Chapter 12

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Luna's P.O.V
I heard a chuckle in my mind as I spun my blade but a soft smile was on my face from the memory. 'Babe when we get a chance...'

'Yes Luna I'm going to take you on another date. You win the fight and you come back to me no matter what it takes. Do you remember what I gave you that day on our date after you had won the game.'

I froze and looked to my left ring finger where a promise ring was and I smiled softly as inside the ring was the day I accepted to being his full mate...when I had been fully marked. 'Yes; this is your promise just like the promise ring on you is my promise to you. I'll always come back.'

I looked to Luffy and nodded my head that I was good to keep fighting before looking back towards Law when Luffy told him to go below then look at me.

"Luna I know you want to help here but the crew needs you back to them and get them through and out. Get them to the spot please I trust you." Luffy spoke seriously.

I looked to him uncertain but nodded my head before I looked to Law and walked over to him before looking at Luffy one more time. "Wipe the ground with him Luffy; and come back to us captain."

Luffy grinned and nodded his head. "I will I promise Luna; get going you two."

"Right; Law can you bring me with you please?" I looked to the Heart captain as he used his room to move us all in and I was surprised seeing Big Mama attacking Kaido's people and I gave a whistle when I Nami and Usopp.

Nami gasped when she saw me. "Luna! Where's Luffy?! What's going on?!" Worry in her voice.

"Don't worry about Luffy; he's currently dealing with Kaido; we have to head lower on Luffy and Law's orders. Zoro is down for a bit and is being tended too by Law. What the hell happened here? Why is Big Mama attacking Kaido's people? I thought they were in an alliance." I was confused on what would make the female emperor this ticked off.

"Apparently when Luffy had beaten Big Mama before she had a slight amnesia and ended up on this little ladies island. Apparently they helped Big Mama and treated her kindly; after Big Mama was gone then Kaido destroyed the island and killed pretty much all the people on the island. When she told Big Mama that then Big Mama started cleaning the floor with Kaido's people." Nami filled me in and she yelled with Usopp both hiding behind me when I heard a roar and looked over seeing X-Drake fighting some men not too far away.

I sighed when I looked to him before speaking up. "Drake! Start passing the message that we're moving down to all our allies! And too be aware there's some members of Cipher Pole zero here so keep your guards up!"

Drake nodded his head seeing I was filling in for Luffy and Zoro when they were busy else where. "What are you going to do?"

"I thought that was obvious; I'm going to make sure any of our allies get to the spot and keeping any members of CP0 off of our backs." I looked to him as he nodded his head and started dealing with opponents and passing the message along.

I ducked when Kid and Killer tried to attack Big Mama and she sent them flying as I sighed. "Well it's good to see those two still alive. Get moving Nami, Usopp. I'm going to help out any of our people and allies I can Alright?"

"Sure; just be careful. Whatever happens you make sure yourself and Luffy come back to us safely." Nami apple sternly.

I smiled playfully and nodded my head. "Of course; we have to achieve our dreams together right? Then let's win this fight and make Luffy king of pirates."

Usopp shot one of his smoke pellets as their small group left and I moved attacking my opponents from the shadows seeing Kid and Killer were fighting Big Mama.

"Kid! Killer! Mama is protective of children! They soften her heart! Whatever you do! Do not let anything with Nami and Usopp get harmed in any way!" I shouted as I fought one of the officers from Kaido's group.

Killer heard me nodding his head. "What did you's do that day when you saved your cook?!"

"We showed her a picture of her mother! And when we did she became distressed using the conquerors haki basically knocking out many people!" I ducked as blue flames appeared and knocked out many enemies.

"Well well if it's not Ace's sister; Luna if I remember correctly." I heard a voice talk from above and I looked up.

I smiled when I saw Marco and nodded my head. "Yeah; and thank you for coming to help Marco. How is everyone doing?" I moved on with him flying above we were tag teaming opponents.

"Their fighting hard; Robin saved Sanji and last I heard she was still fighting that woman. Will she be alright?" He was curious.

I smirked. "Yeah; this entire crew along with the Heart and Kidd pirates will be alright. We're not the same people we were two years ago; no we're much wiser and stronger. Every fight we're in we come out stronger then when we started; I trust in our crew to come out of this fight alive. Besides...Ace started this by trying to save that island and he's mine and Luffy's brother; he would want us to take up from where he left off." I used my conquerer's haki and knocked out easily seventy enemy pirates.

Marco smiled softly. "He talked so much about you both; and the first time both of you's had bounties he was so excited he was showing everyone. To think that he had two other siblings and then one more appears after his death; Ace would be proud if he could see you all now."


I could see all the allies listening and they headed out to do what they needed too and I hurried with Marco and saw X-Drake was in his dinosaur form causing me to smile as he was keeping the enemy from following.

I moved and jumped attacking another opponent and sent him flying as I spun my blade. "No one attacks those under our colours; that would be cheating with that sea prism blade. He has no time for trash like you; I'm your opponent."

I noticed Killer had ended up fighting Hawkins in the distant as I started fighting my opponent I was holding back as I sent my opponent flying and smirked seeing multiple cuts appear.

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