Chapter 63

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Luna's P

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Luna's P.O.V
Just as I saw some of the pirates getting worried how close to the main land we were...a report came that the island was moving away and I smiled softly figuring that Momo had finally managed to control his own clouds and was moving this floating death trap away from the main land.

A commotion was heard and I smirked seeing that Kidd and Law were back on their feet and Law's crew were cheering him on as I giggled. Kidd and Law for sure didn't like working together but they were working together to defeat Big Mama.

For sure many of us were pushing ourselves beyond our limits. All I could do now was really rest while I let my wounds get a break but I was alert for any dangers as well. I was surprised when Law used Shock Wille again and Kidd made sure that she couldn't escape his metal work.

Metal plus electricity even if the electricity came from inside the human body; it was still a conductor and that would no doubt electrocute if not kill her. She talked a big game but that was nothing for us to worry about; I stayed alert and looked to Chopper and the two medics with him. "How many walking wounded is there?"

"A lot of the people are walking wounds how come Luna?" Chopper asked looking worried.

I frowned thinking. "As long as Momo gets us all away from here and to a place of safety we're all going to have to dismount quickly and hopefully we can escape these burning ruins."

Jimbei also spoke up. "We haven't heard anything about Luffy; I'm starting to get worried."

I frowned and looked to the ceiling; I didn't have enough energy to use my haki to sense Luffy out but something told me that he was holding his own. "I believe in Luffy; he won't loose...he'll set all those innocent people free from Kaido's reign. Stay here I want to go see how Kidd and Law are doing; maybe I can save some people as well."

"But Luna the CP..." Chopper spoke up with worry one his voice.

I smiled softly as I kneeled and gave him a hug. "They think their strong and scary...I'll remind them why my people were always hired more then them. They want a fight I'll remind those pups of their place; and that's kissing the ground." I smiled playfully and saw Chopper smile happily as I stood once I let him go and looked to Jimbei. "Call if you's need anything; Franky is going for Zoro and I'm assuming someone else is looking for Sanji."

Chopper nodded his head and I smiled taking off as I hurried trying to avoid any fighting that I could. I heard shocks and looked to see a spot where I could climb up to get a better view and I did just that; as I got to the top of a pillar that was kind of knocked over I was shocked when Kidd appeared with what looked like a huge gun.

"YOU BRATS! I'M BIG MOM AND I HAVE TAKEN OUT MANY WANNA BE PIRATES LIKE YOU'S!!!" Big Mom was ticked but it worked in the favour of the captains.

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