Chapter 37

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*Flashback con't*
Luna's P.O.V
I was blushing when I pulled back from the kiss as I looked to Lucci but smiled softly moving to cuddle into him as I heard snickers below.

"Alright gentlemen that's enough." Ben spoke up from below but there was amusement in his voice.

Lucci chuckled as we both peaked over seeing Ben smirking and motioned for us to look to the cabin and I snickered ducking with him. "That look says it all." Lucci spoke as I heard snickers below.

I nodded my head and peaked over when I felt Shanks haki and I shook my head. "Yes dad?" Hearing the guys chuckling.

"Come on time to train." He walked onto the deck and his haki was coming off of him in waves.

I looked to Lucci and both of us knew that nothing good ever comes out of this when Shanks was in a mood. I moved and climbed down quickly as Lucci kept watch a little while longer as I landed on the deck quietly.

Shanks smirked softly as I walked over and Hell Dancer sat on my side as I stood in front of Shanks using my conquerors haki to keep him from over whelming me.

My observation haki kicked in as he drew his blade and I drew mine both of us connecting and deflecting on another I kept my guard up and ducked as another member joined in and soon enough we all started fighting. I understood that they wanted me to learn to stand on my toes guarding one myself at all times and I knew that soon enough I would need to be able to protect others.

Lucci had been watching the fight seeing I was deflecting attacks as well as dodging some. He was amused and looked to see Shanks had backed off and I needed to fight my way to earn the right to fight him.

I was panting but not giving up and silently cursed when I had to fight against Ben. Out of all the second in commands with all Yonko's...Ben was probably one of the ones I had the most fear and respect for ever since I was young.

I was panting covered with scratches and some bruising but I didn't give up as I fought and took the impact from his gun and as I fought back with my blade I snuck out my staff and swung it knocking Ben onto his ass and my blade was at his throat.

"Give up Ben?" My own conquerors haki flowing off of me like a cloak and I saw him smirking before he gave up and I kept alert as I backed off my staff shrinking back to it's normal small size and I put it back into it's holder.

Shanks smirked as I faced him with determination showing in my eyes. "That's a look I love seeing in anyone's eyes like you and your crew Luna; it's the same look I saw the day I left Dawn Island."

I smirked playfully. "I didn't lie back then and I'm sure as the hell am not going to lie now; when Luffy chose to become king of pirates I knew it would be a walk through hell. I knew eventually we would need to strengthen ourselves but I never imagined it would be apart makes the most sense. If we had stuck together..."

"None of you's would have grown; when you lost your family, people and island you wanted to get stronger so that you would never loose anyone else. When Ace died that was just the final push you needed and now look at you; your so much stronger then you were back then and your only getting stronger and wiser." Shanks lunged and I deflected him off by using Hell Dancer.

I moved as we locked up and neither of us moving. "I'm the merc/spy of my crew I have a big responsibility; I need to be learn what I can to protect my nakama just like they'll protect me."

Shanks smirked pushing harder against my blade with his as I pushed back my blade black from my haki. "Your right you all protect one another; and there are many mercs on every crew. You have already fought Killer even I could see that you and him are the closest in skills to one another. And if I recall he's the second in command for the Kidd pirates; he's been on the sea's much longer then you and yet your on his level...maybe have even already exceeded him."

I moved trying to disarm Shanks trying to find any openings I could while keeping him from getting a hit on me. "Killer is smart and great at fighting with his blades; but he was too much worried about his crew and captain to really pay attention to myself. I know I'll be worried about my crew but I believe in them with everything I am that they will return to me at the end of the battle; we leap frog in our fights. Sometimes on or two people will stay back to handle one fight and the rest of us push forward and keep doing that."

Lucci had come down from his watch once another crew member switched out with him and he leaned against the railing before he spoke.

"They did that at Enies Lobby; we had the keys to their friends cuffs of course we underestimated them...when they split up their forces it surprised us. They trusted one another the entire time; and to see Luffy, Luna and Franky come up both Luna and Luffy fought me and they pushed Franky on once they got him past me. Both Luffy and Luna work off one another nicely but I can see that Luffy, Zoro and Sanji work better together. Nami, Usopp and Chopper stick together while, Franky, Luna, Brooks, and Robin work good by themselves if they have too."

I cursed when I got sent flying back and flipped bracing myself as I got up and attacked trying to disarm Shanks and smirked ducking as I kicked his feet out as I slid his blade from his hand and smirked happily as I kept him pinned. "I do believe that's my win captain."

Shanks was shocked but he chuckled with the crew who were laughing before I helped Shanks up. I gave him back his sword as I put Hell Dancer away and was giving water by Lucci as I leaned against the rail. "Your not wrong; I mean we all work amazingly together but like you saw we all have our own little groups. We can all work together like a unit; we call Luffy, Zoro and Sanji the demon trio they have literally gotten stronger then the rest of us quicker. Myself, Robin, Franky and Brooks are used to fighting alone or bouncing around in fights which I don't mind at all, and as for Nami, Chopper and Usopp their all slightly more...I'm not saying weaker or slower...their just; not as brave? Maybe I'm not sure how to put it but still their great assets to our crew. We all cover one another weakness's and improve our strengths; we all know one another and know what each other will do before we do it."

Shanks thought and he looked to Lucci who took me to go do some studying which sadly was another thing I had been doing. Lucci along with his group and those on Shanks crew were filling my head with all sorts of knowledge and sometimes as I trained I would be questioned and when I would exercise/ work out for every time I missed, forgot or had something wrong then my exercise would get things added to it or I would do it for longer periods of time which I didn't mind.

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