Chapter 73

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Random P.O.V's
Sacred Marijoa
"So Nokia has finally descended upon the world!!" An elder spoke up seriously.

"And two of the four emperors, defeated in the same battle...this is not a matter we can cover up...the information with be all over the glove soon enough!! And the timing couldn't be worse!! do we respond?" Another elder spoke with white dread locks and a scar on the outside of his left eye spoke.

The seas near Wano
"You said that Zou is gone?"

"Yes sir! It just slipped away into the what was it doing?!"

"Then they are not opening up the country? Wano will remain an impregnable fortress, it seems...they must have changed tactics in response to the situation. Someone over there is very shrewd."

"Now there is no means of sending in a major force to occupy the nation."

"But you will at least bring back Nico Robin, Yes...?" The man said who seemed to act like the leader of the elders spoke to a CP0 agent.

"Without fail!!" The agents then noticed that their signals were starting to be jammed as they were talking and getting orders to them and out along with reporting anything going on.

Within Onigashima castle
A badly wounded Hawkins had struggled to where X-Drake laid on the ground heavily wounded as well. Hawkins needed or seemed to want to know that if it was true...that Drake was a navy man.

Drake wasn't going to answer Hawkins question as he looked over to the blonde male from the corner of his eye. Drake watched as Hawkins slid down a wall panting and heavily wounded from his last fight.

"You look like a total wreck...I thought your divination said you'd be long as you didn't...betray...Kaido..." Drake finally managed to find his voice and some strength to speak.

"I sank to working for Kaido because I sensed death in the presence of that monster. But Kid and Killer faced death bravely...and continued their resistance!! Even if I had foreseen their could I possibly turn back...and suck up to Kid again?" Hawkins spoke as he kept an eye on Drake but both heavily wounded.

Drake thought back to when Hawkins told him that if Drake was going to betray them it would have been that day or quick enough. It dawned on Drake after a bit when Hawkins had also told him that a certain man had a one percent chance of surviving till the next day...Hawkins had been talking about Drake.

The Flower capital was in full celebration seven days since the conclusion, people were celebrating and talking happily about the heroes of the past and present.

The children were listening to their teachers talking about the brave people, the children only hoped that one day they would be as brave as the people who won them their freedom.

Paradise Farm people were talking about those that had been fighting and heard that the man they were calling JoyBoy had left but in fact the crews had been hidden so they could rest and heal. They said JoyBoy was a hero only rivalled by the God of the Blade.

Eternal Graves, Ringi
"Build a temple?"


"Up on a hill with a view of the flower capital...just like this shrine to Ryuma, God of the Blade...only this one will honour Lord Oden!! And surrounding him, all the Daimyo who fought for the country...starting with Lord and Izo...I suppose we'll go in here someday too Onimaru!" The bigger sized male spoke happily as himself, Kin'emon and Marco were in the snow in front of a shrine where Ashura and Izo's weapons laid inside.

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