Chapter 61

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Luna's P.O.V
Things had become crazy and at one point when I was with Nami and Chopper I felt myself become light headed and heard Nami gasp as she supported me.

"Luna? Luna are you alright?! What's wrong?!" Nami made me sit as I panted feeling my energy fading.

"J-Just at the end of my energy..." I froze with Nami when and explosion and lightening happened and I saw the Heart pirates trying to get to Law and Kidd who were both knocked out from the looks of it but I couldn't tell.

"Where's Zoro?! We can't find him!" Chopper became worried as he then called Franky who went to look for Zoro. The medicine he was given helped to give him more energy but if it was all used up his wounds would be twice worse and there was a chance that he would die.

Chopper became worried as he checked on me as well and was trying to keep me awake but I couldn't...I had used up all my strength as I passed out hearing the screams of fear and worry from my nakama.

I knew that I had pushed myself to hard and with the wounds I still had I shouldn't have been going as long as I did. I could hear Lucci trying to talk to me but it sounded like I was under water.

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci froze when he couldn't feel Luna's mind being active anymore and when he tried to talk to her he could barely feel her and it scared him.

He knew he needed to get to Luna; something was wrong and he knew it. The woman he loved was in immense danger; he heard a report that Kidd, Law, Sanji, Zoro and Luna were all down and none were responding to anything at the moment.

Lucci knew that Luna wasn't dead he would have felt the bond break but...he could tell that Luna was very weak and he worried that he could loose her. He knew that she finally collapsed due to her injuries but would fight for him.

Lucci sighed in irritation as Kaku had come in from checking on the problem of the elephant that was blocking their way; and increasing the chance that Luna could loose her life and Lucci wouldn't be able to go to her side.

He felt the ring in his pocket and remembered that Luna was looking forward to a future with him; and that was what he wanted as well. Someone that loved him and forgave him for all the blood he spilt in the name of Justice.

"What's wrong Lucci? Is Luna alright?" Kaku asked when he sat down in his spot.

Lucci sighed. "She went quiet all of a sudden; I can barely feel the bond to her but it's there. I think she's gone to far, pushed herself to much. If I can rest for a little bit I may be able to get her to respond to me mentally but I would need peace and quiet for a bit."

"Do what you have too; I'll make sure no one bothers you. Jabra just got back with Kade's body; he'll help me guard this room...just save Luna the best you can." Kaku got up leaving the room so Lucci could rest and try to aid Luna or at least keep her from letting go of life.

Once Lucci was alone he removed his hat and jacket and leaned back closing his eyes relaxing; he had to concentrate on the mental bond like he did when he talked to Luna in their world. It would take some of his energy but he was willing to try this.

Lucci could see a red thread that connected himself and Luna; he reached out grabbing it and he looked for Luna and was shocked when she was relieving the day her island was destroyed...but himself and Luna were watching that day as if they were watching a movie.

Luna reached out touching Luna's hand and heard her gasp he could tell she was very weak; her energy was low and it worried him. "My kitten; you have me worried about you. I can barely feel the bond to you when I'm awake; you pushed yourself too far."

"I'm sorry Lucci; I became tired as I was with Nami. I know I pushed myself too much; I'm sorry if I can't keep my promise to you. I'm tired and drained; Sanji, myself and Zoro have it our all but we pushed further then we thought possible." Luna turned to look at him and Lucci felt his heart miss a beat.

He grabbed one of Luna's hands and he held it to his chest letting her feel his strong heart beat. "Feel that; my heart beats for you Luna...concentrate and match your heart beat to mine, your breathing to mine. I know your tired but other people still need you around, Luffy still needs his big sister around didn't you promise to make him the king? Weren't you going to do it for Ace?"

"Yes I did; but I don't know if I'm strong enough to survive the fighting...Kidd and Law went down before I did." Luna looked sadly to Lucci and she gasped when their surroundings changed into a forest and all sorts of animals showed themselves. "What is this place?"

"I think Hell Dancer has shown itself; do you remember what the first animal was?" Lucci asked Luna as he let her look to the animals better.

Luna's P.O.V (Dream world)
Being in this dream world I could see all the animals and I looked around as I saw a wolf and it walked over to me and I smiled softly. "Hell Dancer."

The wolf bowed to me and I gasped when it spoke. "Luna it has been decades since I ever had a master; you are the second person that I chose to test. The spirits you see around you were the ones captured by my old master and I trapped their souls here only I made them turn to animals...I know you struggled lots of time and when you found out what you were capable of fully and you became scared and worried; you worked through it and remembered that you are never alone. No other has ever proven worthy of handling me and having me as their partner; when you allowed your mate to touch me handle you earned a leopard spirit because it became another part of you in a way. But you have a long way to go; you are much stronger then you give yourself credit for; you have to live and keep your promise...and not to just Luffy, your mate or your friends...but to the family you lost and to the family you made. I would like to fight along side of you; you have passed my test for you have shown courage, self-sacrifice, could have chosen revenge but you have let that go with Kade's death."

I thought about what Hell Dancer and I smiled softly remembering it all. "I did run from my past and my problems but I'm done running, I'm done trying to be someone I'm island is gone and with Kade dying I knew all their dreams and tomorrow's became mine and so long as I live so will their stories. I promised Ace and Sabo I would protect Luffy no matter what and I can't do it without you at my side as my partner Hell Dancer. I have so much I want to live for, people who still need what do you say? Can we work as one and protect all those innocent and weak? To protect those that we cherish; and fight for a better future?"

Lucci smiled as Hell Dancer glowed and I gasped in surprise as did all of the animals; I felt them give me enough strength so I wouldn't die but I had to stay asleep to heal for as long I could.

When it was safe Lucci and I started waking up but I was so weak and heard Chopper panicking. "Ch-Chopper."

Chopper gasped hearing me and he ran over tears in his eyes hugging me carefully. "We thought we lost you Luna."

I smiled softly and gently hugged him as I sat up. "I'm not going anywhere; not for years to come your all stuck with me."

Nami had tears in her eyes as she hugged me next. "We almost lost you; Chopper said your heart came seconds to stopping. Your not allowed to leave us! I don't want to loose my nakama!"

I hugged her as she cried and I only hoped that Zoro and Sanji were found and brought back. I now knew I had to live; too many people would mourn for me if I ever died.

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