Chapter 67

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Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci cursed when word came that all agents that had been on Wano had all failed and that included the one that was killed. Lucci had felt that Luna was keeping her faith strong but froze when he felt her happiness become stronger. 'Luna what is it? Is it Luffy?!'

'He's alive! Luffy's alive I knew he wouldn't leave us without him. We can all feel him; all but...I-I don't know Zoro's condition and I'm worried about him as well. But whatever is going on with Luffy...I think he has the supreme king haki.'

Lucci was shocked and he cursed when he noticed that all his snails were down and figured that it was do to the fire and and the fighting. 'What does he look like babe?'

'Like there's wax on him; he's laughing so much like he's crazy but...I-I think his devil fruit might be full awake. There is so much power coming from him but we can all feel him; we could tell that he was alive before we ever saw him. Kaido got rid of that agent since he interfered in their fight; your agent paid the price they all did.'

Lucci had been listening and growled at her but Lucci could tell that Luna was smirking from the tone she spoke with. 'When did you get so cocky?'

'When I decided that I was done allowing everyone and everything from trying to control me and telling me who I need to be; so long as I stay true to myself then I'm already winning. I'm not happy with so many people and for years I let my anger get to me...Shanks reminded me that anger has no place in the battle field only my will to fight and win is what I will ever need. But it's those around me and they give the strength I need to push forward; I swear Lucci we're going to make sure that we win here and then we will keep Wano away from the government. If I have to choose between you and my nakama then you know I'll choose my nakama; I love you Lucci but I will not let you loose your job or your reputation cause of me. They will kill you if they were to find out that your in a relationship with a pirate I don't want your blood on my long as...'

'Hold on Luna I'm close my love; I knew from the start that you would choose your nakama and that's alright with me so long as your alive and free that's all I have ever wanted for you. Hold on the elephant...'

'Zunesha...that's the elephants name; tell me do you know anything about Luffy's devil fruit?"

Lucci frowned as he knew that the government didn't want that particular devil fruit falling into anyone else's hands but he knew that there had to be more...there had to be a reason. 'Every era the government does everything it can to keep the Gum-Gum fruit out of the hands of anyone but it fails every's said some devil fruits have their own thoughts.'

'The government are idiots...wait is that why they were also trying to kill Robin because she can read the ruins. Is this also a part of the reason why'

'I believe so Luna; and if it is then you must be extra vigilant. Whatever happens now be prepared for the worse outcome; even if you win here there is no guarantee that your all still able to escape. You will be at war with the world.'

Lucci heard Luna snicker before she spoke. 'I already helped to declare war two years ago and you know it; since then I have been at war with those that try to harm me and those I hold dear. Whatever comes next will happen; till then I'll still follow Luffy and we will all leave here together.' Luna spoke seriously as she watched the fight between Luffy and Kaido.

Random P.O.V's
Luffy couldn't understand how he was still able to move even though he lost but he was having fun and as he laid there on the ground he started laughing as wax like stuff starting covering him and he stood. 'This is Gear Five!!' Luffy got up and headed out after Kaido wanting to finish their fight.

Sanji woke up where he was resting in Pleasure Hall, LeftBrain Tower and he was shocked as he could tell there was a change in Luffy and he didn't acknowledge the woman that he scared who had been tending to him. "Luffy...?!"

The old man who helped Luffy in Wano, Law, Kidd and Luna had been shocked when they not only heard Luffy's voice again but they could feel that there was a change in Luffy. Luna though smiled softly as she knew that Luffy wouldn't go down so easily and tears were in her eyes...her little brother was alive and that's all that mattered to her.

On the Performance Floor was Marco, Nami and the little girl that befriended Ace and while the two girls cried Marco was shocked but spoke up.

"Straw Hat...?! Hey! He's still breathing." He told the crying girls but like many others he too was looking at the ceiling waiting for something to happen.

Momo was surprised when Zenesha told him that Luffy was Joy-Boy. "LUFFY IS JOY-BOY?!"

"What? Is that what Zenesha is telling you?! That Luffy is Joy-Boy?!" Kaido's daughter spoke and was shocked like so many other people on the island.

Sacred Marijoa
*The Hall Of Power, Pangaea Castle*
"We've lost an elite Agent...and made Kaido angry. What was the point?"

The elders of the World Government spoke about the dangers that come with many of the devil fruits and the one that concerns them at the moment the Gum-Gum fruit. One elder said that there is a potential future that would make the beg for this outcome; and that it is always better to eliminate dangerous variables.

Another spoke up ticked off. "In era, the world government has attempted to recover the Gum-Gum fruit...and not once has it ever succeeded. For eight hundred years!!"

"It is as thought the devil fruit is trying to escape our grasp." A third member spoke. "And it very well might be."

"Zoan fruits contain a will of their own. And this particular fruit has the name of a god...The other name of the Gum-Gum fruit is...The zoan type Human-Human fruit...Mythical Type Model...NIKA!" A fourth member spoke seriously as he looked out a window with his back to his fellow elders.

"Possessing a body with the properties of rubber...and fighting in whatever way he fancies, bringing smiles to the faces of the people...The Warrior of Liberation, also known as...NIKA, THE SUN GOD."

"Awakening brings his rubbery body greater physical strength and freedom. It is said that in all the world...that there is no power more ridiculous!!" The elder spoke about Luffy's Gum-Gum fruit.

Luna's P.O.V
I was amazed when I saw Luffy fighting against Kaido again and I noticed that something was definitely different with Luffy and even his conquerors haki was so much more stronger then ever; all of Kaido's men were either afraid or passing out from him.

I kept watch and I gasped softly when I felt Sanji's presence awake and I looked around as Luffy and Kaido were fighting again but was surprised me was when Kaido apologized about the CP agent that had interrupted their fight from earlier.

"Come on Luffy end this hell for everyone; I believe I you little brother." Watching the duo fight and I went to join up again with Marco and Nami and I landed by Marco as I had jumped up and landed on the walk way and smiled softly looking to Marco.

"Luna?! Is Luffy really alright?" Nami and the girl came over tears in their eyes and I smiled softly nodding my head.

"He's alright I promise; he's fighting with Kaido so we should all make room for them let's get all of our allies away from the fight cause I don't know how bad it will get. All I know something is different with Luffy." I spoke to the trio with me. "Any word on Zoro and Sanji?"

"Nothing yet; I know Franky went to find Zoro and Sanji we can't find." Nami spoke and I could tell that she was worried.

I closed my eyes concentrating on everyone around me; I had been taught this on my island and had been using it more as I felt out Sanji and smiled softly. "I can feel Sanji but nothing from Zoro I can only hope that he's alright; now come on we have to stay away from this fight." I didn't know what it was but something kept bothering me; it was then it dawned on me that Shanks told me to always keep a close eye on Luffy and now I knew why...there was a chance Luffy would become more then everyone would have ever thought.

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