Chapter 7

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Luna's P.O.V
I could hear Zoro and Killer talking as I readied my attack and I remembered what I wanted to be stronger for and I opened my eyes as I finally gained control. "Everyone! Move!" Speaking with control in my voice as I spoke my command.

I saw Zoro gulp as he made them all move to behind me and I saw Big Mama and Kaido come at me. "Hell scream!" Sending my attack and it truly sounded like screams of the tortured as it hid the two Yonko's leaving them wounded.

Kaido groaned getting up having a wound. "What sword can do that?"

I smirked. "This is Hell Dancer; it never likes it's name being used when I don't use it's stronger attacks. But when I do I make sure that my opponents regret crossing my path." Seeing Big Mama shaking. "Hell scream works on her she and it worked on you as well Kaido."

Kaido's eyes narrowed. "That sword...I should have known; it hasn't allowed anyone to use it since it's first owner. They call it a cursed blade."

I smirked as I looked to the captains then to Killer and Zoro nodding my head as we attacked together before dodging as our captains attacked again.

Kidd and Law were making sure that Luffy was safe I knew that Law wanted to see something change but he saw that Luffy would take the hands of those screaming out to be free.

I moved as Zoro finished his attack after mine and Killer's and smirked when I heard Lucci talk. 'What's going on?'

'Your Doctor has just saved all those battling under Queen; one of the generals under Kaido. According to what we're hearing his men and all those that just got saved are turning on your enemy and going after those that refuse to help your crew and the ones that helped to save them. Do it Cora; use his rage to your advantage.' Lucci spoke he knew that this was what was needed to win this battle.

I smirked. 'Got it; thank you babe your the best.' I landed back down and saw Luffy was starting to wake up. "Hey captain." Helping him up and looked towards Kaido. "The crew is safe and we just had a change in the tide of the battle."

Law heard me and listened with the others as Luffy spoke. "What happened?"

I smirked and looked to Kaido. "It seems nearly all the lower subordinates have started to have a change of heart; Chopper just saved everyone infected with the virus in one go and because of Queen saying that they were replaceable the men are now helping our own people to fight back against Kaido's men. And there was also a report of someone healing the samurai a brief glimpse was caught but we can't be certain until we can get someone to verify for us."

Kidd laughed from where he was. "A change in the battle; looks like Kaido was never really that strong either. He only seemed strong because of his forces but now we're cleaning house on him. Let's finish this fight."

I looked to Luffy and sighed softly knowing that now he was rested and ready to fight again and myself and Zoro moved together attacking the enemy as one.

I had been training with Shanks when Mohawk had found the crew and us on an island like we would do every so many days or weeks just so I had to get use to fighting in different area's.

Mihawk was watching the sword fight between myself and Shanks and saw I had a rhythm as I fought but never stayed to a single fighting pattern.

I panted after half an hour of fighting Shanks with Mihawk watching I had to sit down for awhile feeling exhausted and got a drink of water as I looked over to Mihawk.

"How's Zoro doing?" It has been about a year since we had all been split up but usually when Mihawk came he would fill me in on my nakama.

"He's progressing quickly; I see that your also progressing quickly. Come I want to see just how much stronger you have become Luna." Mihawk walked to the center where myself and Shanks had just been fighting a little while ago and I grabbed my blade as I got up and the blade was now black and I walked over standing face to face with Mihawk.

I stayed calm and waited before I attacked and used my armour haki on my blade to keep it from breaking and my visual haki was also active as I fought with Mihawk concentrating when we locked blades I was still exhausted from my training earlier.

Mihawk smirked a little. "Impressive; your definitely much stronger then our last confrontation. And to use both of your haki's at the same time shows me just how much you have mastered them." Mihawk tried to disarm me and I quickly moved both my blade and myself away and attacked from another angle.

Shanks watched us alert and was very serious. He was like a protective but proud father of not just me but of Luffy and Ace over the years. "Watch your footing Luna; remember never keep all your weight to one foot that puts you at a disadvantage. Keep moving your weight back and fourth between your feet it will help you move quicker."

"Got it." I did as Shanks said and kept up the sword fight with Mihawk and winced when Mihawk defeated me and his blade was at my neck and I sighed surrendering as I laid back.

I had bruises and cuts all over from the amount of times that Shanks and Mihawk today and I jumped when cold water got dumped on me and I sat up sputtering and shook my head. "YASOPP!"

Yassop laughed as he moved and took off as I got off and chased him around and had smirked when I managed to use the land to my advantage and caught him giggling when he tossed me into the deeper water and I came up and dunked him as well.

Mihawk had been watching with Shanks as the crew laughed watching the duo fighting in the water. "Their crew is getting stronger quicker then I have ever imagined possible. Zoro a week ago couldn't even make me budge and now I do get moved quite a ways from him; feeling Luna attacking me with her strength today she's definitely stronger and more refined then she was a month ago."

Shanks was serious as he watched. "Your right Mihawk; from the first day she started training on this ship she progresses in leaps and bounds. I can beat her one day and the next day or two she's stronger, and more aware. Her power is growing; her blade has a name it's finally told her."

"Which blade is it?" Mihawk was curious he knew that Luna's blade was strong and different.

"The cursed blade Hell Dancer; no one has been able to use that sword for years. I gave her that blade the day I left Luffy's Island; back then when Hell Dancer was dormant on my ship the blade had a seal on it; she had been close to it the one day and the seal broke. I knew that it chose her and now I see that Luna and Hell Dancer are the perfect team."

*Flashback Ends*

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