Chapter 57

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Lucci's P.O.V
*Flashback con't)
Lucci had waited for seven years hoping to feel the bond to his mate awaken and connect them since he had bit her; when that bond had opened he had been happy since it meant that she was alive and thriving. He found it easier to relax and rest after missions; and during missions he could keep his calm and whenever his mate was riled he would calm her and finish his missions with ease.

Currently he was working in Water 7 with CP9 when he felt a burst of happiness from his mate as he worked and he wondered who or what was making her so happy. He had started feeling her emotions clearly one day and he could have assumed it was her sixteenth birthday by then.

He had left the island for a small missions else where around the time the girl was nineteen but what surprised him was when he felt how strong the bond was that it was basically buzzing and he looked around while seeming to concentrate on his mission. He had stopped when he saw a dark haired woman with bluish red eyes, mid-back length black hair, pale skin, and a very noticeable bite mark on her neck. He also noticed that she had a sword on her side and some pirates were surrounding her and the towns people on that island had been scared of those pirates till he saw his mate clean house with ease and the last pirates she had defeated was the captain.

He saw the mayor of that island walk over shocked but scared before speaking. "Who are you miss? Your a hero."

"I'm no hero their just pirates; but unlike these low ranking pirates I won't harm you people I just need some supplies and I'll be on my way." She smiled softly. "And my name is Luna D Evermore. No one got hurt did they?"

"No Miss thank you; wait are you saying that your pirate yourself?" The mayor spoke surprised.

Luna had chuckled softly. "Yes I am sir; but like I said I won't harm your beautiful town or the kind people here. I'm not like some of the low life's that give us pirate bad names, we're not all blood thirsty hounds. I'll have him dealt with if you want I have someone that will deal with him; and you and your town can keep the bounty."

Lucci was amused with how good of a person that Luna had grown up to be; she cared more for the town and people then she did for herself.

"But surely you need the money Miss." The mayor of the island was trying to get her to keep it.

"If you want to pay me back so much then I need supplies and knowledge when the log pose resets." She gave a kind smile that made Lucci wish it was for him instead as she showed the mayor her list of what she needed.

The mayor had people help get what she needed before he told her when the log pose would reset. Lucci smiled softly knowing that he would have one hell of a mate; and one that carried the name of D on her shoulders...he could only assume that she would bring hell with her.

As Lucci went to go rest he heard a commotion and a scream as he turned he tensed seeing the pirate had woke up and had gone after Luna and he could feel that she was ticked off. He sent her a calming sensation and he noticed she relaxed enough to clean house on the pirate and there was definitely a big gap of power between the two; her generation was being called the worse generation.

Lucci watched the fight and saw her curse and instead of using her blade he drew out a staff and he noticed the sea stone in it as she fought against the pirate; he noticed the man weaken and get knocked out as a couple people tied him up and brought him to a dock to hand him to the marines.

Lucci walked over and caught Luna when she fainted and looked to the mayor. "Is there a place she can rest till the marines are gone? I'm sure they would love to catch a pirate at her weakest."

"Of course follow me and hurry." The mayor led him down and alley as the mayor carried the staff to a hidden house where Luna could rest in the guest room.

Lucci had gently laid her down on the bed as the mayor put her things to the side and Lucci worked on her cuts and frowned seeing a bruise. "He was strong enough that he knocked her breath out before shocking her; she held on long enough to win before she passed out."

"How do you know? And do you know this lady?" The mayor helped to clean and tend to her wounds.

"She wouldn't know or remember me since it has been years; please don't tell her that I was here she needs to meet me when fate allows us to meet again. She'll be alright just give her time to heal and wake up; she should be awake by tonight some time I'll stay in town till then." He would definitely stay and just lie that this target was harder to get alone and it was true, after all he was after a gangster that lived near this town that had a bounty on their head.

Once Lucci and the mayor finished helping Luna they left and the mayor had her boat hidden for now and her supplies brought to the cabin and Lucci set out for his mission.

*3 hours later*
Lucci had just finished his mission and had chosen to go into his full beast form for awhile when he needed some time to clear his mind and with it being night no one would be out wondering the forest this deep at this time.

The moon was full and lit the night like it was daylight; Lucci froze when he heard a gasp of surprise and he looked towards the sound and froze when he saw Luna was awake and resting besides a pond and he felt his leopard push to go to her.

As he went to leave her heard movement and a groan of pain and he trotted over giving her support in his leopard form. He could see that she had muscles and assumed she was training all these years; she was strong and perfect for him.

"Your an odd one; but then again I always seem to calm the predator animals more then anything else. Your very handsome that's for sure." She gently petted him as she walked down the path to the cabin and he could tell that Luna was relaxed. Lucci saw her open the door and he looked to her curiously before he entered slowly looking around for danger. "Mayor said I can stay here till the heat dies down from the marines. I wonder can you understand me?" She sats on the couch which looked to be big for a giant and placed a blanket down and patted it for the big cat.

Luna had a small smile on her face as she laid down with the leopard and cuddled him through the night and once Lucci was sure that she was in a deep sleep he shifted back to human form. He smiled softly as he held Luna gently watching as she slept and saw how peaceful she looked to him; he couldn't help wanting to be close to his other half.

He looked to the door and tensed seeing the mayor enter quietly and saw the smile on his face as he motioned for Lucci to join him outside where no one would bother them. Lucci gently slipped away and covered Luna before following the mayor outside.

"May I help you?"

"She s your mate isn't she? I've seen that look before; she's your treasure...someone you would do anything for and something tells me she doesn't know you or what your occupation is." He looked back to Lucci seriously.

"How did you know?"

"Because I had a brother who had the Lynx model devil fruit and when he found his mate...she had become his world. You look at this girl the way he looked at his; and I can't help but wonder how come she is marked agent."

"I did it when she was child I didn't know till I marked her back then; the leopard encouraged me to track and mark her. It's when my end of the bond opened, I understood it then." Lucci leaned against a tree.

The man chuckled softly. "She should always be your top priority; she should have your allegiance more then the government. My brother was a marine and he left for her; if you were smart you would leave as well when it's time. Make a life with her even though she chose this path; she has more freedom then you do. She'll bring out another side to you that not even your aware of yet, you'll be whatever she wants you to be without her asking. Take care of her agent." He moved and walked back towards the village and Lucci thought over his words as he walked back to the cabin and shifted to his leopard form.

He laid back down with Luna and allowed her to cuddle him as he rested but was alert for danger. He knew that Luna had him for the rest of their lives and he would come up with a plan to leave CP and go with her wherever she wanted to go.

*Flashback Ends*

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