Chapter 22

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Luna's P.O.V
*Flashback Con't*
I woke up in Shanks bed again and winced as a shot of pain went through my head indicating I had a headache and noticed the pain killers and water left for me.

I could see that it was dark out and heard movement in a chair near me as I looked over and saw Lucci sleeping in what I called an uncomfortable position. I bit my lip and moved closer gently brushing his hair out of his face as I saw him wake up.

"How do you feel kitten?" He spoke his voice deep with sleep as he nuzzled into my hand.

"I'm feeling better; how did I get here?" I sat up and blushed when Lucci moved to hold me against him on the bed.

"I carried you once myself and Shanks noticed that you had a fever. The doctor had come and checked on you earlier as well; he left some pain killers for your head ache."

"I'm sorry Lucci I didn't mean to make anyone worry; I honestly felt alright when I laid down but..." I looked to my hands and squeaked in surprise when Lucci nipped my right ear and a growl sounded from him.

"Never apologize for something that you couldn't help Luna." Lucci looked to me before he grabbed the pain killers and water and had me take them.

I had to admit the cool water felt great going down my parched throat as I sighed softly in relief. Lucci had laid back again but I could feel his eyes on me.

I set the glass to the side and moved laying against Lucci listening to his heart beat. "It's hard to believe how much has happened since we met the first time; sometimes it feels like a dream to me but I know it's real."

"It is real and every time that you think it's a dream reach out to me and I will reassure you everything is real. I may not be able to always help with all your pain but I will take that on myself, when your happy then so am I; and I'm proud of everything you have accomplished and the family and friends you have made for yourself. Garp asked me one time what I thought freedom meant...and I have to admit I have thought about it lots."

I looked up curiously to Lucci seeing that he was lost in thought but I laid my head on his chest. "What have thought of for freedom?"

"It's making your choices, going where you wish, choosing who your friends and family are. I know that family isn't always blood...their the people that want you in their lives; that you in your life. It's not taking orders all the time or following all orders; sometimes you have to do what you think is right and worry about consequences later." Lucci spoke with a soft smile on his face.

I smiled grateful he was beginning to see what all us pirates and the Revolutionary Army viewed as freedom.

"That's what freedom means to us; that no one can control us or our actions. That we do as we desire; when we're on the sea's we truly are free and we fight stronger opponents to see just how far we can push ourselves. We choose who needs help and who we clean house on; we make those choices no government dogs, and no dragons. Just like we chose to protect Luffy; just like Ace and Sabo did, WhiteBeard and his men, Jimbei and everyone who came to his protection. Don't you see? On the sea's we are family; the sea is our mother and no she doesn't pick favourites...but those that know the sea's and respect them will be safe on them."

Lucci listened as I spoke and he gently ran his fingers through my hair before he held me close to him. "I can tell; I know you love the sea's and those that you respect. Your eyes get such a beautiful shine to them that is filled with excitement and happiness. I know when you lost Ace you cried for more then just him you also cried for Whitebeard due to the amount of his children that was left behind."

"Your right; but I also cried in frustration as well...I wanted to be by Ace and Luffy to save both of my brothers. I felt so damn useless that day; I watched as both Ace and Luffy's vivre cards burned but when I saw Luffy's healing a part of me felt happy but..."

"You worried; he wasn't use to loosing anyone close to him like you did. You were worried about what loosing Ace could do to Luffy; and when you found out that Ace died in Luffy's arms protecting him then you felt your own guilt rise. You had no reason to feel that guilt my love; you did everything in your power and you still have Luffy to think about. I know your aware Sabo is alive but..."

I smiled sadly. "Yeah I know; I told those two that I would watch out for Luffy in their stead and I plan on keeping my promise. In order to keep those I cherish safe...I need to get stronger. Those that I fight in the future will only get more dangerous from here on out and fighting the Kidd Pirates, seeing the Big Mom pirates only proves those thoughts." I spoke seriously looking to Lucci and I could feel his hand move down my back as he held me close.

"Then let me train you my love; let me show you how to beat me. If you can beat me then in theory you should be able to defeat stronger members of Cipher Pole along the way and many other enemies. The training isn't easy but I believe in you; everyone around you believes in you kitten."

I was surprised but smiled softly kissing his cheek softly. "I'd love that my king."

Lucci smirked and I gasped laughing happily as Lucci started tickling me and I could hear him purring as he did. This is what I liked about us; we could be serious one minute and playful the next...he was my future that I would fight for between him and my crew I felt like I could take on the world and perhaps with time I could do just that.

A few chuckles sounded and I stopped before seeing the crew was watching the show with amusement on their faces. I looked between them all and gasped laughing as I ran this had become a game where the Red Haired pirates and Lucci's groups would try to catch me.

I smirked as I would find the hardest spots for anyone to get too and when I found a spot I would stay still and smirked watching them looking around. I had to try and pin Shanks or Lucci which was never easy since everyone was watching one another's backs.

At one point I managed to just avoid Benn but cursed a second later when Yasopp managed to spot me and I spun knocking him down and concentrated as we fought and I blocked Lucci's attack seeing him smirking.

*Flashback Ends*

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