Chapter 100

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Luna's P.O.V
I was listening to the four men behind me talking as I once again stood in front as protection and knew Lucci wanted me out of harms way and smirked playfully as I shook my head.

Zoro was the first one to speak. "If we take of your handcuffs so you can fight...I can't possibly see you submitting to them again."

"Now that's just not true. Once we're clear of the presence danger...we'll play nice and go right back in the cuffs." Kaku spoke looking over his right shoulder.

Of course Luffy being his typical self fell for the lie and that left Zoro scolding Luffy as I shook my head and tensed. "Guys! Here they come again!" We all dodged and when we landed I landed besides Lucci, Luffy and Shaka.

I was shocked and looked towards Zoro who looked just as surprised when S-Hawk's right leg became a blade like a past opponent of ours."Zoro did you see that?"

"Was that...the power of the Dice-Dice Fruit?!!" Zoro asked confused.

"See, Roronoa?! Are you going to lug us around...every time we need saving like this?!" Kaku yelled agitated but was basically ignored.

Shaka finally spoke up as he stood two or three feet on Luffy's right hand side. "May I ask...what mission brings you here, CP0?"

"The assassination of the seven Vegapunks."

"Not to his face, Lucci!! Come on!!"

I was surprised when Lucci spoke and I knew he was being truthful and opened my mind to him. 'Lucci? What...?'

'What good would us hiding our intentions be Luna? After weren't wrong, you are the real deal of an assassin and have your own moral codes. I want to make your proud of me.'

'Your a dunder head Lucci, but your my dunder head. Thank you for being truthful.' Luna smiled gently as she smacked Kaku upside the head ignoring his glare. "You sound like a child hiding a secret Kaku, calm yourself." I scolded the blonde male.

"And I presume that you've got something in store for Stussy, as well, after she betrayed you." Shaka spoke calmly his hand in his pockets.

"Yes...she will pay the price."

"For the love of...are you trying to ruin this for us?!" Kaku yelled scolding Lucci.

I froze and looked around when a very familiar scream rang out causing worry to come to the surface. I felt a weight on my right leg and looked to Lucci who leaned against me and calmed myself down.

"That scream was Nami!! I bet all four of them are raising hell in here!! How many people we gotta protect, on top of the Vegapunks?!" Zoro commented and I looked to him nodding my head.

"Helmet!! Cuff keys!!" Luffy caught the cuff keys that Shaka tossed to him and then handed them to me. "Free them Luna."

Shaka let Luffy make the call so long as we kept our word to protect the Stella. We would go good on our word.

"Yes captain." I kneeled freeing Lucci and frowned seeing his wrists lightly bruised but knew he would heal then moved as Kaku stayed still as I removed his cuffs last.

"Thank you Luna." Lucci saw me slip the keys into a pocket and I kissed his cheek softly hearing a soft purr come from him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah just getting exhausted." I replied back so only he heard but stayed besides him. "Think you two can keep up to us?" Smirking playfully.

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