowned as he had come from his cabin and looked over to me before he motioned for me to give aid. During my time here I learnt some minor medical stuff enough to the point that I couldn't bleed to death so easily to keep another person alive if required.

I got in and frowned seeing the wound to his right shoulder and silently cursed. "Who or more like what did you get into a fight with?"

"Ran into a group of pirates that decided to surprise myself and my crew; they attacked under the cover of fog. My crew is all tended too but...we're close by with that other crew using the fog or night to attack us." Drake spoke and cringed when I cleaned the wound and ignoring his growl and glare.

"Sorry that growl and glare doesn't scare me Drake. How long have the cowards being hunting your crew?" I was grateful it didn't need stitches as the doctor and myself got Drake all bandaged up.

"We thought we caught sight of them a couple days ago but then we never saw anything again; we don't know what their up too."

I tensed and stood looking out to the sea as Drake's crew was sailing close to us and I heard Jabra walk up behind me. "It's a newly formed crew; but I'm not sensing any haki users from here. They could have some but they might have a devil fruit user or two."

"If that's how it goes make sure to use your haki on your blade and your staff; keep your visual haki alert but make sure they don't sense it." Jabra spoke he was already taking lead and I nodded my head getting up and pulled my hair back.

I looked to Shanks and then to Garp along with Drake, Garp was alright but with Drake's wound I didn't want him tearing it open. I sighed softly and looked back to Shanks. "I want to say that they can't fight but I already got a feeling they will; so can we lure that ship in closer?"

Shanks looked to me seriously and smirked nodding his head. "We have to go dark; Drake tell your men to put out all but one lantern on their ship and we'll do the same on this ship. It's getting darker and foggier from that crew."

"What good would that do? We wouldn't be able to see." Drake asked looking to Shanks.

I smirked shaking my head. "With evening coming we can give them a false sense of security; let them come into our trap. One light on each ship usually means the crew has retired all but one person on each ship that are on look out. I think they learned your pattern and from how close they are their either stupid not knowing who's ship this is; or their very arrogant and think they can take on both crews and come out the victors."

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