Chapter 66

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Luna's P.O.V
I was resting as I saw the damage done and I had gone to stay besides Law and Kidd just incase something went wrong but I could see that both captains were starting to get another round into themselves. As I rested I couldn't help but feel like something wasn't right and I looked to the ceiling praying that Luffy was alright.

I knew that there was a CP agent up there but a memory; something I had been told by Shanks during the pass two years. That if Luffy ever got into a situation like this...then I had to keep believing that he would pull through and keep the faith of the people strong.

I didn't know what Shanks meant and I still don't all I knew...I had to keep fighting and believing in Luffy. I don't know how long I was resting with Kidd and Law before the ceiling collapsed from above and I gasped covering my head cursing softly before I looked up and froze.

What I saw scared me for in dragon form was I used my senses I felt my heart break when I could no longer hear Luffy's voice. A hand landed on my shoulder as I looked to Law and saw the worry before he spoke up already confirming what I knew.

Kaido roared out in a loud voice getting everyone's attention and my hand moved to my blade as I took a deep breath and centered myself before he spoke.

"STRAW HAT LUFFY IS DEAD!! IF ANYONE ELSE WISHES TO CHALLENGE ME, STEP FORWARD!!!" Kaido roared loudly still in his dragon form flying above us all.

"It was a short lived dream..." Kidd spoke in a ticked off voice

Law looked across to Kidd and spoke seriously. "This is cold, brutal reality...there's nothing left in the tank...!!"

I cursed softly as I looked to my blade and then to those fighting along side us. "I have next to nothing left as well; but we have to keep the captains safe." I spoke up looking to Kidd's and Law's crews. I froze when I heard Chopper start crying and shouting that Luffy was defeated but the other voice that spoke up reminded me I was in a team and have strong women on it.


"Straw Hat's voice...has vanished!!" Law spoke up loudly letting everyone hear him.

"Well at least one of you has some moxie." Kaido belittled Nami and I tensed.

"Nami! Get out of there!!" I shouted worried when he launched a beam at her and I thought I was going to loose someone I came to think of as family. Before I could move I saw blue flames and noticed Marco had come to the rescue keeping Nami safe.

"GET BACK!! Don't lose your composure! Not before it's all over!!" Marco scolded Nami and looked at me with a serious look.

I noticed what he was trying to tell me and I nodded my head and slipped my blade out of it's sheathe around an inch and turned to face Kaido; I could hear the wind coming from my blade snarling and when a bunch of enemy tanks came at me I slid my blade out and smirked darkly as their weapons were destroyed and those that got to close to me were scent flying as blood flew from them.

There was shocked looks from around me and even Kidd and Law were shocked; I was never one for violence but with Luffy down I was going to give it my all to at least make sure that my comrades would get out of here safe and sound.

Kaido was smirking seeing us fighting and when he saw his men dropping likes flies and loosing to me I heard him snarl. Kaido launched a beam at me and I had moved away from my comrades before hand...I remembered what Shanks taught me and I dodged the beam with ease.

Random P.O.V's
Kaido's daughter was trying to talk sense into Momonosuke she knew if she let him turn himself in or more like surrender everything that was going on up to this point would be all wasted. Too many lives have been given up and now that they have a chance she wasn't going to let her father win.

She was arguing with Momo when he wanted to give up and she had an idea and spoke up. "No!! I won't let you do that!! What would we be doing?! Counting down the days till we die in slavery!! Surrendering is not the same as salvation!!"

Momo looked shocked as she had his attention and he remained quiet as he listened to Kaido's daughter. He knew she was right all these years of wanting to defeat Kaido couldn't go to waste but the worse part that if he was going to waste it then she wanted to die with him together.

'Mononosuke!! I can hear it!! How long it's been.'

Momo was curious and worried as he spoke up when he heard the elephant talking to him mentally. He looked towards the direction of which the elephant was. "What is it, Zunesha?!"

'I hear the Drums of Liberation. For the first time in eight hundred years...he is here!!"

"Who is?!" Momo asked curiously and worried

"Joy-Boy...has returned!!!" Zunesha replied to Momo.

has returned!!!" Zunesha replied to Momo

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Luna's P.O.V
I was panting and could feel that something was different but I had moved and protected Marco from getting a sea stone blade in his back. "Thank you for protecting my nakama." I spoke to Marco as we were back to back fighting off enemy numbers.

Marco smirked softly. "Anytime Luna; how are you holding up?" He looked over his right shoulder seeing I was hurting but fighting to keep my nakama safe for Luffy, Zoro and Sanji.

"I'm sore and drained; I'm barely standing on my feet as it is but...I'm not going down while our demon trio can't be here to help out the rest of our crew. That's my job; I know my nakama can take care of themselves and I am proud of how they have been doing this whole time. You know Luffy is our number one worry; he's what keeps us going forward."

Marco frowned a little and nodded his head. "We were like that with Pops as well; our captains are our reasons to push forward on our crews. But I can see that it's no longer just Luffy and your mate that pushes you's all your crew and maybe hope that there are others of your people alive yet."

"That would be a dream come true; my island didn't deserve what it got and I will never forgive the government. But right now the only concern is have is keeping my nakama and allies alive...I don't know what it is but something feels like it's changed all of a sudden. Whatever it is; I hope we're ready for it." I moved checking on Nami and gasped smiling when she hugged me crying. "Shh Nami; we have to believe in Luffy like he believes in us right? I'm proud of every member on this crew you have been scared and I'm sorry about that...but look at everyone we have all gotten stronger and I'm proud of all those in our crew."

Nami sniffled pulling back wiping her tears away but the pain in her eyes I knew it was due to reliving old memories over again. "But Luffy is..."

"No! No you said it yourself there is no way Luffy would loose to Kaido. Something tells me that there is a change coming and it's going to change the tide of this battle. Do not let that hope and faith in Luffy slip away he's stronger then that. After all...he's the future pirate king." I spoke with a firm voice that didn't waver and anyone that could hear me started fighting back harder and I stood up guarding Nami. "You hear that Kaido?! This battle is far from finished!! You will loose!!" I shouted at Kaido and smirked tauntingly as he growled and I had Marco move those behind me including Nami as I slid my blade out waiting for an attack from Kaido. "Luffy I know you won't loose; hurry up little brother and get back in the fight."

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