Chapter 38

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Flashback con't
Luna's P.O.V
I was currently sitting on deck with Lucci as we were going over some of the other pirate crews from my generation of which I had managed to remember basically everything about their information, I had also memorized many of those in older crews as well. While we were enjoying the sunshine my observation haki kicked in and I tensed looking around for any signs of danger.

Lucci noticed and he went on alert as we both quickly closed the books and scrolls we had been reading before we walked out onto the deck and I frowned seeing it was Garp and his crew.

But what got me the most was the woman with him and I looked towards Shanks who had a small smile on his face. I watched till they were along side Shanks ship and were boarded I took a small step.

"Dadan? It's been awhile hasn't it?" I spoke with a happy sounding tone to my voice and I giggled when she let me hug her. During my time on the island she may have been strick with us doubt but it was for our own benefits to survive this world. She was like a mother to us and we knew we when left that she was crying.

Dadan hugged me as well tears in her eyes. "Garp asked if I wanted to see you; I'm glad your alright. Have you heard from Luffy?"

I shook my head. "No I haven't; I'm sure he's alright though he's grown up lots since we left. How's everyone at the island?"

Garp chuckled. "Manako had a baby recently a little boy I believe."

I smiled. "She'll be a great mother." Looking to Garp and no matter how much I wanted to be angry I just couldn't get angry for the the loss of Ace would have been hard for him as well. "You know it's sad; I want to be angry with you for what happened at Marine Ford and yet...I can't. I know you have no mercy for pirates but you do for family...I'm sure Dadan already read you the right act. But if I get angry now what good will it be? I'll feel better yeah...but my brother is gone and I'll protect Luffy in his place."

Garp froze tensed before he gave me a hug as well tears in his eyes. "When did you kids all grow up to mature adults? I'm sorry Luna; I know that you and Luffy thought the world of Ace and Sabo..."

"Sabo is alive I learnt that before we had reached the desert kingdom; thanks to Lucci. Maybe in time I'll see him again; we'll both protect Luffy and make him the king. I'm sorry if we scared you when we vanished but...we had a sort of helping hand. Kuma used his devil fruit and sent us to different places...I wanted to be there to help Luffy as well but Shanks had to knock me out before we docked."

Shanks chuckled seeing Garp looking confused. "She's got all three haki and her conqueror's haki had started getting out of control that day. Although she's been training and now she can use it to weaken devil fruit users for a small amount of time and those that can't stand conquerors haki get knocked out in big numbers."

Dadan and Garp looked shocked to on another before they heard me snicker till Lucci walked over and I relaxed into him seeing Garp and Lucci nod to one another and I raised a brow smirking. "So how well do you two know one another?"

"Well enough kitten; and I have heard word about Dadan I'm surprised that you know her though. How did you meet her?" Lucci looked to me as he held me around the waist and cuddled into his side.

I sighed softly. "Well when Garp took Luffy for training he also took me with and made Dadan take care of me, Luffy, Ace and well Sabo snuck into the group. She's a badass but she meant well and raised us properly she's the closest mother figure we all had." I looked to Dadan smiling softly.

Dadan smiled softly and looked to Lucci seriously and I snickered moving away. "All yours you two."

Garp smirked. "I don't need to worry about you protecting my granddaughter so I Lucci? You have already been watching her even from long ways away."

"She's my world I'll do anything to keep her safe and happy and she knows it as well." Lucci looked to Garp seriously along with Dadan.

"You better boy; she's an Angel in our little family and has done her fair share or working and fighting. She spent much time around me on the island and she can be very protective of those she deems worth protecting." Dadan spoke with a serious look on her face.

I was snickering besides Shanks and looked to Shanks. "You knew they wanted to meet Lucci didn't you? That's why they came?" I whispered to Shanks.

Lucci and Shanks both smirked before Lucci held his hand out for me and I took his as Shanks spoke.

"Of course; their your family and they wanted to make sure that he knew that you have a big family that will do anything to keep you safe and happy." Shanks smiled from where he was standing.

Garp chuckled as they all started speaking and relaxing and I looked to Lucci seeing he was getting along with my family which made my heart sore with happiness. I knew my crew may not like his line of work but I knew that they approved of Lucci for how much he was protecting me and supporting me with what I chose to do.

I heard a seagull call out and moved as I caught the paper frowning as I read it and wanted to be sick. The front page showed a picture of Law with a hundred beating pirate hearts and he was made into a warlord.

Lucci noticed something had me upset and worried as he moved and held me against him. "Luna what is it?"

I couldn't talk with how much I was trying not to be sick and Garp cursed as him and Dadan had to leave as a meeting was called to talk to all the warlords and to introduce the newest warlord of the sea's...Trafalgar D. Law.

Lucci was shocked as he read the paper before handing it over letting Shanks read it and Shanks glared as he read it and looked to me. "You know him?"

"Not personally...I have met him when we were on Sabaody; it was him, Kidd and Luffy that fought off most of the marines. He's also a devil fruit user but I don't know too much about him personally other then what I hear and read about. Law doesn't seem to be the kind of person to want to be a warlord he's got to be planning something." I spoke seriously finally stopping the feeling of wanting to be sick.

"Not only that...Akainu and the Ice man also fought on an island. Punk Hazard is now half fire and half ice from those two; Akainu won and is the new fleet admiral the waters will be so much more dangerous." Lucci spoke seriously and a slight growl formed in his voice as he spoke.

I frowned and gently cuddled into his side more trying to calm him as I gently took the paper. "That the very one who killed my brother; who killed Ace. But you know what they say...the bigger they are the harder they fall and one day Akainu will fall." I spoke with confidence seeing the crew smirking as we too doubled my training and studying.

*End of Flashback*

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