Chapter 78

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Luna's P.O.V
I couldn't believe how long the festivities have been going on it was actually amusing to watch everyone coming together to enjoy themselves. I was thinking about when I was talking to Shanks and felt like he was hiding something from me and I didn't know what it was but it kind of put me on edge; I thought that if it concerned myself or my crew he would tell me but then again he was a man who would deal with problems even if it did concern us.

The children were laughing and running around chasing one another and playing games, I watched as a child had tried to get a toy but lost the game only to have the game owner still give the child a prize. I smiled knowing that he did it so the child wouldn't feel down and would try again until they got it.

I noticed Momo and Yamato along with a few others were missing but I only thought that they had gone else where to enjoy themselves or to perhaps to the graves of the fallen. A breeze ripped it's way through town nothing rough but just enough to keep the day cool and the smell of the sea on the air strong; soon enough the call of the sea would come to all of us pirates again and we would respond and join her again to travel to somewhere new and fight someone new only this time...the person might be someone that I trained under myself.

I noticed a few of the samurai had been talking before they walked away in a hurry and I frowned only guessing it was their business. As I was walking around I kept thinking about everything that was happening or had happened, I was also thinking about what the government could be up too, what Shanks was up too...I know he didn't noticed but when things were really bad I could tell there was a slight change to Shanks voice as well.

I would get deeper and more...rougher like he was holding back some anger and it made me worry. I thought about how quiet Lucci was that he had even blocked out bond which just set me on edge as well; I walked to a part of the island looking out over the water and smiled softly seeing I wasn't far from the docks.

I moved to sit on the end of a dock and hugged my knee's to my chest before I shifted to sit with my legs crossed and closed my eyes slowly clearing my mind out as I did breathing exercises. This was one way to not only relax myself but to help get my thoughts in order; I knew our fleet would no doubt have been getting information about what had happened here if they could, I thought about what Lucci said that it was havoc and hell outside the island which I naturally assumed that meant the marines were sending out their people more to keep society at peace, this might have been the one to trigger our allies and friends to start fighting back.

No it wouldn't have been just us as it dawned on me that there was someone else that could easily get the numbers to fight back and that would be Sabo; I moved Hell Dancer to lay across my lap. I could feel a slight breeze in the air and noticed that there was something definitely going on but I wouldn't interfere as the samurai seemed to be the ones to want to deal with problems while we rested and relaxed.

I thought about the talk with Shanks and could hear his crew in the background earlier and swore I had heard someone say that Bartolomeo had burnt their flag in their territory; if that was true then it meant we might be going to war with Shanks for the pathetic mess that one of our fleet commanders had gotten us into.

As I sat there I could feel the power of an admiral and gave a soft smile knowing now that Momo, Yamato and the samurai were there dealing the admiral. I listened to people talking and that his name was GreenBull I believe but if my crew wasn't near there that meant we would let those that live here deal with them.

"Appa Appa...why aren't you going to help Luna? I thought..."

"Oh myself and my crew know that the admiral is here but...the people of this island are here and I'm sure he would be easy for us to deal with him. Let the people of this island deal with him...if they really need help then we'll go not before then." Standing and put my sword back in it's place as I smiled softly loving the new clothes that I was wearing and saw the looks I got from Apoo and Kidd's group.

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