Chapter 62

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Luna's P.O.V
I immediately let Lucci know that I was alright and felt him relax as well; I saw that Chopper had two other medics with him and I smiled softly. "I assume that you two have been helping Chopper with the wounded."

The one being looked to be a goat but he nodded his head. "Ah yes we have; we helped him move around when he shrunk after using his monster for so long."

I smiled looking to Chopper something told me that he could finally control it. "Thank you; we're not far from Zoro...but I'm sure Franky will find him. Zoro isn't weak; we have to believe in our crew we're the biggest threat here right now."

"Your right Luna." Chopper jumped along with the two medics as I looked over and saw a huge blade go through Big Mama's head and I smirked.

Law and Kidd were both back on their feet as I heard Law use Shock Willie which actually seemed to effect her. The beams around her had spirit buddies in them and before they got a chance to go after Law...Kidd had started using his devil fruit and I was shocked as he made a huge metal bull.

I sighed smiling and yelled out. "BRING HER DOWN CAPTAINS!!!" I was smirking and saw the smirks on their faces as I stood as well. "Seems Kaido is loosing to Luffy as well."

I could only hope the rest of the crew was alright but something told the bonds I had to my crew I knew that everyone was alright this far. I saw Marco had been helping to fight in this and I smiled; it seems we all decided to play the odds, first myself and my nakama played the odds joining Luffy's crew and then all these people fighting with us played the odds on us being able to win this fight.

I gasped when the ceiling started collapsing in above myself, Chopper and the other two medics that I grabbed them and prayed I was quick enough. I used Soryu to move the trio and panted as the spot we were just at collapsed and consumed by the fires that had and are still burning due to all the wood and fuels in it.

'Lucci pull your men out right now; this place is going up in smoke many of the low rank pirates are starting to fear for their lives and are trying to evacuate. The roof is starting to collapse in at spots; Kidd and Law are up again fighting Big Mama again to keep her from going to the roof, I'm going to try and help out wherever and however I can.'

'Get yourselves out of there is well; there is no reason for all of your crews to risk their lives over this fight.' Lucci spoke seriously and I smiled softly.

'We're not leaving till this is all said and done with.' I replied and kept guard as we tried to think where everyone was. I used Soryu to attack a couple pirates that tried to get to myself and the medics with Chopper.

I knew I was wounded but I was going to live up to what my people had trained me to do; I saw that Jimbei saved many pirates by keeping part of the ceiling from collapsing on them. "Jimbei!" I yelled worried.

"I'm alright Luna! How has this fire spread so far and so quickly?!"

"There was some sort of creature that appeared not long ago! It started at the top and headed to the basement where the ammunition and explosives are!" I moved and used Hell Dancer to blow the ceiling away and off of Jimbei. "Kaido's daughter headed down after it to try and stop it from destroying this place; the main land is pretty much under us."

Jimbei looked at me and he could see that I wasn't scared of being who I was meant to be. "What happened Luna? Your different from when we came here?"

I frowned thinking back to my fight with Kade and gripped my fists as I thought and wondered if I had a feeling that I was alone now but I could maybe silently hope that maybe there are other survivors from my island. An island that had been built by hard working people, people who were much more skilled then even CP and had the guts to tell the government where to go.

"Earlier I was fighting a man name Kade; younger then me he was twenty years old and a rank under me on our island. He had joined CP and found out that I was apart of the StrawHat makes me wonder what poison did that damned government feed him. I wonder if maybe...maybe there might be more people from my island still alive. I would love to see my old home again; and maybe one day...maybe I will cross other survivors. Kade used his families gift of self healing but the cost was steep since it used his life force...and in his fight against me he did that but he died in my arms, that man was strong and never cried. But I'm sure there was only two times in life that he had cried and I'm sure they were when our home was destroyed...and today when he was dying he knew that I never turned my back on my people if any survive."

"He died knowing that someone was still alive and would find a way to avenge your island and maybe one day you will have a new family."

"Maybe one day; but so long as I'm alive and breathing then so are the dreams and believes of my people. I want to see the government pay for what they did and after wards I would love to see my island and give a proper goodbye to those that are long dead and to thank the island for giving me a place to call home and allowing me to escape." I smiled softly and Hell Dancer vibrated in my hand. "I want to make a change to this world; I want to stop the world government from destroying any more islands or people's lives like they have already done to so many people."

Jimbei listened and looked to my blade that was pulsing like it had a heart beat; and before he knew it I swung my blade and cut a path through the fire and it led to an exit. "Luna?"

I looked to the scared pirates trying to escape but couldn't. "Follow that path! And leave this place! But know this should you cross myself, my crew or allies then I will come after you. This is your chance to live; if you really want to leave then go!" I saw many shocked faces before many of those low rank pirates who were scared or wounded took to trying to leave but I didn't tell them that we were floating; I assumed that they already knew.

I sighed looking out to the battle field and remembered the day that my home was destroyed; I shook my head as I knew I wasn't able to stop it back then but now I wasn't alone and I was stronger. This is my decision to be here and so long as my crew, captain and allies fought then so would I.

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