Chapter 5

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Luna's P.O.V
I was thinking and hoping that our crew mates were alright I knew that they were all strong but the enemy had no care if they played dirty to try and eliminate us. "Time for the old generation to step aside."

I winced feeling sore from the attack earlier and dodged more attacks with the group I'm fighting with. "Too bad we couldn't get them to turn on each other; their strong together."

"That's true; but we're stronger then them Luna you know that." Law spoke up and I sighed nodding my head as I watched and thought of how we could but time for Luffy.

I smirked when I heard an explosion back where our friends were fighting and saw lightening dancing around. "Whelp; Naomi's is a ticked off mood. I feel sorry for the victim at the end of those attacks."

Zoro chuckled as he stood besides me. "Well I have to agree there; if the whole crew gets ticked off then the enemy will find out just how strong we can dangerous we can be."

I nodded my head as we dodged another attack from Big Mama and Kaido and I thought how to slow them and smirked. "Hey I got an idea; I have my staff on me." Moving as I joined Kidd, Killer, Law and Luffy with Zoro following behind me.

Kidd frowned. "What's so..." Kidd paused when he saw me take it out and he smirked. "Sea Prism; how did you get your hands on that?"

"Usopp got his hands on it as well; we figured those of us who aren't devil fruit users needed a helping hand in fights. Well Usopp made sure we all had sea prism but the thing is Nami also has a staff without sea prism because she is a natural disaster user as well. She's the one summoning the storm and lightening behind us which means she's getting irritated with her enemy." I smirked a little as I walked up spinning my staff slowly and encased it with my haki before I slammed it to the ground and smirked sending Big Mama and Kaido flying back.

Kaido growled as he got up weakly. "That damned haki is bothersome." Glaring and froze seeing I wasn't phased as Big Mama attack.

"Kidd, Killer, Law and Zoro I leave Kaido to you's and keep Luffy safe. Let me deal with Big Mama; she's strong but I'll win I promise." I spoke seriously.

Law smirked a little. "Get going Luna; I'm sure Luffy wouldn't mind. Besides...we have three minutes left so get going you have permission."

"Thank you captain." I took off and smirked pissing Big Mama off easily as she attacked and concentrated on me. I enjoyed ticking her off and I could hear Lucci chuckling in my mind.

'Luna lure her away further then use that move; I'm keeping an eye on you kitten your good to go.' Lucci spoke mentally to me.

'Got it.' I took off and threw a stone smirking when I hit Big Mama and dodged her attacks. 'There's a pattern to her attacks; I can easily dodge this.'

'Yes you can.' Lucci was glad that for now he wasn't working as he kept an eye on Luna as she was fighting and sighed when his crew walked in.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci could hear his group taking seats and opened his eyes glaring at them. "What is it?"

"We came to see how Luna was doing with her crew." Kaku spoke up he was just as curious as the other they enjoyed seeing the StrawHats getting stronger.

"She's fighting with Luffy, Zoro, Law, Kidd and Killer against Kaido and Big Mama. They've taken some damage, Luffy is going to be down another minute or two before his haki is fully recharged. Luna is fighting Big Mama while the rest deal with Kaido they have dealt a good amount of damage against Kaido; his scales aren't all that tough." Lucci watched the reactions of the group seeing their amazement. "Their so much stronger then two years ago."

Kaku was curious as he stood against a wall like usual. "How much stronger are they going to get? They have caused quite the commotion since they made a reappearance back in this world. Where the hell were they for the past two years?"

"They weren't that far; we'll except for Luna she was a little further but got help to reunite with her crew. They were spread out on the islands around Archipelago...who knew that they were so close and no one knew that their crew was alive and waiting. We all thought they couldn't go far but now seeing the fighting through Luna's mind I can see that their so much stronger then we ever thought they could get and their only growing in power." Lucci smirked as he got up to walk to the window looking outside he saw Hattori fly to his shoulder to enjoy the breeze that was coming in.

Jabra chuckled from his spot. "Since they came back and being able to work along side Luna; I have watched all of them their not the same newbies they were back then that's for sure. I looked at them and just being in their presence you want to do whatever they do; I don't see the same people that just rushed into fights. Their team work may have looked sloppy back then and somwhat still does but they do have a rhythm without needing to talk or make any signs to one another they just simply work off of each other. If anyone becomes king of pirates I truly believe it will be StrawHat and his crew." Jabra saw the others listening. "You didn't see the planning I did; didn't hear the way they spoke like I did. Heck they could come up with plans and the moment that plan changed then they changed along with it. They can be split up and a long distance from one another and their still trusting one another; they don't need their entire crew their in major battles they can have even one or two and they could win."

Lucci looked as he listened and heard the female in his group huff not believing them before she decided to speak up.

"Their just some low life pirates; how they haven't been caught yet..." She jumped as all the information on all the crew members on the Thousand Sunny was placed in front of her and herself and the other members read it.

She paled seeing that all members had connections to all sorts of people in the world; some were already skilled fighters before they ever became pirates, others were pirates before they became a crew etc. She looked to Lucci once she read that Luna and Luffy defeated him but mostly it was Luffy. "Who are these pirates?"

"Pirates that should be feared; that should be respected. There is something special about this crew and about their captain, this crew will follow their captain wherever he wants to go. Will do whatever he wants like saving a kingdom, defeating warlords, taking on a yonko's, or saving a ship building island, heck their captain has been in three Marine strong holds and has walked away to talk about it. His older brother was Fire Fist Ace, his sister is a trained mercenary, my mate Luna D Evermore, The rebel army's second in command Sabo is also Luffy's brother and Luffy's grandfather is Garp. Now you tell me why shouldn't he be feared and respected; that captain has many strong people fighting with him; Their his equals he doesn't treat them as anything less in his eyes all those that he cares for and respects are his equals and he trusts them all to be able to fight their own battles when their in situations like now."

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