Chapter 31

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Luna's P.O.V
*Flashback con't*
I had been on Shanks ship as we sailed it had been awhile since we last saw the WhiteBeard Pirates; they had gone to war but my heart broke when I heard many didn't make it in the fight. None of us were sure of all who exactly had survived but I prayed that those who lost their lives had gone to join their Pops, my brother and anyone else they knew and loved and are watching over those of us on this planet.

I looked over when I heard a loud thud and growling as I stood and gasped seeing Lucci in his true animal form and was bleeding heavily from his left side. "Lucci?!"

I kneeled as he collapsed and I barely caught him I could feel my heart pounding threatening to come out of my chest. "Medic!" I removed the jacket I had been wearing as it had just been raining not long ago and tried to suppress the bleeding as I heard people hurrying over.

The doctor kneeled and got a couple strong guys to carry Lucci. "He needs to shift to his human form."

"I'll try to get him to shift." I helped out however I could to get my mate tended too. Once we got him laying on the bed the doctor let me get in.

I gently cupped his leopard face and saw him tiredly open his eyes. "I need you to shift back babe; come on use my energy and strength."

Lucci growled in pain and I moved petting his head while he shifted and kept soothingly talking to him.

I winced seeing that it looked like he had been shot or something with how bad the wound was and I stood back but was in his sight. 'No babe don't sleep yet.'

'I-I'm sorry criminal...t-took m-me by s-surprise.' He talked mentally but even that was tiring him out quickly as well.

My heart broke and I was soon allowed near Lucci giving him some my own strength and energy to help Lucci and held his hand as the doctor worked on him. "Concentrate on me my love."

Lucci opened his eyes panting from the pain and groaned clinging to my hand tightly as the doctor sighed a breath of relief causing me to look back to him.

"How bad is it doctor?" I looked over my shoulder I had sat on the bed so Lucci wouldn't see the doctor especially when or if he shifted again to his animal form.

"Two broke ribs for sure, muscle damage even when this heals it will leave a fairly decent scar. But he needs a blood transfusion only I don't have this blood type." He spoke with worry.

"What type does he need?" I spoke I had a feeling.

"XF because he's a devil fruit user that's what changed his blood type. We don't have any..."

"Yeah we do...CP9 is here as well they'll have either a match or can get him blood." I spoke seriously and felt Lucci reaching out to me through the bond and I allowed him to take my energy. 'No leaving me babe; I need you here at my side. We'll get you help.'

Footsteps echoed and I looked up surprised when Jabra brought in a cold container with bags of blood. "We grabbed these before we left for the mission; we all had a feeling something wasn't right and knowing Lucci we would go to you for protection until he gets better."

I smiled. "Figured he would have a back up plan." Watching the doctor get to work and I giggled a little when Lucci wasn't letting me go anywhere from him.

The doctor noticed and chuckled softly. "He really doesn't like you going far does he?"

"Not really...I don't know when he started getting like this maybe after he completed the bond, when I vanished from Archipelago, when we saved Nami on that winter island I'm not sure. All I know is that he trusts me enough to drop his guard around me like I can drop my guard around him; between everyone here, Lucci and his group and the chance to see my friends again...that's my drive to get stronger. I've lost so many people that I held dear to my heart; I can't take it anymore, I have to get stronger to protect them all with everything I have." I smiled softly when I heard a purr come from Lucci.

The doctor had gotten him hooked up doing the blood transfusion and all we could now was wait. During the time I could feel how hot Lucci was. "Can you grab a cool rag please and thank you."

Kaku had gotten back and grabbed what I asked since he was the closest to the water and walked over to me. "I'm sorry I didn't keep a better eye on the criminal; we truly thought he was out of it. He had been knocked out and woke up; Lucci just happened to the closest and got hit first."

I smiled softly thanking him as I took the rag and lightly wiped Lucci's face. "It's no one's fault Kaku; things happen when we least expect it. I'm just grateful you were there to help out; but how did?"

"Blueno used doorways till he was close enough; Lucci felt safe enough to come here incase anyone came looking for him or take a chance to take him out when he's down."

I frowned. "Spandam would be low enough to do that; I mean look at what happened after we defeated you's at Enies Lobby he put the blame on CP9 and even then it nearly cost Lucci his life. This world is corrupt...there are so many wrong things people are willing to do; and then you throw the new generation of pirates and we're starting to throw things out of balance. And it will only get worse as time moves on; we have some big plans and no doubt other things will pop up."

"And Lucci will be there to see you all the way through it; you know when he woke up the first thing he did was make sure that you and your crew were alright. It's why he reached out to you right away; he didn't know how bad the wounds were from that day." Kaku leaned against the wall.

I let Kaku refresh the towel as I carefully adjusted myself to make Lucci more comfy. "Once we made it back to Water 7 I remember helping my few comrades off we found a place to rest and that was it. Apparently I slept for nearly a week and by then Franky had already designed and had the ship half built with the help of the workers there. It was Paulie who had come in with a medic to check on us and I was one of the first one's awake...I figure within a day or two the rest of my crew would be awake. We're passing out less and less but what really scared me was when Kuma had started making us vanish; I was the second last person to get sent away I think. We're all older then Luffy so we kind of look out for him; I'm his older sister I know he'll be stronger but still...I can't help but to worry. He was alone when we lost Ace; I guess I worry for all my crew to them I'm that sister and mother figure lot of days and when they need me to be."

Kaku smiled softly. "Tell me what's the first thing you want to do when you re-unite with your crew?"

I thought and smiled softly. "I'm going to hug my nakama and tell them just how much I missed the hell out of them; then I know we're going to talk and Sanji will make a big meal while he's doing that Chopper will no doubt be restocking his office, Luffy and Usopp will be playing around, Zoro will probably work out, Franky will find a way to make us all laugh, Robin and Nami will no doubt be talking about whatever like islands they would like to see, Brook will be playing his music if he comes back but I think he will, and me...well I'll be relaxing taking it all in and I'll be thankful that we'll be back together again; and wondering when I'll see everyone here again."

Kaku smiled softly as he raised his head a little. "Knowing your crew; you'll probably have one hell of a celebration of being together again. Where will you all be meeting up at?"

"From the place we disappeared...Sabaody Archipelago; our ship is there and was left in the hands of a trusted friend to put a coating on it so we can go under the water. When we go back I know the marines will be waiting and their welcome to try and get us cause they'll fail." I chuckled softly as I placed the rag on Lucci's forehead sensing him relaxing.

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