Chapter 8

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci was listening to a report coming in from the member of CP0 that were in Wano and frowned when he heard that the samurai were being tended too and he was curious.

He grabbed his snail as a live stream turned on with another snail and Kaku dimmed the lights and Lucci was amused seeing the change of tides as more and more of the low rank enemy were turning on their superiors.

Kaku had gone to stand besides Lucci and was also watching the fighting. "What the heck? It's worse then two years ago MarineFord. This isn't just a war; it's a blood bath."

Lucci nodded his head as the other members from CP0 and CP9 came in. "Did you find anything?"

Blueno set some records down. "An inside source had listened to a story told by Kaido's daughter that there is a prophecy about Kaido. It said during a war a new generation will appear and nothing can stop them; they will be the ones to defeat Kaido."

Lucci was shocked and he thought about earlier when he saw through Luna's eyes that they had dealt damage to Kaido. "They can pierce his scales where no one has ever done that before."

"What do you mean pierce his scales? Kaido's scales in his dragon form are like diamond." Blueno spoke from his spot.

Lucci looked to his group and shook his head. "Zoro, Killer and Luna attacked together and they all dealt damage to him. Luna has also revealed the name of her blade; she truly is fearsome and is bouncing back and fourth between fighting Kaido and Big Mama."

Jabra was curious as he spoke. "What is the name of her blade?"

"Hell Dancer; that's a blade no one has seen in battle in years. That blade has had only one other owner; they say it's a cursed blade and the person doesn't pick the blade." Lucci spoke as he sat down.

Jabra was surprised. "That's right it's the blade that picks the person; it has a seal on it when it's dormant and when it chooses who it wants the seal breaks and the blade forms a bond to the person."

Lucci chuckled softly. "No one knows why this blade picks it's users it just does. Hell Dancer is able to amplify Luna's attacks especially when she puts her haki into Hell Dancer."

Kaku grumbled and gave Jabra money who was smirking since they had been arguing over if Luna made her blade stronger or vice versa. "Can't believe I lost to a dog."

"Who are you calling a dog you long neck?!" Going as him and Kaku got into a playful fight as some of the others watched in amusement.

The woman in Lucci's current group watched the duo shaking her head as she looked back to the screen. "Lucci take a look." Seeing the fight against Kaido and Big Mama.

Lucci has looked back and smirked seeing a Storm was brewing. "That storm isn't an ordinary storm either; it's not Big Mama's doing...that storm is being made by the navigator of the Straw Hat Crew."

Kalifa smiled as she watched the fight and saw the winds picking up on the island. "Look at that; none of the pirates in any of the three crews is worried about the storm around them. They have that much trust in Nami to not let a single member get harmed in her attack."

Lucci nodded his head and saw as a lightening bolt came down Luna jumped swinging Hell Dancer and the lighting followed the surge of power from Luna's attack and sent Big Mama flying and put more wounds on Kaido. Lucci could see the power coming off of Luna as she landed in a different spot from the group as the dust settled they could all see the wounds were deep and big.

'You know babe if your going to keep watching then at least keep your thoughts to yourself please. Although I do love the compliments that your giving me.' Luna spoke amused at Lucci.

Lucci chuckled. 'Sorry Luna you can't blame me for thinking it though. Your hot when your fighting and that temper of yours makes me all that much more proud that your my mate.'

Luna's P.O.V
I shook my head fighting back a blush as the fight continued and I dodged another attack from Big Mama and landed back my Zoro and Law. 'Babe your not helping me at the moment.'

'I can't help it Luna; oh and nice blush.' Lucci spoke a slight purr to his voice and I looked around quick seeing that we were being watched from a distance.

'Typical man of mine; ah well sit back and enjoy the show for as long as you can. That storm is made by Nami she's ticked off and I really can't blame her. Nami and Robin are just as formidable as I am; being women we had to learn to pull our weight around one the sea's and our crew are depending on us.' I swung my blade cancelling an attack from hitting Zoro and Luffy. 'I'll guard the future king of pirates with my life.'

Lucci chuckled softly and I felt him give me some energy as my wounds healed thanks to the bond he could help heal the minor injuries a little quicker and give me some energy. 'Don't use up too much of your energy Lucci; I'm alright babe.'

'I know I don't want you seriously hurt my love. I won't be as kind if you get seriously hurt there or worse and you know that. You remember what I was like that time you got hurt when I was training you.' He spoke to her seriously as he watched the fighting.

I winced as we all got sent flying and I hit the ground hard hearing a growl come from Lucci and I slowly stood up. 'I'm alright.'

The others stood up slowly as well and I noticed that I had been guarded by Kidd when the attack had happened and was shocked. "Kidd?! I would have been alright!"

"I wasn't taking a chance with that; your helping big time in this fight and we don't need to loose you." Kidd spoke seriously as I got up and frowned seeing he was wounded.

I cursed softly and checked his wound which I was grateful that it wasn't bad as it seemed and quickly bound it. "Don't worry about me Kidd; I'm used to getting hurt just like the rest of my crew."

Kidd smirked and nodded his head as we all attacked the two emperors together I had used my blade to land hits on both Kaido and Big Mama Letting the others fight who they wanted all we knew was that we had to win this fight.

I winced when I heard an explosion and smirked taking a quick look back and saw that Nami had taken out much of the enemy and I knew that anyone helping our crews were safe. "Well done guys."

My snail rang and I answered it. "Go ahead I'm listening." Dodging another attack from Kaido as he had swung his weapon and I dodged it but just barely.

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