Chapter 41

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Luna's P.O.V
I was amazed as I watched Sanji heal quickly and it dawned on me that after using his suit so much he was awakening his Germa heritage. I used the fast step that Lucci and CP9 taught me and kept fighting off opponents I couldn't have been any prouder of my crew we truly were stronger then we ever have been.

This fight was changing us more then any other previous fight. Nami with Zeus as a partner now, Zoro's heritage, my blade awakening a new strong spirit, Luffy coming back stronger, and now Sanji was awakening his new powers I couldn't be any more prouder of my nakama.

I looked over when I heard Brook and smirked seeing he was with Robin I knew that for now she was safe and from what I understood she had a demonic side to her powers as well. She wouldn't go quietly with CP I truly believed that.

I smirked when I heard Lucci chuckling in my mind as I kept fighting and when I saw a few of my comrades in trouble I gripped my blade as I tried to hurry. "Please, please help me protect those that I call my family! Please HELL DANCER!" I gasped as I felt the blade pulse and send out a wave of power and what surprised me more was seeing the spirits of the beasts that bonded to my blade. "Thank you."

I felt my wounds heal from my blade and I looked around seeing the shocked looks from not just my nakama but all those around me. I was serious as I had a deadly lope to my walk. "No one touches my nakama and those we call our comrades without going through me first."

When stronger opponents came at me I easily blocked their attacks against my blade before I sent them flying and knocked them out all of them carried cuts that looked like the claws of a leopard had torn into them.

I saw the shocked looks from Nami and Usopp before they smiled and Nami gave me a hug quickly as she checked on me causing me to smile softly. "I'm alright Nami I promise."

Nami smiled softly. "I'm just glad your alright Luna; that was a badass move what was that?"

"I saw a few people in danger and I asked Hell Dancer for help; when Hell Dancer heard my cry for help the haki I stored in it earlier came out and I used my own haki and sent it out knocking out opponents and those with devil fruit can't use their devil fruits. For some reason my haki like that knocks out those I used my haki on except for our allies they still can use their devil fruits giving us an advantage in this fight." I was guarding Nami, Usopp and the child as we fought back to back when Nami used tempo lighting.

Nami smirked when she fried some of our enemies knocking them out of the fight before she looked to me smiling. "It's wicked badass Luna; it seems this fight is making us all stronger."

"Yeah it is we haven't been in fights this long and look at us we're still standing. We have to win we have no choice." Gasping when I blocked an attack from hitting Nami and I jumped fighting the would be assassin away from my comrades as we got into a deadly dance of blades only I wasn't holding back.

I smirked when I cut the post that the man was standing on and moved as him and the roof came down partially and I saw the man was knocked out as I smirked. "Too easy for that one."

'Seems your having fun kitten; your attack was very strong. How are you holding up with your wounds?' Lucci finally spoke to me mentally again.

Lucci's P.O.V
Ever since Lucci told Luna what was going on he had been getting reports and was impressed when he heard three of the StrawHats had just all of a sudden got stronger out of no where.

Stussy chuckled from where she was standing as he read the report. "Can we even call the StrawHat crew humans? This crew is stronger then we're giving them credit's showing in this fight."

"Your not wrong they are getting stronger; it used to be only three stronger then all the rest but it seems my mate just woke up a whole new powerful attack she can use with her haki and with the haki stored in her cursed blade." Lucci smirked a little and he felt Luna's wounds were healed and it made him curious before he talked to Luna again mentally.

'Luna are all of your major wounds healed? I can't feel any of the stinging or burning sensations from where you had been badly hurt.'

'Yes I am and it seems I'm not the only one who's fully healed as well...Sanji has just woke up his Germa heritage or well starting too. From wearing his suit so much lately during fights his body just healed itself like; like his brothers heal themselves when their wounded. Oh babe if you could see my crew now I can guarantee that those CP members that are going to be sent after Robin are only on a suicide mission. This crew hasn't fought for so long and every minute we fight we get a whole hell of a lot stronger.' Luna spoke seriously as she was back with Nami, Usopp and now Chopper.

'It's not surprising to me Luna; your crew is truly a crew that should be respected and I wanted to be the one to come after Robin for one reason...more like I didn't want to capture her but I wanted to come see you.' He was smirking as he felt another stinging sensation before it vanished.

'Ah sorry about that I just blocked an attack and my sword keeps healing me. Hell Dancer reminds me of Raven's feathers that is black but every colour of the rainbow shining on it. It's absolutely breath taking.' Luna spoke with happiness and was smirking when Usopp trapped enemy numbers with his vines causing her to smirk.

Lucci smirked. 'Well we weren't fully sure of what would all change with Hell Dancer as you would progress to use it and your haki on it. In a way your not only woke it up and can control that blade but in a way you gave it power and life; that blade is solely protective of you cause it only goes to the wielders with only goodness in their hearts. Your a good person Luna and you love me when you didn't have too.'

'Your right I didn't have too have also saved me and treated my crew with respect even when we fought two years ago. Like I told you babe; your not a monster your just a man who is fighting for the wrong kind of justice and freedom and I'll be damned if you have to keep doing that kind of so called peace keeping the rest of your days. I love you and I will stop this corrupt government with everything in me.' Luna spoke truthfully as she fought and sent three more men flying knocked out.

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