Chapter 84

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Luna's P.O.V
I was frowning as Luffy threw a tantrum when we heard that Sabo had Declared war on the celestial dragons, and had reportedly killed King Cobra of Alabasta and Vivi had gone missing. Something wasn't sitting right with me; not to mention the closer we travelled to an island the stronger my bond to Lucci had become. I sighed jumping from the railing where I sat above Luffy and jumped to his side watching and listening to him as our crew was not believing what he said.

"Alright! That's enough we can't believe everything we read in the papers! Luffy's right Sabo would never do this, think of it the world isn't calm at the moment so don't listen to everything." I scolded my crew mates and saw them stop as Zoro spoke up saying that the attack happened in Marijoa where the celestials resided and the government that was our enemy.

'Lucci? Can you hear me?' I tried to talk to my mate again and when I was about to give up I heard him.

'Calm my heart; what's going on? Your riled about something.' Lucci finally responded after not talking to me for so long.

'Just something we read in the newspaper, and...I was worried you have been quiet.'

'Just getting moved and settled into a new base; you must be close by I can feel the bond getting stronger.'

I smiled softly and sighed seeing how my nakama was acting. "Enough! Luffy's right...Sabo wouldn't do something like this not with his past." Shaking my head and smiled seeing the crew shocked. 'Right now all we're doing is sailing; everyone went their own way after all idiot captains took us over the waterfall...I didn't think the world could get so screwed up so quickly.'

'So then you heard...about Buggy's new group. What do you think of it? Do you believe it?'

I hummed softly trying to figure out his thoughts and heard him chuckle. 'No it doesn't make sense to me, Buggy is a joke...Mihawk and Crocodile I can see working together cause they have been warlords in the past. I don't know what the future holds...and I for one cannot wait to find out.'

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci chuckled where he sat on the shared room with Kaku and Stussy who both looked shocked to see their leader chuckling after being irritated for so least since the battle between Kaido, Big Mama, and the Worst Generation.

Kaku knew only one person who could make Lucci smile and chuckle like that and Kaku smiled as well. "How is she?"

"Good dealing with a very riled crew; from what she has shown me the crew is doing their favourite things again between arguing and she's watching Luffy have a sort of tantrum...whatever has upset him is also upsetting her."

"Probably about Sabo; I mean that's their brother and they knew King Cobra along with Vivi."

Lucci looked to Kaku and saw Stussy sneer.

"How could low life pirates..."

"Because wasn't the marines that helped to stop the war in that kingdom. It was my mate and her nakama; they worked behind the scenes, their captain defeated Crocodile, they took in Robin and the rest of Baroque works was decimated by the entire crew. That crew has grown so much in two years; their captain is now an emperor, my mate now stands as an A Rank mercenary of her people making her highly lethal." Lucci smirked before he allowed himself to somewhat relax and close his eyes to check on Luna again.

He had been listening and laughed when Luna blocked him from whatever Luffy was saying. 'Very well my love I won't look.'

'You better not I'm still upset with you as had me worried but I know you better than that.'

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