Chapter 91

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Team Luffy
"What happened to your head?! You're supposed to have a big head like a light bulb!!" Bonny shouted

Vegapunk smiled as he reached up with his left hand touching the attena on top of his head. "Ohhh, I really let it grown too long. So I cut it."

"No!! It's not like getting a haircut!!"

"About the time when I first met you... I was going to be the heigh of a giant before long."

"The dories always said you have a large head..." Jimbei spoke as he stood besides Bonny talking to Vegapunk along with Chopper while Luffy was playing around with the boots near by.

"It was like a hot air balloon." Bonny pitched in.

"Well you see, the truth is that I've got the brain-ba-Bain- - bang- - well, you see, the truth is I'v egot the brain-brain fruit, so I'm a brain-man!! I can store all kinds of knowledge without limits of any kind...but my brain physically grows to accommodate the amount of data it holds. It gives my preternaturally gifted mind an infinite data-bank. And thanks to that, I have the world largest brain, which continues growing to this day!!!"

Luffy was curious when Vegapunk said to this day and had to ask where it was, Chopper asked Vegapunk if he was good at medicine as well and Vegapunk confined that he was. And of course Luffy had to insult Vegapunk in a way by asking when he cut off his head if it made him dumb now but...that was Luffy being his typical self.

"This apple an antenna. Witness the tippy-too of the island. On the underside of the massive says Punk Records. That is the storage space for my brain."

"Whaaat?! That seems too big!!"

"Thanks to this antenna, I can connect to it with brain waves, even at this distance. There's no issue at all. Earlier I believe you met a young girl calling her Vegapunk. That was one of my clone offshoots. There are six of them on this island."

"You're a ninja?!" Luffy asked excited.

"Each of them is an expert in one of my necessary facets. All six of them together possess one complete copy of my personality, but they can do six times as much."

"What does that mean?!"

"Once everyday they synchronize their experiences and knowledge with Punk Records. Because of their personalities and duties are distinct, each one's experiences are worth-while and unique."

Luffy gulped shocked but curious as he listened and Jimbei was shocked that they all use the same brain and that the world of science goes over his own head.

Vegapunk went on to explain that they were to think of it like everyone using the same library, that if everyone had access to his brain then all of humanity would essentially share his intelligence. And if all of humanity was to take it one step further up they could create an entire sea of knowledge that would far surpass even Vegapunks intellect. Vegapunk said that one day humanity would be able to share a brain, this excited Chopper especially when he found out he would be able to know medical knowledge from all over the world.

"Won't you have issues of ideology gets inserted on top of everything else?" Jimbei question.

"Well, Jimei, First son of the sea, that's a very smart question to be asking. But science will never advance if you spend all your time worrying about it." Vegapunk chuckled.

Bonny was getting more ticked off as she withdrew the beam saber that she had grabbed earlier as she glared at Vegapunk still ticked over loosing her father in Vegapunk's greed for scientific knowledge, as she put it no one would be spare in its greed, including her father who had been turned into a mindless weapon of war.

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