Chapter 23

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Luna's P.O.V
I was with Jimbei as we fought against Tobiroppo aka Who's Who  and I managed to dodge and deflect some hits. I panted softly concentrating and cursed when both myself and Jimbei dodged and I looked to Jimbei knowing we needed to play dirty.

Around ten thousand of the enemies numbers were now working for us thanks to the little girl. I sneered when Who's Who thought his attack would break my haki and I smirked swinging my blade and sent him flying to Jimbei who landed his own hit on Who's Who sending him flying.

I landed by Jimbei panting and could tell that Lucci was amused with the situation. 'Babe I'm not cleaning up CP's mess you know that right?'

'Oh I know kitten; it's amusing that your cleaning house on him. I love the shocked look he had when his attack didn't harm your haki. Well done you have gotten much stronger.' Lucci spoke and I could hear the amusement in his voice.

I playfully rolled my eyes and moved Jimbei away and cursed getting a cut on my right side thankfully it wasn't deep. "Look at that; no wonder you lost to Shanks you hit like a girl." I wanted to provoke him.

Tobiroppo snarled at me. "It's that trash that made me get sent to Impel Down!"

"And you will blame Luffy for what Shanks did back then?" Jimbei asked as we both got ready for the next attack.

"That same StrawHat, the Gum Gum fruit; of course I will despise your captain! For he reminds me of Shanks!" Tobiroppo attacked and we barely dodged his pistol that I saw reminded me of shark teeth.

"Scary; your strong I'll give ya that...But Lucci gave myself and Luffy more of a fight your weaker compared to that man." I used sonpo that I thankfully learnt from Lucci and collided against Tobiroppo who blocked me with his own armour.

Jimbei smirked as he launched his attack I sent a burst of my unique haki and saw the armour on Tobiroppo weaken as I jumped away and Tobiroppo was sent flying.

"Nicely done Luna; that move was sonpo correct?" Jimbei walked closer to me seeing I was panting.

"Yeah; unlike a certain person it drains me a little it was using my weakening haki that took the power out of me. I learnt it during my training these past two years; it works for short bursts with devil fruit users or those of CP that use the six powers. I'm glad you attacked when you did that should have done some damage but still he's a devil fruit user."

Jimbei nodded as Tobiroppo got up and his loyal man ran screaming saying he wasn't holding back and I saw some of his men get wounded or killed by his attacks at us. Jimbei used his fist attack and stopped Tobiroppo from landing a hit.

I put my armour haki to my blade and smirked feeling a wind picking up. "Jimbei!" As he moved I swung my blade and smirked landing another hit before I let Jimbei finish the fight as I felt something was off but I was alert in the fights.

I thought back to when I asked Shanks about the devil fruit that Luffy had now...I wanted to know how he got it. A part of that was answered here today for me...I jumped into the rafters hiding in the shadows resting for a moment and looked around for my team.

"LUNA!" I heard Usopp yelling and I was holding the wound on my side and jumped down stumbling some as one of the gifted carried me as we hurried.

I smirked seeing the cloud that once was with Big Mama was now Nami's side kick. I winced as the wound felt deeper then I originally thought.

Nami noticed and she looked to me worried before she moved my hand and gasped softly. "It's deep Luna; how long have you had it?"

"Not long; got anything I can use to bind it till this fight is over?"

"Actually Chopper is just ahead tending to Zoro get your wounds tended to Luna. Let the rest of us worry about the fighting alright?" Nami smiled confidently.

I chuckled softly and got off at Chopper seeing we had guards. "Kick their asses I know you'll be alright; your a strong and smart woman."

Nami smiled happily as her and Usopp took off with the girl to keep her safe and Chopper got to working on my wound. I cursed softly since he had to clean it and sadly bandaged it since the stitches that it needed would be a bad idea cause of the moving and fighting I was and will be doing.

'Let me help heal you Luna; I'll be alright we're taking a small break and you need my help now kitten.' Lucci spoke up.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci knew the exact moment that Luna had gotten hurt he could feel how much the area on his side stung and being in his room he was sitting in a window sill looking outside.

'I'm willing to take whatever help your willing to give...I'm sorry that your feeling every time that I get hurt it must be annoying.'

Lucci heard the upset tone to Luna's voice and he smiled softly sending her reassurance and energy to help heal quicker.

'No Luna; it's not annoying. I'm just glad that your trusting me to rely on me to help heal you quicker. You learnt well and performed sonpo perfectly; I do believe you might be able to defeat me my love that's a scary thought.'

Luna chuckled in his mind which relaxed Lucci. 'Babe...I only beat you once seriously anything after that was playing or training. Besides I'm grateful you taught me; I can help my friends and family in fights and not feel like a burden anymore.'

'You have never and will never be a burden...a burden is someone who doesn't lift a finger to help in any way, shape or form and you Luna...two years ago you tossed your pride to the side three different times to ask to be taught not just by myself and my group, but by Shanks and Mihawk as well. Your entire crew put their pride to the side to get stronger for Luffy at his one is weak or a burden. Now win this war my love I'm going to stay in your mind and any energy you require then take it I hardly feel anything.'

Lucci could feel that Luna's confidence had raised up and that she had silently agreed. He closed his eyes before he looked back to the viewing snail as he watched the fight and would talk with the CP members that were there. They knew the plan was to make sure Tobiroppo wouldn't walk away alive and he hoped that by that point Luna was well out of their reach.

Lucci had watched over the past two years since he had started training Luna on the six powers she was a quick study and trained hard. Lucci had been with her every step and when he couldn't then Shanks crew and those from CP9 were...they were all a family and now he wanted to see just how good the mercenary of the StrawHat Pirates did against so many strong opponents.

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