Chapter 16

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Luna's P.O.V
At one point Marco had used his flames to guard myself from a blade that had come at me and I spun seeing that Marco got weakened and moved gently removing the blade seeing the green in it and cursed softly.

"Sea prism; that's playing dirty. Are you alright Marco?" I looked to him worried since he took the blade for me.

Marco smiled softly. "Yeah I'm alright don't worry about me Luna. Protecting you is an honour for Ace and Luffy."

I smiled softly. "Don't get yourself killed or I'll bring you back and kick your ass myself." I playfully smiled before we dodged another attack from more of the enemy.

"Get going Luna!" Marco pushed me back and I cursed softly and made my crew get moving as well and noticed that Sanji was fighting Chopper's former enemy.

I moved quickly when I saw an enemy going to attack Usopp and Nami. "USOPP! BRING THEM DOWN!"

Nami looked her baton as it spoke and she was surprised to find out that Zeus's soul had migrated into her weapon. It was impressive the power they had between them and the fact that even though Nami was upset at him she still put it aside.

Usopp released one of his new pellets that released a new creature and I smirked as it was taking out those against us. "We'll take care of things here Luna; go make sure that man doesn't..."

"I don't have to worry; someone else is already keeping him busy. Besides...Luffy will be back for now we have our own jobs to do here." I looked to Usopp seriously before I pushed forward.

I heard Lucci purring in my mind he sounded amused. '24,000 enemy numbers fighting against 3,000 of your own people. Your people haven't been backing off any; my people are finding the fighting amusing.'

I chuckled as I fought. 'What do you expect? Our people don't know what the word give up means; besides...Luffy will be alright you forget one thing we have comrades under the waves.'

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci froze when he listened to Luna stating they had comrades under the water and it dawned on him that there was no way that the Heart Pirates would leave their submarine unmanned.

He chuckled finally understanding that even if any of them ended up in the water then there would be help near by; it also made him curious who was guarding the other two ships.

'Don't worry about the ships babe; their safe I promise. Although we're at the mainland of Wano...the one fighting Kaido is his own daughter.' Luna spoke and Lucci could feel that she was playing out some and hurt. Lucci silently cursed as he was on board a ship guarding some Celestial Dragons.

Lucci was in his cabin as he frowned. 'She would fight her own father? Why?'

'For the same reason many pirates want...she wants to travel and be free and not under the lock and key of her father. We win this then she'll join this crew as is her right; and Luffy's word to her.' Luna spoke proudly.

Lucci smiled softly. 'Your right Luna; that is her right and it is anyone's come back to me and babe; I promise when we see each other I'll surprise you more then you can think.'

Luna playfully smiled. 'I am going back to you; I have to come back; I have to survive here cause...where ever myself and my crew goes we're never truly alone. For you see our friends and family will always be with us in spirit wherever we go; and those who have passed on have passed on their wills to us to finish what they started. Ace wanted to see Luffy become the king of pirates; I promised my brothers that it would happen...I'm not going to turn my back on them not now and not ever.'

Lucci closed his eyes he thought back to the fight with Luffy and Luna at Enies Lobby and how Luna would do whatever Luffy asked and how the team believed in one another. Lucci smiled a little to himself before he spoke when he looked to his team.

'Then listen to me Luna; you have members in the Marines, the Rebellion army, through out many islands and know this for my words are true. You also have myself and those from CP9 that will also stand to your backs and support you and your crew. If making Luffy and your crews dreams come true then we'll also help you out; you also have your dreams and I believe you will all achieve what you want. You see Luna; I have a dream as well; and it involves you.'

Luna was curious she felt that he spoke the truth which made her heart race with happiness as she blocked and brought another opponent down.

'You've barely ever talked to me about your dreams; or what you want in the future. I know you want me by your side; but what do you want me as? Just a mate? What is it you truly want? Please Lucci let me truly hear what you want...speak from your heart.' Luna spoke happily and determined.

Lucci closed his eyes as he took a calming breath before he replied. 'I want a future with you; with us married and perhaps a family of our own. No more fighting and we'll be as free as we want; I can walk away from this life so long as your with me then I can take whatever the future throws at me. So long as your happy then so am I; you will also come first and that means I would gladly lay my life down for you Luna...and you alone. I would also help protect what you cherish and I know that includes those that you hold close and dear to your heart.'

Luna's P.O.V
I had tears in my eyes before I felt how much stronger our bond felt. I wiped the tears away as I used my haki on my staff and sent many people flying and knocking them out.

'I want the same thing; I want to share a life with see this world at your side. I want to make Luffy the king and help my friends achieve their dreams just like I want too. I'm willing to let go of my past...yes it hurt...but it's the past and it has no place for the future that I'm building with you and everyone I care for and that includes those of former CP9.' I finally spoke and I swore I could feel Lucci with me and understood that our bond was complete.

I was grateful that now the bond didn't tire me out during a fight and as I fought I cursed when a loud explosion sounded from above I had to believe that Kaido's daughter would keep him busy till Luffy was fully healed. I had something I needed to do but first we had to save Wano before I could see the man that had and guarded my heart.

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