Chapter 64

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Luna's P.O.V
To say that we were trying to get people to safety was not worded correctly...well that's what it felt like to me. We had been trying to get samurai and any allies to safety or tended too; it was then that I noticed that I hadn't seen much of my crew but I wasn't worried since we could always find one another no matter what happened.

I had decided to sneak to where I heard a fight and hid my presence like I learnt as a child; it was a little difficult but it meant concentrating all my energy and making it next to nothing so no one not even other haki users could sense me. Once I had my aura hidden I snuck into the shadows and listened to a CP agent talking and I got ticked seeing Marco's samurai nakama was badly wounded but had stopped basically all of the remaining CP in their tracks.

I listened when the CP agents snail rang and I heard Lucci's voice giving an order that came from the five elders that the CP agents were being told to eliminate Luffy immediately. I felt my muscles tense as I had to figure out quickly what I wanted to do...I knew Luffy could defeat Kaido that was something my captain/brother was capable of.

I noticed movement and looked to Marco's nakama and I could tell he was badly hurt but alive and that was a good thing; so long as I made sure CP didn't kill him. 'Did you just say those cowards want to kill my brother to keep the balance of things? Lucci there is no fucking balance...'

Lucci could tell that I was beyond ticked and I was at a calm but ticked off attitude. 'Luna this order...'

'Came from the same cowards that gave the order to destroy not only my island and life but the lives of so many people. You know your agent could easily be taken out and I'm assuming like the cowardly dog he is...he's too chicken to try and take out my captain. You alone should have known exactly what we were going to do; Shanks figured it out when all of our generation started making their move against the warlords and emperors.' I climbed down to help out a few more samurai and chased them out and I then took off when Marco motioned me to head back up.

'I know Luna...I had a feeling that something was giving and the way you even kept track of all the pirates these past two years; we all knew that you were tracking them wanting to keep an eye on who was doing what but when we got word on Luffy after Ace's death..."

'When I heard a yellow submarine got Luffy out of there then I knew who it was; if I kept track of Law then maybe I would have had a chance of figuring out his plan. And one island we had landed on I had saw Law; it was why I had been away for a bit I needed to know about Luffy and his last known location or anything he might have been planning. Law gave me the info I had required; when he asked where I was I kept it quiet but he knew that when time came I would also be helping out to bring down the older generations and...I still want to fight Shanks to show him how much stronger I have become.'

Lucci thought about the times that Luna would vanish on certain islands and he was surprised; she had been doing her own thing the past two years and had kept it quiet. "How did..."

'I may have been a kid when I was taught all that stuff but I was a quick learner as well; one of the prodigy's on my island. It was king of like a game for us; for a few days we would do spying tests on certain people and we had to keep it all quiet and not be caught or else we failed. I learned how to succeed quickly; the best way to keep people off my back is to keep them concentrating on something else you know like my training.' I smirked as I decided to check on Luffy's battle.

As I was moving I would help out allies and saw Law and Kidd both talking as they were resting before I smiled softly. 'I can't let anything happen to Kidd, Law and Luffy...I know the government thinks none of us care about anything but ourselves; Kaido has destroyed this island the people can't really eat or live here cause that monster won't let them have anything. Ace wanted to stop Kaido and because of that one reason I know Luffy will do everything in his power to get rid of Kaido even if it means he goes past boundaries just to win that fight.'

Law noticed that I was helping out people and he motioned me over as I hurried over and kneeled besides him. "How bad is the damage?"

"The whole island is compromised and from what I understand a part of it isn't floating and Momo is working as hard as he can to keep it a float; Kaido's daughter has frozen the weapons to them as stable as possible, most of the CP agents have been defeated by one of the former WhiteBeard pirate members and now the five elders have given a new order for Luffy to be eradicated."

Law and Kidd tensed and myself along with their nakama made sure they stayed still. "What are you going to do Luna? If they..."

"Luffy will no doubt win his fight just like yourself and Kidd, we're gathering our nakama as well and if we have too we'll make sure the rest of our allies are on your ships and making sure you are no where near this island incase the unthinkable happens." I smiled softly and Killer was making sure that Kidd was behaving.

Kidd winced as he couldn't really move. "Like I said two years ago you StrawHats are crazy; but none of your nakama including yourself have been a liability during your return to the new world. When we met I know you were holding back on who you are; but now none of you's are the same people you were when you began being pirates."

"Kidd's not wrong Luna; heck just during all this fighting we can see your crew grew the strongest, even your not the same person as when you got here. Have you finally and fully accepted who you are?" Law spoke wincing as we were tending to their wounds which were bad and they would need a long time to heal and no doubt lots of rest.

I thought about what they said as I cleaned Law's wounds and stayed alert for any problems. I smiled knowing I accepted who I am as a person and I wouldn't change it for anyone else. "Yeah I've accepted who I am; and if no one likes that then screw them. I've got the best reasons to be myself and no one is ever going to take that or change the way I am."

Kidd and Law smirked before they rested and finished allowing us as my snail rang and I moved answering it. "What's up Franky did you find him?"

"Yeah I found him but he's in bad condition." Franky spoke with irritation but worry in his voice.

I silently cursed. "Get him to Chopper as quick as you can; we have to start pushing everyone back towards the ships and leave Kaido to Luffy." I winced as I was still wounded and my energy was low.

Killer noticed and he moved catching me and kneeled checking on me. "Damn it where's your medic?"

"Tending to other wounded; I know I'm hurt but I've even told my mate to take care of himself and I need to let Chopper know that Franky is bringing Zoro hopefully to him."

"Luna you have to take care of yourself as well; how badly wounded and drained are you?" Killer made me sit as he tended to my own wounds and some of them had been reopened.

"I'm pretty sure that once this is all over and we can rest I won't be awake till my body says it's time to wake up; that can be days." I winced a little as Killer re-wrapped my wounds after he cleaned them and made me rest near them while the rest finished helping tend to the captains.

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