Chapter 75

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Luna's P.O.V
* Age 8*
I had just woke up due to a storm that shook the island and I sighed looking to see that it was four in the morning; it was time for me to get up and ready for training anyways. Our island worked on many kinds of sources of power, solar, geo-thermal, water, and air. I walked into my bathroom going through my morning routine and felt like something was coming and I always trusted my instincts. It didn't take me long to get ready for the day and I made sure to grab my backpack as today we would be going over the course and the backpacks contained the usual weapons we would have on missions so they acted as weights for our training.

I hurried downstairs smiling when I saw my mother just starting to make breakfast. "Morning mom, may I help with breakfast?"

My mother looked like me except for my eyes of which I share with my father and my pale skin. My mothers name Aria and her smile alone could make the room feel warm and she made some of the best food I have ever taste. "Morning sweetie; of course you can. How does pancakes and eggs sound? Apple juice or orange?"

"Thank you mom; mmm sounds delicious I can make both juice if you want?" I spoke excitedly and stopped when I heard my father chuckle as he came down from obviously having just gotten ready for the day. "Morning dad; do you know which kind of juice you want?"

"How about orange since we had apple yesterday. Later on the garden needs to be weeded and whatever is able to be harvested needs to be brought in alright?" Alistar my father spoke smiling softly as I looked into the same eyes as mine but they were darker but still I knew he loved me as well.

"I can do it when I come back from my training; a few of us decided an early start wouldn't be so bad. I mean we decided that since it was raining we would give that course another shot." I spoke as I made sure I had my rain gear but I usually never used my rain gear as during the training I would get too hot and the rain would keep me somewhat cool till it was time to swim.

"Make sure you children be careful; once you get down by the sea the surf is up high from what I heard from patrol. Kade picking you up on the way to training?"

I frowned as I paused for a second in making the orange juice and got back to work. "No; we haven't talked in over a month since I was promoted to my new rank. I'll be heading to training with Chandler; I heard his big brother is suppose to be watching over us when we get to the ladder crossing. As much as some people trust him I know I sure don't...Arik has been I don't know getting a lot more...vicious." I grabbed three glasses and poured the drinks for my parents and then myself as I set the table and put the drinks of the table before helping to get the food onto the table.

My father frowned as he had heard of Arik sending many people to the infirmary; he had been sending both those in his age and younger. "Don't trust him Luna; Arik has been acting off and it makes me wonder what he has been planning."

"I've seen Kade hanging out with him lately as well; do you think that their up to something?" Looking to my father as I sat down and started having my breakfast.

"Kade does look up to him; and with the so called government wanting us to work for them...perhaps they think that they should join them." Aria spoke as she drank her juice and was eating her breakfast.

I looked to my mother seeing she was serious; my family was second on the chain of the high ranked families so usually my parents had to sit in on meetings that concerned the island or any business going on outside of our island. "To join the government; they would be nothing but puppets. I heard from one of the trainers that they destroyed an island that was supposedly to have had some sort of white disease?"

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