Chapter 42

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(Luna's New Look)

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(Luna's New Look)

Luna's P.O.V
To say I was impressed with Sanji was an understatement but I could see him mumbling to himself and I worried knowing he was thinking of his brothers...I knew Sanji didn't want to become emotionless. I moved to where I could see Sanji fighting back and shivered seeing the exo-skeleton that his brothers had and I could only think that he was in a way becoming like his brothers.

I heard a crash from a distance and cursed seeing Kidd and Law hurt and I fight back some of Queen's underlings as I sent them flying. I wish I could help Sanji with figuring himself out now but...he needed to get past that obstacle of fear on his own and all I could do was support him.

I yelped in pain when I got sent flying and heard Sanji and Chopper yelling my name but blocked them out as I got to fighting my opponent. I could only pray that my friends and allies were winning their fights and gasped moving as the roof collapsed where I was fighting thankfully I got away without any debris hitting me.

I noticed I was closer to Law and Kidd's fight an jumped down to protect them both from Big Mama's attacks when I saw them go down. "Hands of them!!" Using my haki and Hell Dancer's power as I sent her flying before landing by both captains panting and smirked seeing Big Mama getting up again. "Are you alright captains?"

Law had teased Kidd about slowing down before Law and Kidd got up as Kidd said he felt lighter and his head aches all of a sudden disappeared. Law looked to me and nodded his head. "We're alright Luna; how is everyone else doing?"

"Putting up one hell of a fight; Chopper's healing is quickly and...Sanji along with Zoro have both woken up their new powers. Sanji's suit seemed to have awakened his dormant traits that his father put into him so he's scared about becoming emotionless like those bastards." Snapping my neck and winced as I was having a hard time healing as I wouldn't let Lucci heal all my wounds. "And Cipher Pole is aiming for Robin again, Luffy is above fighting while Kaido's daughter landed on the main land and Momo is trying to keep this island floating not to mention we got a whole fleet of marine ships headed to Wano."

Law cursed as Kidd had walked over to my left side as Law stood on my right side and I felt Kidd looking at me.

"What about Killer? Where is he?" Kid asked seriously as he knew that his friend had been fighting and was a new devil fruit user.

"Was fighting Hawkings last I checked; but I'm going to assume since your feeling better that he kicked that man's ass." I spoke smirking as my snail rang and I answered. "Hey Killer how did it go?"

"I finally defeated Hawkins how's my captain doing? Is he alright?" Killer was worried but only I noticed as I had been listening closely.

"I'm alright Killer; good job. Keep going the Straw Hats having been pushing all of us forward. We're sending Luna your way and she will fill you in on what is going on and I want you both to relay to all our crews to push forward now; Kaido has gotten weaker and so has Big Mama."

"Understood captain; Luna how long will it take you to get to me?"

"Only a couple of minutes; I'll be there shortly. Start relaying out the orders to your crew I'll deal with my nakama and the Heart Pirates."

"Sounds good Luna." Killer hung up his snail and I looked to see that Kid was tense and worried looking.

"Keep him safe Luna; they forced him to eat a devil of those Smile fruit. Please don't let anything happen to my partner." Kid spoke seriously.

I nodded my head. "They have to kill me first before I see anything happen to Killer. Kick this woman's ass...let me worry about the rest of the issues. If both you captains trust me to keep our crews alive."

"I trust you Luna-ya; you've proven you'll fight to the death for your nakama, trust her Kid she'll work with her second and third in commands and our crews. She's been jumping all over the place this entire fight making sure that no one is in to hard of a jam. She's wounded and I can see that she's becoming exhausted." Law spoke looking seriously to Kidd and Kidd looked to me as well.

Kidd looked seeing the wounds and the exhausted look on my face before he nodded his head. "I trust you Luna; go now and relay our orders!"

I smirked to them. "Aye Captains." I moved heading off towards Killer and sneered protecting him from being stabbed with a sea prism blade as I sent the opponent flying hard and my haki was gathering around my blade in a dangerous way.

"You alright Killer?" I spoke with my back towards him as I had my blade in a defensive position.

"I'm alright; your not looking to good yourself. Your covered in wounds; you need to be tended too." Killer spoke as he went back to back with me as we fought together against more pirates.

I ducked as Killer landed a deadly hit on some that had tried to attack me together and Killer kept me safe. "No time I have to keep an eye on my crew. I know their pulling through perfectly in this fight but still...I would rather die then see anything happen to them."

Lucci mentally growled when I spoke those words as he didn't want anything to happen to me either. 'Your not going anywhere my love; even if I have to go there and protect you I will."

I smirked as myself and Killer fought back some men that we're going to attack Nami and my group from behind. "Hands off my nakama!"

I ducked with ease and smirked as Killer took out a couple more opponents that had tried to attack from a blind spot. I noticed that a lot of us were synching up with our fighting just like our captains could. I kept an eye out for Robin hoping that she was alright especially when I didn't know where and when the CP0 members would try to take her and it ticked me off.

I gasped when I saw Sanji had become ticked when Queen demanded that Sanji show the advance powers that Judge made, the way he made his children. "Sanji! You will never be like your family! Your better then them you have humanity! Remember your not alone anymore you have your nakama at your side!"

Sanji froze when he heard me and smirked when he nodded his head and started fighting Queen. I smiled seeing that Sanji was giving it his all as I went back to Nami and Usopp checking on them for any wounds and smiled when my clothes changed back to normal and I loved them since I can now move easier.

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